Fic: Receptive 3/3 (Rebound Series)

Jul 13, 2010 14:10

Title: Receptive 3/3
Author: hugocabret
Pairing: Luke/Reid
Rating: NC-17 (lots and lots of sex :])
Word Count: 3121
Summary/Prompt: Reid takes revenge out on Luke
Preceding Stories: This is the sequel to rebound & recovery.
Disclaimer: not my characters

Rebound: Rebound
Recovery: Part 1 | Part 2
Receptive: Part 1 | Part 2

Luke was a little nervous because Reid was acting out of character. Since he showed up at his hotel room about a half-hour ago, all they had done and were currently still doing was making-out on the bed.

When he had arrived, Reid grabbed his hand and pulled him gently into the room, bringing him closer. He placed his hand on the small of Luke’s back and lightly kissed his lips before using his tongue to open Luke’s mouth. Luke reciprocated the actions and slightly opened his mouth, just barely allowing Reid to enter. Their tongues gently moving against each others, Reid’s hand snaking up Luke’s back as he pulled him closer.

“Mmmm” Reid hummed into Luke’s mouth.

They pulled away for just a moment and Luke was about to say something when Reid took his index finger and placed it on Luke’s lips, silently telling him to stay quiet. Reid again, grabbed Luke’s hand and led him over to the bed. He sat down first, and then maneuvered Luke so that he was straddling him. Luke grabbed Reid’s face and pulled it closer to his own, he softly kissed Reid’s lips before moving up to Reid’s sweet spot, his ears. Reid shut his eyes, his hands, firm against the bed holding both their bodies up, and tilted his head back; he loved when Luke sucked on his ears. He loved hearing Luke’s lips move; he loved feeling the tender bites that he left behind.

Reid grabbed Luke’s head and guided it back towards his lips, Luke slowly leaned forward, trying to push Reid back onto the bed and he was successful in his efforts. Reid let his hands lower his body and he moved them to brace Luke as he came down on top of him. Luke started to kiss harder. He could feel Reid move his arms getting ready to flip him onto his back, but before Reid could do it, Luke bit lightly down on Reid’s lips putting him back into submission. Reid finally gained control and Luke was more than willing to be on the bottom.

Reid was now on top of Luke, kissing him ever so gently while Luke was on his back, one hands tangled in Reid’s hair, the other one up Reid’s shirt skimming his back. This was the longest they had ever worn clothes and Luke was itching to take them off. He knew that Reid was doing this to distract him from what was inevitably about to happen later, and it was working, except for the little voice in Luke’s head that kept popping up and reminding him that this was too good to be true.

Reid left Luke’s lips and started to kiss his jaw line, then his neck. He did not stay long enough in one spot adhering to their no-hickey-on-the-neck rule, but staying just long enough to make Luke’s eyes roll back. Even though they were just kissing, Luke was in pure heaven, Reid was an amazing kisser, knew just the right amount of pressure to make his brain turn to goo, stayed in areas just long enough to sensationalize them before moving to a new area. Luke could stay like this forever.

Reid licked up Luke’s Adam’s apple and over his chin stopping at Luke’s lips.

“Enjoying yourself?”

“Uh-huh” Luke barely got out. He lifted his head wanting to reconnect his lips with Reid’s. Reid met Luke’s lips and pushed them open, their tongues softly fighting with each other for space. Luke slipped his hand into the back of Reid’s pants, just barely able to get in. Reid was gently grinding against Luke.

“Good.” Reid said into the kiss. Luke knew he should be nervous for how sweet Reid was acting towards him.

Reid sat up, he was straddling Luke now and he pulled his shirt off over his head. Luke took his hands and ran it down Reid’s chest, feeling his stomach muscles contracting as he breathed. As his hand trailed down his body, Luke’s fingers stopped at the top of Reid’s pants and hooked his fingers in the top; he pulled Reid back down on top of him. Luke’s lips connected with Reid’s neck and started to move across. He wriggled down from Reid and started to kiss Reid’s naked chest, it was almost awkward because Luke was underneath but to Reid the position was incredibly sexy. Luke was slowly using his tongue and tracing the contours of Reid’s body.

