Ficlet: The Magic Word

May 02, 2010 13:41

Title: The Magic Word
Author: indigo_5
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Chapter: 1/1
Word Count: ~650
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimers: I own nothing. Please don't sue.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Really nothing to summarize. This is just 650 words of smut.
Notes: I kind of can't believe I wrote this. My first Luke/Reid ever. Hope you enjoy. *hides head in hands*

“Please. Please.” Luke keeps repeating the word. He doesn’t know what he’s asking, but it’s the only word coming out. Reid is on top of him, inside of him, driving in hard. He twists a little, changes the angle, and Luke gasps. “Please,” Luke says again, clutching at Reid’s back.

Reid’s sides are slick with sweat. Or maybe Luke’s legs are. They keep slipping down, and he keeps raising them, clutching tighter, needing more. Reid hovers over him, mouth an inch above, almost kissing. He licks at Luke’s lips, keeps up the slow, firm pace. “I like that,” Reid says, his voice low, confident. Even as his ragged breathing makes the words shake a little. “Like it when you beg.”

Oh God. It’s too big, too much, too good. Luke wrenches a hand off Reid’s back and tries to work it between them, needing to touch himself, needing more. Reid moves fast, grabbing both of Luke’s wrists and pinning them quick above his head. “Oh,” Luke moans, tilting his head back, driving his hips against Reid. Reid’s mouth attaches itself to his throat, sucking a bruise, and his thrusts are coming harder now. “Yes,” Luke pants. “Harder. Please.”

Reid chuckles against his skin. “You don’t tell me what to do.” But he is fucking in harder now, and faster, too. He bites down and Luke whines, his voice hardly human now, his body hardly under his control. He tries to lift a hand up but Reid tightens his grip, shifting to hold both wrists with one hand now, dragging the other one slowly down. Down over Luke’s arm, his side, his ribs. There's something dirty about the way it slides over him, feeling its way. It’s reaching between them now, and Luke can’t stand it. He can’t stand it.

“Hmmh.” He doesn’t have words anymore. There aren’t any words.

“Look at me.” Luke’s eyes open immediately. Reid is staring him down, his gaze so intense, so focused. The hand is touching him now, fingers wrapping around his cock, holding him steady. Not moving. “Beg.”

Luke opens his mouth. No words come out. Just sounds. Just panting. He’s so close. His whole body is alive with it. He’s been hanging on the edge of coming for so long he thinks maybe he might die when it finally happens. But he still doesn’t have the words.

Reid kisses him, hard, pushing his tongue in, and Luke meets it desperately, lifting his head up, craving more. But it’s over as soon as it begins, and Reid's mouth is out of range again. Luke lifts his head off the pillow, chasing after it, but Reid stays just far enough away. “Beg.” His eyes are even darker now.

Luke licks his lips. He can still taste Reid on them. “Please,” he says, a whimper.

And then everything is happening at once. Reid’s hand is jerking him fast, sliding over him roughly, and he’s kissing him again, so hard that Luke hears as much as feels the quick thunk of his head back onto the pillow. And that cock is pushing in so deep, so fast, so hard, everything twice as good as before, and Luke is bucking his hips like a madman, meeting every stroke. The hand that was holding him down disappears, then reappears on his ass, pulling him firmly up against Reid’s cock again and again and again, and Luke grabs madly for Reid’s back, pulling him in tighter, closer, better, more.

The kiss breaks and they pant against each other’s mouths, both groaning now, and Reid has finally lost his cool. “So hot,” he whispers, his eyes shut tight. “So fucking hot, Luke.”

It’s weird that after all that, it’s the name that sets him off. But it does. The pleasure explodes out of Luke like a hydrogen bomb and his whole body spasms as he howls out his release, gasping for air. When Reid follows a moment later, he groans Luke’s name, and Luke falls back against the mattress, out of breath, and smiles.

nsfw, rating: nc-17, !author|artist: indigo_5, fan fiction

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