The Morning After

May 03, 2010 11:52

Ok, this is the second part to "The Night Before".

Fandom: As the World Turns
Characters/Pairings: Luke/Reid
Rating: I suck with ratings. Pretty PG-13 Fluff
Summary: The Morning after the night before
Disclaimer: Not my characters, not my show, just my random imagination
Author's Notes:
I'm a SUCKER for cuddles and cuteness so I hope I did it justice. Kinda switchs to Luke's thought after the "..........."
I swear if we ever see Dr O in this kinda scene, I'd need some sort of resusitation ;)

I shall write more after exams and maybe if I can't sleep I'll end up randomly rambling some more... I only ever wanted to write two parts to this though

I hope you enjoy (please be honest!) and if you listen to She & Him "If you can't sleep" on YT.... this was a kinda inspiration for it. I LOVEEEE that song

Waking up was never something Reid found easy. Hours of work made you ache in places you never though possible and it was always a struggle, but not today. This was far from a struggle.

Reid’s heart had never felt full before. He was always aware of it and had just accepted that this was it. Lying naked with an incredibly gorgeous blonde wrapped up in his arms was what it took to prove him wrong.

The sight of Luke’s messy blonde head tucked unto the crook of his neck was too much. When did I become so damned soppy? Resisting Luke was impossible, this much he knew, but the very fact that Luke had chosen him and had actively explained to Noah that this was his decision, made it to much more difficult. There was no need to resist now. He sighed and shocked himself at the undertone of contentment.


“Ok ... I have never... ever... been as comfortable as I am right now.” Luke whispered groggily. He shuffled closer to Reid and snuggled his head deeper. Luke felt as if he was keeping his heart from bursting.

“I didn’t realise you were awake.” Reid whispered into Luke’s hair, his warm breath causing Luke to shudder slightly.

“I was just lying thinking.”

“Oh that’s dangerous.” Reid teased. Luke peered up under his eyelids and mocked a scowl followed by a slow smile.

“Really? Even after sex, you still can’t play nice?”

Reid smirked slightly, leaning closer with each word. “Mr Snyder, you know fine well I can play very ... very ... very... nice.”

Luke shivered as Reid’s lips met his gently, his eyelashes fluttering closed. Damn he was sexy. He never imagined Reid could be so soft and tender too. This was a side to the doctor that nobody else saw and Luke felt so lucky.

Luke felt Reid’s hand slide down his back and rest in the nook right at the bottom. With frustrated pleasure, Luke pressed himself closer and closer with each kiss. Not close enough.

When Reid’s lips eventually pulled away, Luke lazily snuggled his head back into Reid’s neck and let his right arm fall across the doctor’s chest to his shoulder. He gently stroked the soft skin and wondered if he was the first person to see Reid like this or to touch him in this way. He could never tell. He always felt his youth when he was around the doctor but was somehow treated as an equal, something new to Luke. He was sure that someone like Reid had been with plenty of guys before.



At Luke’s words, Reid’s right arm, the one trapped under Luke’s body, wound its way up to play with his messy blonde strands and he shuddered again. Never had someone made him feel like this before, ever nerve ending was tingling and he wanted to cry.

“I’m sorry.”

Reid closed his eyes tight and frowned. “Luke, you really don’t have to do this.”

Luke tilted his head to fix his brown eyes on Reid’s and carried on. “I do. I really do because you didn’t deserve the way I treated you. I’m so sorry. I know I can be spoiled and impulsive and I know I can be an ass at times but I was so confused and especially because you make me feel so ...”

He stopped and didn’t know what to say to carry on.

“I didn’t exactly make it any easier on you.” Reid’s playful fingers tickled Luke’s hair on the back of his neck and Luke felt himself squirm and sigh.

“Oh my god...” Luke sighed and gave up. Reid smiled slowly and understood. Words were just not enough right now and even trying to think was impossible. This shit was intoxicating, Reid thought.

“I swear if you don’t stop playing with my hair I’m going to die.”

“Not dramatic at all ...”

“Since when are you like this?” Luke rested his chin on Reid’s chest, peering upwards.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean... since when are you so ... oh god I don’t know ... THIS!”

Reid chuckled quietly. “Tell anyone and you will die. I mean it.”

Now it was Luke’s turn to laugh. He buried his face in Reid’s neck again and knew this was his new favourite place. “How long have we got before you go off to save lives and scrub up?” Luke internally prayed that this one day could last forever.

“I’ve got a consultation at one.”

Luke sneakily planted a kiss on the spot between Reid’s jaw and ear. He felt the doctor sink lower into the mattress and pull him closer.

“Has anyone ever told you how cute you are?”

“Doctor Oliver, you just called me cute.”

“Like I said, tell anyone and you die.”

Luke softly chuckled.



“Can I ask you something?”


“Where did you get your scar?”

Luke stiffened and Reid felt it. He panicked he’d crossed the line and tried to back peddle.

Luke re-rested his chin on Reid’s chest and sighed. He spent the next few minutes explaining everything, from his surgery, his drinking, Colonel Mayer and the rest o the insanity that seemed to make up his past.

When he finished, Reid lay wide eyed and sighed loudly. Luke felt anxious. He’d never really told anyone all of that before, especially not while cuddling someone, lying naked and vulnerable.

As Luke’ head found its favourite resting place, Reid’s fingers traced gently patterns on the back of his neck sending jolts of pure pleasure every which way.

“Thank you.”

“What for?”

“For not freaking out when I told you.”

Reid laughed instantly. “Luke, that’s not my style.”

Luke wondered if this moment could possibly get any better.

“Do you maybe want to stay tonight?” Luke glanced at Reid’s serious face and smiled as he was sure he could see the start of a blush forming. Since when did Doctor Sarcastic do coy? Luke felt proud and giddy.


That was all Reid needed to hear. He tightened his grip on Luke, pulled him close and rested his chin on Luke’s head. Damn this was perfect.

“Although I want a replay of last night. Whatever you did. Do it again. Lots.” Luke blushed and nervously laughed.

Reid knew he was good, hell he was talented at more than brain surgery, but he also knew Luke didn’t have much experience. What the hell had Noah been doing all these years?

Reid let his hand glide down Luke’s chest, sliding slowly until Luke shuddered and let out a small sound that sent Reid insane.

“Your wish is my command.” He cheekily smirked as Luke pulled himself up to hungrily kiss at Reid’s lips. Reid’s hand didn’t stop and Luke felt his eyes roll and his breathing stutter. Reid felt every second and ever emotion and wanted to show Luke everything he’d been missing. He kinda loved seeing Luke squirm.

The kissing grew deeper and harder. Reid’s hands finishing the job as Luke trembled with desire. Reid’s laboured touch drew patterns as he forcefully pushed his hands up Luke’s back and into his hair. Luke’s fingers played frantically with Reid’s skin, hair, ears ... anything. He couldn’t stop touching and kissing....

Closer and deeper, faster and harder.

As Reid felt his touch lighten, he gently laced his fingers through Luke’s hair and drew him down to a gentle and slow kiss.
“Please don’t go to work,” Luke pleaded between soft kisses, “tell them you’re ill or, I don’t know, anything, just don’t stop...”

Luke frowned deeper into the kiss and Reid whispered “I told you Luke ... stopping is not an option.”

rating: pg-13, !author|artist: happyinchintz72, fan fiction

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