Luke took his hands and pushed Reid off of him. They sat there looking at each other as Luke torn his shirt off over his head and threw it to the floor. Reid moved in closer, taking his hands and placing them on Luke’s hips, hooking his fingers through Luke’s belt loops, they were both on their knees, bodies pressed against each other, Luke’s hands idly at his sides, he was lost in Reid, didn’t quite know where to put them at this moment.

While kissing, Reid moved his hands over and started to unbutton Luke’s jeans, he did not unzip them quite yet, he just let it hang open for a while longer. He knew he was driving Luke absolutely crazy moving this slow, but he had big plans for tonight. Luke moved his hands to unzip his pants but Reid batted his hands away, while laughing into the kiss. Luke pulled away, he was begging with his eyes to be touched, but Reid wasn’t going to give into those eyes that easily, he had earlier today and that got him nowhere.

Luke knew he was being punished, but this was too easy, he knew that something more was going to happen and the anticipation was turning him on.

Reid walking backwards on the bed with his knees, looked at Luke with his signature half smirk. Luke looked at Reid with his eyes full of lust. He loved Reid’s body, especially when it was glistening with a mist of sweat. Reid, while still on his knees, started to unbutton his black pants. Luke was now on his back, resting on his forearms so he could watch Reid undress. He licked his lips as he slowly watched Reid strip in front of him. He took one of his hands and started to lightly massage himself over his jeans.

“No.” Reid said staring at Luke “No touching.” Luke, grudgingly moved his hand off his semi-hard cock. Fuck Luke thought.

Reid slowly unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out, he had not been wearing any underwear and Luke smirked at that realization. Still on his knees, with his pants pushed down as far as they could go in that position, Reid spit lightly into his hand and started to jerk-off in front of Luke. He started slowly, almost barely touching himself, just dancing two fingers across and lightly rubbing the head. Luke was watching with wide-eyes, he wanted to touch Reid so bad, he wanted to touch himself even more, he was aching.

Soon Reid started to work himself up even more, the way Luke was watching him was incredibly delicious and he wanted to shut his eyes but watching Luke was more important. He could tell Luke was hard and dying to be touched. His body kept slightly adjusting, trying to remain semi-comfortable, but Reid knew that his jeans were constricting any sort of movement that would allow for any sort of pleasure.

Reid knee-walked over to Luke who was hungrily watching him inch forward. Luke knew what he was supposed to do and positioned himself accordingly before taking Reid’s cock into his mouth. Reid was so hot that when Luke’s cool mouth hit him he could not help but gasp. Luke had an amazing talent, he was able to suck just hard enough and move at the same time without letting up any of the pressure. Luke started to build up a good rhythm and Reid grabbed a handful of Luke’s hair and started to help guide his head. He loved when Luke would linger at his head, swirling his tongue clockwise then counter, before picking up the rhythm again. He would let out small hums to add to the experience and every time he did that Reid would let out a small groan.

Reid was starting to push harder on Luke’s head, encouraging to go farther which Luke easily obliged to. One of Luke’s hand was weaved through and braced on Reid’s thigh for balance and the other one started was lightly massaging his balls. Reid, lost for only a moment felt himself getting close, so he let go of Luke’s hair and pulled him off him. He pulled Luke up and kissed him hard on the lips, tasting himself in Luke’s hot mouth.

“Lay back.” Reid instructed him and Luke quickly laid down. Reid got off the bed and walked over to his suitcase, which he still had yet to unpack. His back was to Luke so he had no idea what he was grabbing, and he knew it was not condoms because those have conveniently moved to the bedside table. While Reid’s back was to him, Luke moved his hands to his crotch and started to rub, he thought he was being sneaky but Reid knew, “I said no touching…” Luke had wondered how he was caught but he knew that Reid knew his bedside manner better than anybody else.

