(no subject)

Jul 16, 2010 00:10

Title: It shatters

Rating: PG

Word Count: 375

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, if i did they would have 'gotten steamy' along time ago :P

This is from Reid's point of view and the idea has been niggling away in my brain for about a week so I decided to finally write it so I could get on with my other fan fictions without it bugging me :D Hope you guys enjoy it :)

You lace your fingers with his and feel his warm palm against yours and it fits. Well, at least you think it does.

You watch his perfect lips as they move when he talks, but you can’t hear the words come out. Going by the look on his face, you’re not sure you want to.

You see the form of a blue-eyed, brunette man appear behind his shoulder and you know that what’s going to happen is inevitable but that doesn’t stop you from gripping his hand tighter, trying to prevent him from slipping away.

It doesn’t work.

His hand pulls away from yours and it’s like glass smashing to pieces, except it’s silent and it hurts a million times more.

Your senses feel as he kisses your temple, but your brain doesn’t register his touch.

It does register how hard it stings when the blue-eyed man behind him looks down at his shoes with smug, smug eyes.

He’s won. He’s won and he knows it.

You manage to drag your cracked gaze away from him and look at the man standing in front of you. He nods slightly and then he turns.

You watch as he walks away.

It shatters. Everything shatters.

You gulp as he strolls towards him and cups his face. You stare as they kiss and they kiss and it’s breaking and falling and shattering and it hurts.

There’s noise now and you hear yourself crying and begging for it to stop but it doesn’t. They keep kissing and kissing and you feel your heart being ripped out through your throat. You don’t think it will ever stop and…

And you open your eyes.

His hands are in your hair and he’s whispering in your ear about how it was just a dream, but his words don’t matter because you can finally hear his feather-like voice and it puts all the broken pieces back together because it’s real and it means you’re safe.

You feel your heart beat return to normal and you whisper into the darkness of the room how much you love him over and over again, just in case he ever forgets.

It’s perfect because he’s yours and you won.

You lace your fingers together and it fits.

!author|artist: missbadgerface, rating: pg, fan fiction

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