The Butterfly Effect 2/?

Aug 31, 2010 17:54

Title: The Butterfly Effect 2/?

Author: moonchilddj

Characters/Pairings: Luke, Reid, OCs/LuRe

Rating: Light R/NC-17

Summary: AU-ish. When the breaking of one relationship sends him running from Oakdale, can the new face of another man put Luke’s heart back together?

Beta: Beta-less because I lost my beta. D= Anyone wanna take up the reins?

Disclaimer: I sadly own nothing of the handsome menz of As the World Turns, though I wish I did! It’d be easier to get sexy tiemz, broadcast station or not! ^_~ All I own is the story itself and the OCs, everything else recognizable belongs to CBS, Proctor and Gamble and so on!

Author’s Note: Thank you SO MUCH for the comments on my last chapter, everyone! I adored knowing that you guys liked what was floating around in my noggin! XD Sorry it’s taken so long for me to get the second chapter out! Real life intruded. XD Here’s hoping you all like this chapter just as much!


He was a handsome guy, he had to give them that. His eyes were gorgeous, a strong blue color that felt like lasers when they focused on him. He had a dashing appearance, a long nose, narrow cheekbones, a generous mouth, long, lean body.

Luke took the man in quickly, hoping that he wasn’t outright staring at him when the man, Reid, asked him if he would spend a little time with him. He wasn’t used to this sort of thing. Rick said that a few guys would try to get into his pants, and he could rebuke them if he wanted. But this guy…there was something about him.

“Um…well…” he muttered, feeling a rush of heat flood his skin as those eyes turned to him again. “I’m…not really sure.”

Reid rolled a shoulder a little, and gave him half of a quirky smile. “I promise not to molest you.”

The blond laughed. “Oh, why thank you. So kind of you.”

“I thought so~” Reid tried not to stare at the young man, but it was hard, with that supple body and legs that went on forever. He licked his bottom lip absently, and took a long swig of his beer when Luke gulped down his water, a few trickles escaping his mouth and sliding down that sweat-dampened skin. He was so very tempted to lick them off…

He adjusted himself on his stool, very much aware that his jeans had shrunk a few sizes too small at the delicious sight of the blond beside him. Clearing his throat, he tried to look as if he’d done this sort of thing forever as he placed on a charming smile. “So, your boss tells me this is your first night. I take it you’re new in town?”

“Yeah.” Luke replied breathlessly, making Reid have to bite off a groan when just that breathless register made him imagine what else could make him breathless. Unaware of what he was doing, he smiled at the older man. “Just came into Dallas a few days ago, I’m a small town kind of guy. What about you?”

“I’ve been living in Dallas for about…six years now.” Reid replied as he glanced at him. “So I’m pretty used to the city life.”

“Anything else you’re used to?” Luke replied, trying not to blush as he turned into him so their knees brushed together again. He didn’t have a lot of experience with flirting, especially with older men. Well, at least flirting with older men while he was sober. But he wanted to try, at the very least. What was the harm in flirting, after all? He wasn’t attached, and the guy was pretty hot, especially when that smile crept up again on the man’s face. He looked like he needed to do it more often.

Reid chuckled softly, eyeing up the slightly-flushed blond. So the attraction was mutual. Flattering, since the younger man was delicious, and he wanted nothing more than to take him back somewhere and just…a shudder ran through him, and he leaned his elbow on the bar top, shifting forward just slightly as if to whisper to him conspiratorially.

“Using my hands~” he drawled playfully, amused when the slight pink flush turned darker on the blond’s cheeks. He was really too adorable. He’d seduced a few young men in his time, but none like this one, so wide-eyed and sweet and sensual at the same time. He was an enigma wrapped in a pretty package of leather and denim, and he was very tempted up to open up the hot little gift, if only time and the blond allowed him to.

