Crashed the wedding

Jul 29, 2010 21:16

Title: Crashed The Wedding 
Author: ILoveHim63
Pairings: Luke/Reid, Luke/Noah
Rating: PG
Summary: Future Fic! The title kind of explains the concept.

It was inevitable. Reid knew it as well as anyone. The whole of Oakdale knew that as soon as gay marriage was legalized in Illinois there would be one couple who would take advantage of that. Reid would often walk into shops in Old Town and hear people talking about it before noticing him and whispering about it instead. On occasion he’d even walk into his home at Katie’s place and she’d be talking about it with someone.

The night before the wedding Luke Snyder paid a visit to Reid.

“What are you doing here?”

“I want you to come to the wedding tomorrow,” Luke said firmly as he sat on Katie’s couch.

Reid scoffed, “Why?”

“Look, I know that seeing me and Noah get married would be weird for you but-”

“Weird? It’s beyond weird Luke. We broke up all of two months ago and you’re already marrying someone else!” Reid said angrily.

“It’s not like that and you know it!” Luke practically shouted as he stood up, “Things weren’t working between us for a while! And it’s not like I’m marrying someone I just met, I’ve known Noah a lot longer than I’ve known you!”

“What do you mean things weren’t working? From my perspective everything was fine between us until one day I get back from work and you break up with me!”

“You never had time for me Reid,” Luke said sadly, “You’re the Chief of Staff at Memorial and an amazing neurosurgeon. I left because I didn’t want to make you choose between your job and me again.”

“So you’re saying you thought you were doing the right thing by me? That’s bull. Since when was you marrying someone else good for me?”

“I’m marrying Noah because he offered me what you couldn’t; his time. And I love him.”

Reid didn’t need the reminder of why things hadn’t worked between him and Luke. They’d had the same argument on that day they broke up. Only three weeks after the break-up he found out about Luke and Noah’s engagement. It was like any other day at the hospital until he saw Alison and Casey talking about it enthusiastically. They stopped dead when they saw Reid’s grim face only a few feet away. Reid never really liked them anyway, no matter how much Luke had tried to get them to spend time together.

“Why are you here Luke?” Reid said dejectedly.

“If you can give me one reason why I shouldn’t marry Noah I won’t,” his voice was pleading. Reid stood strong; his eyes locked on Luke’s but said nothing, “Then I guess I won’t be seeing you tomorrow.” With that Luke left.

The next morning Reid did his normal morning routine of slowly waking up, reaching out over the other side of the bed only to feel cold empty space where Luke used to be. He checked the time; 10:36. ‘Why does my day off have to be today?’ he thought to himself. He walked into the kitchen area where Katie was setting two cups of coffee on the table. They wordlessly sat down together. Reid could feel Katie staring at him but refused the urge to look up at her.

“You should come today,” Katie said softly. Reid gave her look as if to say ‘what the hell?’, “Or you could talk to Luke.”

“I talked to him last night.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? What happened?”

“Nothing happened, he asked me for a reason why he shouldn’t marry Noah and I couldn’t give him one.”

“What?! I think we both know a perfectly good reason; you l-”

“Don’t say it Katie! He broke up with me for a reason; he wasn’t happy. I want him to be happy.”

“Do you really think he’s happy?” Reid shot her a questioning look, “He came here last night asking for you to tell him why he shouldn’t marry Noah. If he was really happy with this marriage do you think he would have done that? He was giving you another chance Reid, and you blew it,” Reid stayed silent and stared into his coffee cup, “Besides Chris is at the hospital today so I need a date.”

“What time are we leaving?” Katie made a sort of ‘squee’ noise, before getting up and wrapping her arms around Reid’s neck as he sat.

The pair walked over to the Snyder Farm where the first gay wedding in Oakdale was taking place. Katie told Reid to go into the house after looking around and seeing everyone else except Luke and Noah outside. Reid looked through the porch window and saw Luke alone in the kitchen with his back to the door, presumably fixing his tie.

“We’ll be out in a-” Luke said as he turned around, “Reid, hi.”

Reid looked Luke up and down, he was wearing a dark grey pinstripe suit with a white shirt, “You look great,” Reid said a little distractedly.

“Thanks,” Luke said grinning.

Reid walked towards him stopping a few feet in front of him, “Is this what you want? Does Noah make you happy?” Luke turned to look away but Reid’s hand cupping his cheek stopped him.

“Yes,” Luke whispered. Reid softly stroked Luke’s cheek with his thumb before lowering his hand. As Luke watched him leave he thought back to how Reid used to be. How closed off he was but each day he’d let Luke in more and more. Luke liked to think that Reid hadn’t thought about it, and that it just happened. He knew he wasn’t the only one who was seeing the nicer side of Reid, after a lot of help from him he was starting to be less rude and cold towards the hospital staff. His sensitivity towards patients needed a bit of work still but he was getting there. Luke smiled sadly. Reid had changed… for him.

“Luke? Are you ready?”

“Yeah. Let’s go get married.”

Luke and Noah walked down the aisle together hand in hand towards the altar. Reid watched as the couple turned to each other and smiled as they walked. Maybe Luke and Noah would work out. During the ceremony Reid couldn’t take his eyes off of his former boyfriend. He was finding it hard to concentrate on what was being said. He couldn’t do this. Reid stood as if his body was moving on its own accord. Whispers could be heard among the other wedding guests before the man performing the ceremony stopped talking. Everyone was staring at Reid expectantly.

“Don’t do this,” Luke’s breath caught in his throat, “Don’t marry him Luke.”

“What the hell are you doing?!” Noah yelled angrily.

“I’m sorry Noah but I’m still in love with Luke,” as Reid spoke he held Luke’s gaze, “I’ve never loved anyone like I love him. And I know he still loves me, even though I never had enough time for him.”

“Luke? Do you love him?” Luke eventually looked at the man in front of him. He looked at their joined hands between them before meeting his eyes.

“I love you Noah, I always will, but yeah, I’m in love with Reid,” Luke looked back towards the man in question and slid his hands from Noah’s grip, “I’m still in love with you Reid. I never stopped loving you.”

Reid slid past some people he vaguely recognised in their seats and stood in the aisle. Luke ran towards him, their bodies met in a tight hug, “I love you Luke,” Reid murmured into Luke’s hair, “Maybe I didn’t tell you enough.”

“Why did you agree to marry me Luke? If you’re so in love with him, why were you going to marry me?” Noah sounded hurt and angry.

Luke turned to face the man he left at the altar, “I thought we could make it work Noah. I do love you and I thought me and Reid were over.”

“So you’re choosing him over me, after everything we’ve been through?” Luke looked at Noah begging for forgiveness. Noah growled before stalking off with Maddie, who had had come back for the wedding, behind him.

“Noah,” Reid grabbed Luke’s hand to stop him leaving and turned him around to face him, “I need to sort this out Reid. I can’t believe I just did that to him.”

“I just did that to him. If I had said something last night none of this would have happened. But I don’t regret it Luke,” Reid said defiantly, “Noah will get over this in time. But I would never forgive myself if I let you marry him.”

“So you just thought you’d crash my wedding?” Luke said mostly jokily.

“There can still be a wedding.”


“Marry me Luke.”


“Everyone’s already here, might as well.”

“How romantic,” Luke said sarcastically, before adding seriously, “Okay. I’ll marry you.”

As Reid kissed his new husband he knew he had made the right decision. He was glad he crashed the wedding.

My inspiration for this    I listened to this song and couldn't get the idea out my head.

rating: pg, !author|artist: ilovehim63, fan fiction

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