happy birthday dr oliver

Sep 13, 2010 14:44

Title - Happy birthday Dr Oliver 
Author - ameliaalexandra
Pairing - Luke/ Reid
Rating - NC- 17 (at times)
Disclaimer - None of the characters in this fic belong to me. Sadly.

Summary - Fluff! As a child, Reid never celebrated his birthday. Set in a shiny happy future universe. (Un-beta'd so I take full responsibility for all mistakes made.)

As a child, Reid had never really celebrated his birthdays. His parents weren't deliberately uncaring, but had loved him in their own, special way. A way that held the firm belief that birthday cake was bad for dental hygiene, the making of cards was an unneeded strain on the worlds natural resources and parties were too pointless, loud and messy for their gifted prodigy of a son. Gifts were given, albeit unwrapped, but were always something practical. A new history book. A chemistry kit. It wasn't that Reid was ungrateful for these gifts, it was just that Reid was a child and really desperately wanted some action figures.

As a child, Luke Snyder could be forgiven for thinking that his birthday was a national holiday. Breakfast was the most chocolatey cake known to man, eaten in bed. "Second breakfast" was very much of the same idea. Gifts were always extravagant and expensive, parties were always thrown, and Luke always felt like the most loved child in the world.

Which is why, why Reid casually announced that he might get something in the post from a old friend from college next week because it was his birthday on Thursday, Luke Snyder was thrown.

"Next Thursday?" he squeaked. "Next Thursday is your birthday? I can't believe you didn't tell me! I can't believe i've been living with you for a month, i've known you for almost a year, and I didn't know when your birthday was. Next Thursday? "

"Yes Luke, next Thursday. February 11th. I will be turning 37, it will be like any other February 11th, and you absolutely will not make a big deal out of it. "


"Now that Chris is settled here and has his own house, it just makes perfect sense for me and Jacob to move in with him," explained Katie patiently, moving around the apartment labelling everything in her path.

"Sense," the toddler agreed, nodding sagely.

"I can't believe you're leaving me," said Reid sadly, bouncing Jacob on his knee. "Your sandwiches were getting so good."

Katie stopped suddenly, and regarded Reid with a loving expression. "I will still love you, and you will still be my best friend. I just need to leave this place. It holds too many sad memories for me. I want to move on with my life. With Chris."

Reid nodded in understanding.

"You're welcome to stay here if you want. God knows you can afford the rent. But have you thought about moving in with Luke? You're at his apartment most nights anyway. He'd love to have you living there."

"I'm moving in with you," Reid announced the next evening over a Chinese takeout on Luke's living room floor. "You'd love to have me living here."

Luke waited a full ten seconds before exploding. "What the hell, Reid?! You totally just stole my moment! I was going to make it...I was going to make it romantic!" he fumed, gesturing wildly to the decapitated remains of a meal in front of them. "I was going to give you a key -"

"You gave me a key two months ago."

"- shut up. I was going to give you a key in a box and then-"

"You were really going to ask me?" Disbelief tinged Reid's tone.

"Well, yes, but that was before I knew you were such a thief. How do I know I can trust you with my belongings?"

Reid looked into Luke's brown eyes and smiled softly. He leaned forwards and framed Luke's face with his hand, shifting his entire body towards his boyfriend, softly kissing his lips. His other hand, the one that wasn't lightly grazing up and down the younger man's face, reached over to the left and stole Luke's last egg roll.

When Reid came home from the hospital the following night, it was to find Luke's apartment - and his, he reminded himself with a burst of happiness - looking quite different. In between the large plasma screen TV and a plush leather sofa, covering what was previously a large blank space of wall in the living room was a massive bookcase, full of books Reid knew had  been packed in boxes in Luke's office/spare room, and Luke's own published work.

Walking into the room Reid saw it looking exceptionally studious, with Luke's desk at one end, and a twin mahogany desk at the other, Reid's laptop and files sitting on top of it. Next to it was the small bookshelf Luke used for books "he couldn't stand to keep in boxes," filled with Reid's medical journals.

"How'd you do all this?" were the only words the doctor could bring himself to say.

"Casey helped with the shifting stuff," explained Luke, looking sickeningly earnest. "He went home about an hour ago, he has Sunday's off. You don't mind me moving your stuff do you?"