Luke cleared his throat softly as he gazed at Reid. Talk about not beating around the bush…he was fairly decent at speaking up on his desires, but this guy had him beat. He licked his lips, feeling heat shoot in a straight arrow for his groin when the other man watched him. “Um…” he croaked, then laughed sheepishly as Reid smirked. “Wow, um…if that wasn’t a loaded answer.” he replied playfully. He managed to swallow down a gulp, somehow, when Reid moved his stool closer, so that his knees were bent, just slightly, between his, forcing Luke to sit somewhat in a straddled position.

“Just the truth.” Reid hummed, watching Luke take in a shaky breath that made his chest heave. “My occupation, you know~ I’m a doctor.”

“Oh…!” Luke replied, his eyes widening in realization. A doctor, of course, why didn’t he realize that? “Oh, I thought…um…”

Reid smirked lightly, and reached out, drawing his fingertips over the blond’s cheek. “That’s the whole point of flirting, Luke~ But I’ll let it slide this time.”

He was sure he forgot how to breathe in that moment, stunned at the light glide of fingers as tingles shot through him simultaneously. Luke sucked in a breath, parting his lips as those eyes met his. Never had he had such a reaction, such a driven need to kiss a man before. Not even Noah, when their relationship had been fresh and young.

Luke reached out to steady himself, a hand resting clumsily on Reid’s knee as he licked his lips. “I-I…” he sputtered, stunned at how easily the other man had him flustered. He normally wasn’t like this, he was fairly good at displaying his intent. This guy, however…

“Speechless?” Reid murmured as his thumb ran over the curve of the younger man’s jaw. “Glad to know that I still got it.”

He laughed, despite himself, and grinned at Reid. “I’m sure you never lost it in the first place. You seem pretty confident with yourself.”

“You’re not bad yourself. Dancing before a crowd of red-blooded gay men in getup like that…that takes some courage. Sure you’ve never done it before?”

“Never.” Luke assured him  with a grin. “Did I do well?”

“Oh, more than well. You saw your appreciative little fan club, didn’t you?”

“Yeah…and what about you?”

Those dark eyes turned to him, and Reid leaned forward, capturing Luke’s jaw lightly as he brushed his mouth over his. Just a taste. A taste wasn’t bad, right? He heard the other man give a small gasp, and shudder against him, but the thing about little tastes was that one wanted more.

“I think it’s safe to say you have my attention, Luke. In a lot of ways.” he purred quietly, his voice a near whisper as his lips brushed his with every syllable.

Luke nearly melted with the touch. He hadn’t even kissed him, not properly, and yet…he strained for more, in danger of tipping over his stool or falling right into the other man’s lap, and really, that wouldn’t be horrible at all as he sucked in a quiet breath through his teeth, trembling as heat followed every brush of the man’s lips.

“Luke!” Rick’s voice called, snapping the outside world back to the younger man with all the force of a rubber band, as Luke jerked upright, blushing. “Kid, it’s almost time for your next set, you ready?”

Luke glanced lingeringly at Reid, missing that touch against his skin like one would a phantom pain as the older man set his hands at his side. He swallowed and smiled at him.

“Hey, um…you’ll be hanging around, won’t you? You’re not going to leave?” he replied, giving him a pleading look and flashing dimples.

Before he had seen the blond, Reid had thought he wouldn’t hang around long. Drink a beer or two, look around, and head out, that was his game plan. But as Luke looked at him, and he thought about watching that lithe body move again, talking to the younger man again…he couldn’t have left if he wanted to.

He grinned at the blond, and winked at him. “I’ll be right here.” he assured him as Luke beamed.

“See you, then.” he replied, before he slid off of the barstool, feeling excited and almost anticipatory. He strode back through the crowd, smiling, and headed back for the platform as Reid watched him, resting a chin in his hand and eyes glued to that denim-clad ass.

Maybe it hadn’t been a bad idea to have Eric talk him into coming to this place, after all. But he definitely wasn’t letting his friend know that, or he’d never let him live it down.