It seemed like forever before Reid made his way back over to the bed. His hands were behind his back as he climbed up over Luke.

“Shut your eyes.” Reid said, showing Luke his sexy half-smile that made Luke melt. Luke shut his eyes and he felt Reid maneuver over him, his cock touching Luke’s naked chest as he configured Luke how he wanted him. Reid grabbed Luke’s right hand first and placed it over his head than his left hand. They were crisscrossed over each other and then Luke felt the cold silk fabric lace in-between them before tightening. Luke realized that his arms had been tied to the headboard.

Reid slithered back down Luke, kissing his closed eyes before telling them he could open them, he then continued to kiss down Luke. He lingered at his lips before lightly tugging on Luke’s bottom lip with his teeth. Luke let out a sharp gasp as he body reacted. His arms tried to fight the restraints but Reid was a world-renown surgeon, he knew how to tie knots.

Before continuing to kiss down Luke’s body, Reid reached over and grabbed a condom off the bedside table and then continued to move down Luke’s body, stopping right before Luke’s jeans. Reid could see the defined bulge and smirked to himself, he knew that Luke was dying. Reid teased Luke at the top of his pants, running his fingers over the skin of his stomach. Luke’s breath hitched under the almost contact. His eyes were begging Reid.

Reid finally started to unzip Luke’s pants, but carefully trying not to touch Luke, he expertly removed them and tossed them on the floor next to his own. Reid then even more carefully moved Luke’s boxer and watched at Luke’s hard cock came out, resting against Luke’s abdomen.

Luke had shut his eyes, the pain of not having any contact was absolutely killing him. Reid was enjoying watching Luke trying to figure out a way to get out of the holds and touch himself, it was almost too much to watch…almost.

Reid bent forward and started to blow hot hair on Luke’s cock, mimicking what Luke had done to him earlier.

“Oh god, Reid.” Luke sputtered out. “Please…please” he begged. Reid didn’t listen, instead he took his hands and started to rub them up and down Luke’s thighs, Luke started twisting back and forth, hoping Reid’s hands would slip and touch him. “P-please Reid” he gasped again.

Reid sat back on his legs and looked at Luke. He was helpless in this position and it was incredibly sexy. Luke’s lips were slightly bruised and parted and his chest was bouncing up and down due to his short quick breaths.

Reid took the condom that he had thrown on the bed and ripped it open with his teeth, Luke heard the familiar sound and lifted up his head to watch Reid.

Reid took both his hands and picked up Luke’s legs placing them over his shoulders. He could see that Luke was trying to lift his head to watch but was deemed too straining because he quickly laid his head back down. Reid positioned himself, and slowly pushed inside Luke. They had sex so often that Luke didn’t need to be stretched out anymore, their bodies were one when together.

Luke let out a small gasp, finally having some sort of contact, although he knew that Reid was not going to touch him at all. He could feel his cock oozing just slightly against his stomach. Reid was going too slow.

Reid was very slowly moving in and out of Luke, he wanted to hear the kid beg, and it didn’t take long until it was too much for Luke to handle.

“P-please.” Was all he could get out. His eyes were shut tight and his mouth was barely open. Reid almost could not hear it the first time. “Please, Reid, f-faster.”

Reid slowly started to pick up the pace.

“Ohh, goddd, Reid, P-pplease” Luke’s eyes were practically rolling back into his head. It felt so good, but Reid was just missing his spot. He knew Reid could go in farther and hit it but he knew this was Reid’s revenge. “Please, Reid, uhhh, godddd.”

Reid didn’t let up his pace, he loved hearing Luke beg underneath him.

As much mobility Luke had he tried to push against Reid to get him to go farther. “ohh goddd, Reid.” Reid started to give into Luke’s demands. “Please, f-fasterr.” He stuttered out.

Reid didn’t move faster but he did push himself in farther, he slowly pushed himself all the way in and he knew he had hit Luke’s spot because Luke trembled, he slowly started to pull out.

