All he knows.

Jun 24, 2010 20:33

So, I caved and wrote a fic when I should be working.

Title: All he knows.
Rated R
Very very inspired by Bruno Mars "All She Knows".

Your hands run over mine, afraid and unsure. I am helpless, watching you dab the blood away from my knuckles. You refuse to look into my eyes; I am stupidly aware of your every eyelash. You murmur something under your breath, quietly determined to erase the nagging heat between us.

“You call yourself a brain surgeon? How many times are you going to do this to yourself?”

“Until the pain goes away.”

“That doesn’t make any sense, Reid.”

“Well, I am not one for making any sense. Not anymore at least.”

You keep your eyes focused on my hand; I look at the ceiling.

I can feel the blood rush to your face. Whenever you blush, the temperature of the room increases by a heartbeat. I deny the tugging my soul feels when your fingers linger a little too long around mine.

You let a breathless moment pass by before speaking again, desperately still trying to eliminate the familiar heat building between us.

“So what did he do this time?”

“None of your beeswax, Luke.”

I feel your hand falter at the tone of my voice. You force a laugh into your words.

“Well, sorry for caring.”

Outwardly, I sigh.

Inwardly, I visualize the palm of my hand smacking against my forehead.

“He wants to marry me.”

You drop my hand like it is on fire. You get up, still not looking at me, and pretend to look through the first-aid kit as though it holds the answer you are looking for.

“Oh. That’s…that’s good right?”

I bark out a laugh, my heart wrenching from the simultaneous pain and joy, knowing you are hurting.


“Good? Can you imagine me? Married? No. No no no. Never.”

You make a feeble attempt at a joke, your eyes trained hard on a roll of bandage.

“Well, you know what they say. Never say never, Reid. Two gay neurosurgeons getting married? That’s pretty awesome.”

I scoff at your stupidity. Blind stupidity.

Fucking look at me, dammit.

“Awesome? Hell no. Clearly, he doesn’t know me at all. If he did, he wouldn’t have ever suggested something so ridiculous to me. For a brain surgeon, he has no inkling of how mine works.”

“Like you said once, you’re not the easiest guy to deal with.”

You remember?

I stammer, something inside my gut aching wonderfully.

“Well…well yeah. That doesn’t make his proposal any less stupid, though.”

You grin, slowly closing the first aid kit.

“People do stupid things when they’re in love.”

Your eyes finally, finally meet mine.

I don’t even bother rationalizing this time around.

All I know is my hands cupping the sides of your face, my mouth crashing onto yours, and for one perfect moment in time, I feel nothing but you.

You are wrapped up around me like a security blanket, your body so warm and close I swear I could lie here like this forever.

I cling on to you, eventhough I know you aren’t going to break away from me anytime soon.

My fingers play with the soft hair at your nape.

“How are things with you and Noah?”

You breathe out an incredulous laugh at my lousy attempt at bed talk.


“That’s…that’s good.”

You murmur a kiss on my shoulder; sleepy.

“What did you break this time?”

My heart. You. Everything else.

I feign ignorance.


“What did you punch? The wall?”

“A mirror.”

I feel your body grow cold.

Your arms grow tighter around me; protective.

“Reid, you can’t keep hurting yourself like this.”

I can if you can.

“I’m fine.”

You hold my face, your palm warm and soothing against my skin. Gently, your lips trail kisses from my lips to my jaw. Instinctively, I wrap your leg around my waist, bringing our bodies closer.

After what feels like infinity, you rest your head against my chest, listening to my heart beat a secret to you.

I know you well enough to know that you feel safer here, than anywhere else.

And that is enough for me.

rating: r, !author|artist: sixtieshairdo, fan fiction

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