Luke took a deep breath as he climbed back up onto the platform, ignoring the lecherous whistles in favor of scanning the packed crowd for that handsome face again. When he found Reid, still looking at him, he beamed, teeth flashing and dimples out for all their worth. Somehow, it made him feel good to see the man. It eased the butterflies in his stomach, and made him want…oh, he hardly wanted to go there, but he wanted to make the man so hard, it was almost scandalous.

He bit his lip and winked at him before he spread his legs, denim stretching to accommodate the movement, and drew his hands over his vest, making sure his hat was still in place before the music started up again. The driving guitar beat caused him to grind his hips into the sound, throwing his pelvis forward as his back arched and his head tilted back.

‘You better take it from me

That boy is like a disease

You run and you try and you’re tryin’ to hide

And you’re wondering why you can’t get free

He’s like a curse, he’s like a drug
You’ll get addicted to his love

You wanna get out, but he’s holdin’ you down

‘Cause you can’t live without one more touch

He’s a good time, cowboy Casanova

Leaning up against the record machine

He looks like a cool drink of water

But he’s candy-coated misery

He’s the devil in disguise, a snake with blue eyes

And he only comes out at night

Gives you feelings that you don’t want to fight

You better run for your life’

Reid couldn’t take his eyes off of the gorgeous blond, and was sure that his jeans had grown another few inches smaller as he swallowed hard. He barely knew his name, had only talked to him for a few moments, but the way Luke moved was unlike any man he’d ever seen, and he’d had a few flings here and there with some pretty good-looking guys.

“Thank god he’s legal…” he muttered to himself, finishing his beer in a breathless gulp, and ordering another with his eyes half on the bartender, and more on the blond gyrating to the music. If Luke hadn’t said that it was his first night dancing, he would’ve thought that Luke was an old pro. It was far too easy to imagine him as a Chippendales dancer, or something a bit more private, with a lap dance or two…

He groaned to himself and swept a hand through his hair. He was sure that no one had caught his attention so quickly. Not where he wanted to drag him off of the platform, haul him up onto the bar and kiss the life out of him. Or find a backroom, really quick.

When the blood had stopped thrumming in his ears--since all of it had traveled down south--Reid noted that he wasn’t the only one affected. The crowd was all swept up into the dancers, with catcalls and whistles, and he ground his teeth together. It was unreasonable that he wanted to drag Luke off and hide him somewhere, but it was right there. He didn’t want anyone but himself looking at the blond. He hadn’t realized that he could be so jealous.

“First time for everything…” Reid sighed as he watched the blond shimmy to the music with a wiggle of his hips, stomping a foot as he pivoted to face back the way he had started. Their eyes met again, and he felt like the world had melted out from under him when Luke threw him a coy smile and tipped his hat to him.

Was the man flushed? It couldn’t have been the beer. Luke felt a huge wave of pride slide through his veins as he gazed at Reid. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of him for one second, and the way those eyes watched him gave him shivers, as if he was the best thing he’d seen in a long time, or that he just wanted to eat him.

Both would work, really. Reid was gorgeous, confident, sensual…it was such a difference from what he had known that it made Luke smile as he swirled around, making sure to put an extra shimmy in his movements for Reid alone, his thumbs hooking onto the belt loops of his jeans. If it caused the denim to tighten around his groin, well…so much the better. He didn’t mind flirting at all when it came to such an appreciative gaze.

Reid nearly fell off his barstool when the jeans rode lower on the blond’s hips with the movement, exposing the indent of hipbones. He had seen the light sprinkling of dark blond hair on Luke’s chest, so he had no problem whatsoever imagining there might be a trail to lead down past those jeans. Swallowing past a dry mouth, he wondered if he could bribe Luke’s boss to let him dance with him…or at the best, find out just what Luke’s jeans hid.

He heard a chuckle from over his shoulder, and looked over the bar to Rick, who was watching him in amusement.

“Better wipe up that drool, boy, yer eagerness is showin’!”

He’d be embarrassed if he wasn’t so terribly aroused. Reid wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and cleared his throat. “Any way I can have some time with him?” he asked, slanting the older man a glance. “Alone? Without the majority of men eyeing him up?”