“Please…oh god, please, oh-oh, god, Reid….” Luke was starting to beg louder now, Reid lingered on Luke’s spot longer and longer each time. “…touch me.”

Instead Reid decided that now he would pick up the pace, he started to move faster and faster but still holding himself and pushing deeper on Luke’s spot with each thrust.


Reid continued to quicken his thrusts. He could feel Luke trying hard to push against him as he moved in and out. Every time he held himself inside Luke he could feel him tighten around his cock, it felt amazing.


Reid could see that Luke’s cock was dripping, it had had absolutely no stimulation yet and he could tell that Luke would succumb the moment he touched him, but he wasn’t ready yet.

“P-please, Reid.”

Reid could tell he was getting close, the combination of Luke begging and his slow fucking was about to do him in. He removed Luke’s legs from his shoulders and repositioned himself so that he was hovering over Luke, their faces almost touching.

Luke’s eyes opened and the pure pleasure and pain that Reid could see in his eyes was too much.

“Please” Luke mouthed, no sound coming out as he went up to kiss Reid, Reid came hard inside Luke.

He knew that Luke was also close and he started to pull out before thrusting back inside Luke. Looking Luke in the eyes, he finally gave into Luke’s begging and reached his hand down and lightly started stroking Luke while moving slowly in and out of him.

“G-g-god, Reid…” Luke just managed to get out before he came in Reid’s hand and all over his chest. Reid was still inside him and could feel Luke’s body internally reacting to his orgasm as it tightened around his cock.

Reid pulled himself out of Luke, tore the condom off and tossed it as near to the trash as he could. He held out his sticky fingers and Luke slowly took each finger into his mouth and cleaned Reid’s hand off. Luke had a dazed look of pure ecstasy in his eyes, his blonde bangs matted against his forehead by sweat.

Reid thought about untying him but decided against it, he was not quite done with Luke yet.

Reid, still hovering over Luke leaned in and kissed him gently on his swollen lips, he could taste Luke in his mouth. He loved the way he tasted. Luke lazily kissed Reid back, it was all he could do, his body was not responding at the moment. They continued to make-out for a while longer, still riding their high.

Reid pulled off Luke and reached his hands up to untie him. It wasn’t until then that Luke realized how tired and sore his arms were for being pinned over his head for that long, but he had already forgiven Reid, it was easily the most intense orgasm he had ever had.

Once Reid had untied Luke, he slowly lowered Luke’s arms for him. Luke’s wrists were semi-raw from trying to fight against the silk tie that he had used to tie him up. He rubbed each of them gently for Luke. Reid looked at Luke and he still had stars in his eyes.

“Fuck” Luke finally spoke, Reid laughed. “Fuck” although this time he whispered it.

“I hope you learned your lesson”

“Fuck.” Reid laughed again.

“You have no idea how hot it was fucking you while you couldn’t move.” Luke turned to Reid and smiled, he loved when Reid told him how hot he was, or what he did to him. Reid kissed Luke’s smile. They laid in silence for a while until Reid spoke again.

“Listen, I have to go to Dallas for a couple of days.” This perked Luke up and he gave the doctor a quizzical look. “The procedure I’m going to be performing on Noah has only been done a handful of times successfully, most of them done by me. There is footage of my surgeries that are held at the university and they would not let me fly them out so I need to go to them.”

Luke eyes dropped. He didn’t quite know what he was feeling.

“I want you to come with me.” Reid said.


“Yeah, that and I want to use your plane.” Reid smiled. Luke kissed his smile.

Reid leaned over and turned the light off. They settled into comfortable positions with Reid’s arm wrapped around Luke, their feet intertwining together, their bodies against each other.

Luke turned his head enough to kiss Reid softly on the lips, “Yeah, I’ll go with you,” was the last thing either one said before drifting off to sleep.

Next Chapter: Reconfigure Part 1

rating: nc-17, !author|artist: hugocabret, fan fiction

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