Fic: Anatomy

Jul 29, 2010 23:04

Title: Anatomy
Rating: PG
Summary: Reid muses about Luke's physical characteristics. 
Spoilers: None, just a moment that could happen in the future.
Author's Note: I'm going to try and post more (shorter) fics. I always wait for the "right" one and spend too long on it so I'm taking the plunge and posting more and quicker. Hopefully they're still good.  
Disclaimer: I own no part of ATWT or the actors that it employs. I actually own... nothing.

            It wasn’t often that Reid really thought about someone else’s physical size. Being a doctor he did automatically take vague notice of a person's overall height and weight but it usually didn't involve intense study. It was even less often that he indulged in a comparison of another’s physical features to his own. He'd never really been one for wishing he had 'those' arms or 'that' ass. Reid figured the last time he’d noticed someone’s physical stature, it had been when Annie Judd’s father had been in the middle of punching him several times. He remembers thinking that Mr. Judd was a large man and had an appropriate amount of muscle mass which leant itself to powerful, painful blows.

This night Reid was once again noticing someone’s physical appearance, with entirely different reactions. Luke was slightly taller than Reid was, but broader all around. He narrowed from solid shoulders to lean hips, an excellent example of a healthy male specimen. Luke wasn’t built like someone who worked out regularly or maintained themselves for vanity’s sake. His arms were well muscled and deceptively strong which had confused Reid, until he'd learned about the regular farm work that Luke was prone to. His muscles were work earned which made them, and him, all the more attractive. His legs were long and lean, covered with a fine layer of blonde hair and spots of freckles on the back of his calves and high on his thighs. Reid had been absurdly pleased to see that Luke’s tanned skin extended over his legs, leading him to believe that shorts were sometimes interspersed among the business suits and business casual wear. He found himself looking forward to finding out what Luke’s legs looked like in shorts. All in all, Luke was hot. And sexy. And finding out that he could curl around Reid and surround him with all that skin and heat had brought up some very intriguing fantasies and Reid intended to try out soon.

But what attracted Reid's attention the most was Luke’s hands, which were currently playing hide and seek with his own in the thick blue comforter spread over them. Luke’s hands were tanned and slightly callused with long fingers and clean polished nails. Reid wondered if there was a manicure appointment penciled in somewhere on Luke’s weekly calendar. His own hands were paler, softer and slightly shorter with nails clipped fairly short to speed cleaning in his pre-surgery routine. Their hands were different in appearance and feel but the way they slipped together and fit around the other, well it always made Reid's breath catch just a little bit.

They were laying on their sides facing each other with Luke on the right side of the bed, Reid on the left. Luke’s left pointer finger ran over the blue veins on the back of Reid’s hand. It traced around two knuckles, down to his wrist and back up to the first knuckle on Reid's middle finger. He had never considered the back of his hand as an erogenous zone, but he was beginning to change his mind as Luke left trails of warmth across it.

“Why do you have such a heavy blanket in the middle of summer?” Luke suddenly asked, even as he snuggled deeper under it.

Reid sighed and shifted to his back. “Because Katie keeps the air conditioning on this place so high that I’d freeze if I didn’t. I don’t think she’s ever heard the words energy conservation.”

Luke smiled seductively as he shifted to hover over Reid on his right elbow. He walked the fingers of his left hand up Reid’s chest. “Well, maybe I can help you with that. I’m pretty warm blooded.”

No kidding, Reid thought. Aloud he said, “What did you have in mind?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see,” Luke teased.

Then, in a series of carelessly graceful movements Luke pulled and kicked the comforter so that it fell off the end of the bed with a soft huff. He returned to his earlier position, threading his hand into Reid’s hair.

“You won’t be needing that tonight.”

!author|artist: francine2869, rating: pg, fan fiction

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