Rick laughed. “Well, that’d be his choice if he wanted it. This ain’t no escort service, what you want and he wants ‘s on your time! But he’ll be getting a break in a half hour…if’n you wanna ask him then, an’ if he’s agreeable, there’s the back offices…ya didn’t hear it from me, though.”

“Of course.” Reid replied with a smirk, nodding to the man, before he glanced back at Luke again, putting two fingers between his lips and whistling when the song finished with the blond on his knees. Asking? Oh yeah. He was definitely going to ask. He’d be a fool not to, after having a chance like this.

So maybe he wouldn’t throttle Eric after all for dragging him out for a night on the town.


When Luke finished his set, to be replaced with another dancer, he was immediately bombarded with a group of men, most of them discreet, but asking for the same thing, some of his time in a personal, intimate fashion.

Cheeks red, he glanced around at the throng, amazed at just what a few hip wiggles, and maybe some thrusts, could do. In the back of his mind, he thought of Noah, and felt almost triumphant that other men could want him in ways that his ex wouldn’t or couldn’t, depending on his mood. It was nice on his ego, really.

He gifted the men with a bright smile, dimples flashing, and politely shook his head with a thanks, sliding out of the mass of masculinity. If one or another might’ve copped a feel as he passed, he let it slide, jumping a little sheepishly as he chuckled to himself.

“Having fun?” Reid drawled, and Luke might’ve been convinced it was just a casual question, if it wasn’t for the fact that his jaw was clenched. Jealousy, he was familiar with, but on the older man, it looked rather adorable. He couldn’t help but smile as he dropped himself onto the barstool beside him.

“Now I am.” he replied, watching a smile creep up on Reid’s face. He thanked him for the bottle of water handed to him, and took a healthy swallow or three.

“So…what are you going to do with your break?” Reid asked, gazing at him out of the corner of his eye.

“Mm? Probably grab a little something to eat, rest a little. Why?”

Reid scooted his stool closer, so he could whisper into the blond’s ear.

“I thought we’d might become better…acquainted.”

Luke nearly choked, gazing at him wide-eyed and taking in the interest that glittered in his eyes. If that wasn’t flattering, then really, he needed to collect his senses. The doctor was drop-dead gorgeous, and could have anyone that he wanted with a crook of his finger and those eyes. And he’d set his sights on him.

“You’re really…not shy about letting people know what you want, huh?”

Reid snorted softly, smirking. “Hardly. I’m not one to beat around the bush, professionally or personally.”

“Wow, people must love you.”

The older man shrugged. “Some people can’t take honesty.” He glanced at Luke again. “What about you?”

The blond licked his lips, flushing when Reid’s eyes followed the action. “It’s kinda refreshing.” he replied softly, his breath catching when Reid moved even closer. Forget about knees brushing, the older man’s thigh had grazed up along the inside of his. Heat rushed through his veins as those electric eyes met his.

“Refreshing?” Reid echoed.


Reid smiled at his stammering. He was actually making him flustered. So he still had it, then, as he leaned closer, lips brushing his.

“Then maybe we could…take this somewhere private?”

“Wh-where?” Luke gulped. He tottered out of his seat, flushing when his hand was grabbed.

“I know a place.”

“But my boss--” Luke protested, following him despite his words, because really, he couldn’t have said no if his life depended on it.

“He suggested a place to go, actually.” Reid replied as he glanced at him, sidestepping those who wanted to belly up to the bar or otherwise chat up the blond. “If that’s okay with you?”

So he was putting it in his hands. He was asking him, in a roundabout way, if he wanted to be with him. Some part of Luke found that impossibly sweet and just a touch nervous. So maybe Reid wasn’t as confident as he looked…he smiled at the older man, and squeezed his hand.

“Sounds perfect. Lead the way.”

He was gifted with a breathtaking smile from the doctor, and he was sure he had stopped breathing for a moment as they paused in front of the back doors that lead to the offices.

