Title: Stay
Author: Happyinchintz72
Rating: PG-13... see where it goes!
Summary Overall: Luke needs a doctor, the only one he wants, he hasn't seen in over a month (lots of Protective Reid, plenty of fluff and a good dose of angst!)
Summary- Chapter Twenty Eight: Reid comes to realise a lot has changed through Bob and Katie as well as Luke ... but mainly himself.
Warning (All Chapters): Small amount of swearing- it's all Reid's fault!
Author notes: This one seems a bit of a mixture. Basically, wanted some more insight to L+R's dynamic and also the way that Reid's developing because of the situation. Plus, I miss writing Reid and Katie :P
I wanted some nice stuff and some banter before the next few chapters as I'm afraid they're a little on the angsty (well, more dramatic) side. I have a definite direction and know exactly how the story's progressing so I can't wait for the next few chapters! Really hope you enjoy, sorry for the slight delay again... my birthday celebrations went on long thn expected!!!! :)
Feedback is VERY much loved and appreciated - thank you for all of your incredibly generous feedback so far!
[This is not beta-d so all mistakes are mine!] <3
Click to read at my journal :)