Reid could only shake his head in reassurance and disbelief. Further nosings around the large apartment uncovered his own closet space in the bedroom, alongside the drawer he had claimed for himself when Luke first bought the place, a chess board in the living room, and about a years supply of sandwich fillings in the fridge.

Reid turned to look at his boyfriend, who had been following him around the apartment like a shadow. He knew that nothing he could possibly say would voice how grateful he was to Luke for letting him into his life and home, so he settled for pushing Luke against the nearest doorway, kneeling down on the kitchen floor and sucking his boyfriend's cock.


Next Thursday, on February 11th, on his 37th birthday, Reid Oliver woke up with a hard cock and Luke Snyder's tongue in his ass.

"Gddmffnggh" Luke mumbled from within the depths of Reid's ass, licking around his crack before plunging his tongue in once more, bringing his other hand up to roll Reid's full balls around in his palm.

Just when Reid was about to come, Luke withdrew his tongue from his ass, and licked patterns up and down the back of Reid's ass, kissing his boyfriends quivering thighs. Just when Reid was about to make his complaints loudly known Luke suddenly replaced his tongue with his hard, thick cock.

Reid cried out in pleasure and surprise and the two of them quickly found a rhythm, Reid on his hands and knees in front of Luke, who had a firm grip on Reid's hips and hair, and was kissing his back sloppily as he pounded into him from behind. It was over far too quickly for either of them, Reid crying out as he came onto the bedsheets and Luke quickly following suit, spilling into his boyfriends ass. (They had stopped using condoms when they started living together.)

"Good morning!" said Luke breathlessly, briefly holding a boneless Reid in his arms before climbing out of bed, still completely naked. "Happy birthday you! Just let me go get your present."

"Mr Snyder," began Reid, pretending like he wasn't feeling loved and happy and completely relaxed and all the other things he didn't know the meaning of before he had moved to Oakdale, "how much of what I  tell you do you actually - wait, that wasn't my present?"

Luke shook his head sadly before running into the living room, removing a large wrapped parcel from a hidden location within the apartment, scurrying back into the bedroom, dropping the gifts on Reid's lap and climbing back into bed.

Reid looked from his gift to his grinning, gorgeous, naked boyfriend and back again numerous times before blinking back what he would swear to his dying day was not tears. Luke just gently stroked his hair and said nothing. He knew all about his partners childhood.

Reid carefully ripped open the wrapping paper of the first gift, (he didn't care how dumb it was, it was something he was going to hang on to) to reveal a card reading, Dear Reid, Happy first birthday! My love, forever, Luke x, the leather jacket Reid pretended not to salivate all over whenever they passed the shop window, a very expensive looking monogrammed briefcase, and a G.I Joe action figure.

Once again, Reid could not find any words. He grabbed Luke's shoulders and, careful not to let his new treasures drop onto the floor, kissed the hell out of his boyfriend. Because it was either that or cry. And crying was not what people who owned G.I Joe action figures did.

An hour and a half later, when Reid was miraculously driving to work on time, he thought back on the mornings events with a wide smile. He had allowed Luke to talk him into a "manly bubble bath" under the condition that he could take Joe in with him. (It turned out to be just about the most erotic 30 minutes of their relationship, and not at all appropriate for Joe's eyes).

He had been yelled at by Luke for taking too long fixing his hair in the bathroom. "You know," he yelled back indignantly, "it is my birthday. And you're really not one to talk about hairstyles, floppy."

"I met you during a weird time in my life, okay?! My hair reflected that!" came the hollered reply.

Breakfast was a beautiful, delicious, but god bless Luke clearly home made and slightly lopsided chocolate cake. "Don't eat too much though," Luke warned, as Reid attacked his fourth slice. "I'm taking you out tonight."

And as Reid walked through the halls of memorial, wearing his new jacket and carrying a monogrammed briefcase with an action figure in it, to a chorus of "Happy birthday, Dr Olivers!", he couldn't even bring himself to scowl.

A/N I tried to use American terms because they're an American couple, so sorry if any English lingo slipped in! Also, I'd like to take this time to point out that this community has two of the greatest mods ever. That is all <3

luke/reid, atwt, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: ameliaalexandra

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