“Good to know that I’m not the only one wanting this. A little mutual want is good for the soul.” Reid’s voice breathed huskily against his ear, and Luke couldn’t help leaning into it with a low moan. He pressed Reid against the wood paneling, capturing those firm, kissable lips finally as he surged in for a taste.

Fingers curled into Reid’s hair, holding him close and thrilling when he felt fingers resting on the small of his back. He tasted good. Not like beer, though that was there as well, but warm and rich, like melted-over chocolate. He wasn’t one to hold back from taking the first step, but it was nice to not be met with surprise, but out-and-out pleasure and want. The knowledge soared through him, and he opened his mouth, stroking his tongue over Reid’s lips and moaned again when he was welcomed in, so easily.

His tongue tangled with the eager one within, and he leaned into him, pressed chest to hip against Reid as his other hand moved to the back of the man’s neck.

He only broke the kiss with a small squawk of surprise when one of Reid’s hands cupped around his ass and squeezed, gasping and shuddering as he locked his gaze with the pleased features of the older man.

“Been a while?” Reid asked softly, and Luke swallowed hard.

“You could say that.”

“Mm. Let me fix that for you.”

Reluctant fingers let go of him, and took Luke’s hands again, yanking him into the back offices and closing the door behind them before his lips found Luke’s again.

The man knew how to kiss, that was a given, and he felt his knees buckling as he stumbled along with him.

“How long?”

“Uh?” Luke muttered, more than a little dazzled before he found himself eased gracefully in the garnet-red leather sofa against the wall.

Reid snorted softly, gazing down at him. The guy could not get any more adorable. “How long has it been, since you’ve been with someone?” he replied, kneeling down before him and gazing up into the flushed face.

“Oh, um…you mean sex? About a year.” Luke murmured, thankful he only stammered a little bit, partly with the question, but mostly of the fingers tracing a path over his knee.

“And you’re not attached? How in the world did you manage that?”

Luke blinked. “What do you mean?”

“Look at you, Luke. Look at all the other guys out there that would love to have a minute with you. You’re gorgeous. Why you’re still single is beyond me.”

“Oh…um…well.” He coughed, and looked down sheepishly. “My…last boyfriend said I was too clingy and hovering, so…I haven’t looked.”

Reid slipped a finger under the blond’s chin, and tilted his head back up so they were eye to eye. “Your ex is an idiot, then.”

He could feel the heat soaring all the way up to his ears. “You don’t know me…I mean, what if I’m--”

He placed a finger over the blond’s lips. “Sure, I only met you tonight, Luke. But I like what I see. I want to know more about you. Obviously your ex treated you pretty callously, or else you wouldn’t be here. His loss. My gain. But only if you want me to.”

“I do.” Luke breathed softly, leaning down to kiss him again. “I do…it’s crazy. I don’t know what it is, but I want to know about you, too. All about you.”

Reid chuckled softly. “We’ll get to that. You’re not going anywhere anytime soon, right?”

“No. I think I’ll be staying in Dallas for a while.”

“Good. So…let me give you a good Dallas welcome.”

Luke was a bit confused, but only for a moment. Only until Reid’s lips fitted over a nipple, and he forgot about Noah, forgot about the rest of the world as he sighed, closing his eyes and arching his back as his fingers dug into the curly red-brown strands. He was just too good with his mouth.

“Nn…sounds…promising…” he gasped.

“Mm-hm.” Reid hummed, and was grateful he’d asked Rick about these back rooms. He wouldn’t want anyone else hearing the soft, breathy moans the blond uttered or anyone else seeing the flush of pleasure crawling over Luke’s face as he arched into him. He wasn’t going to let anyone see or experience just what he was experiencing when he’d let Eric talk him into a night out on the town.

He’d have to thank him for that, really. A bottle of wine? Taking on the extra load of patients? A good hooker? He’d have to think about that later as his tongue went to the other nipple, just so it wouldn’t feel left out. Later. When he wasn’t in the midst of pleasuring a gorgeous blond he definitely wanted to get to know better.

!author|artist: moonchilddj, fan fiction

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