fic: florida dreamin'

Jun 06, 2010 23:00

Title: florida dreamin'
Author: inflowers
Rating: PG-13
Summary: "But in case you haven't noticed, meeting the boyfriends family hasn't gone that well for me in the past.”
Authors Notes: You guys were so great about my first Lure fic that I wrote some more!

“So listen -” Reid abruptly stops his trail of kisses down Luke's neck, pulling back and sitting upright on the couch.


“My parents are having an anniversary party and I've been told I have to make an appearance. And obviously I'm not going alone - I haven't quite mastered the ability to screw myself, despite how often people to tell me to do it.”

“And what makes you think I'll go?”

“Oh please, Luke. You love families, your whole world revolves around families. You would jump off a cliff if your second cousin third removed's long lost biological father asked you to. It's who you are.”

“So, my family is important to me. But in case you haven't noticed, meeting the boyfriends family hasn't gone that well for me in the past.”

“I promise you, no one in my family will try to kill you. Well, I might depending on your level of annoying. But no one else.” Reid crosses his heart for emphasis, flashing Luke a dazzling smile in an attempt to win him over.

“Okay. I'll come if you really want me to.” Luke agrees begrudgingly, but Reid can tell he's not happy about it.

“Don't be like that, there's no need for passive aggression.”

“It just wouldn't kill you to tell me that you'd like me to be there, and that you'd like me to meet your family.”

“Fine. Please, Luke - Come to Florida and meet my elderly parents and my estranged sister. It would mean so much to me if you would be there, because I love you more than the sun and the moon and without you my life is a meaningless, black pool of isolation.”

Luke could practically see the sarcasm dripping from Reid's words.

“It's a start.” He sighs, pulling Reid towards him and planting a soft kiss on his lips. “I'd love to come.”

“Excellent. Nothing more impressive than showing up at the Sunny Oaks Retirement Village in a helicopter.”

“I don't have a helicopter, Reid.”

“Really? That's disappointing. I thought you Snyder-Walsh-Grimaldi freaks had everything.”

“Well, you know. Whats a helicopter when I have you?” Luke grins cheesily, gently nudging Reid's shoulder.

“Oh god, you're going to fit right in with the old sappy geezers.”

“Hopefully.” Luke smiles, resting his head on Reid's shoulder.
Less than two weeks later, the boys touch down in Florida. Exiting the airport, Luke comments that it smells funny and Reid laughs and says its the smell of geriatrics, and that he should get used to it. A short cab ride filled with gentle ribbing and hidden touches finds them stopping outside a small red brick house with a long cobblestone walkway that reminds Luke of Old Town.

“I thought you said your parents lived in a retirement village?”

“I lied. I took some comedic liberties, deal with it.”

Luke shakes his head gently, chuckling to himself. As he pays the driver and grabs their bags from the cab, he momentarily allows himself to feel the nerves setting in.

Was he really ready to meet Reid's parents? Was this a bad idea? What are they like? What if they don't like him? What if they think he's too young for Reid? What if they think he's not smart enough for Reid? What if he's not good enough for their son?

“Hey - stop thinking so loudly. You're giving me a headache here.” Reid interrupts his wandering mind, grabbing a bag from Luke and starting up the walkway. “Are you coming, or what?”

“Yeah, I'm coming.” Luke replies grudgingly, slinging the bag over his shoulder. “Hey, why did you give me the heavy one?”

“Surgeon hands, Luke.” Reid replies, waving his fingers behind him. “They're rare and precious. Gotta protect these bad boys.”

“You're gonna need protection from me in a minute...” Luke grumbles, struggling to catch up.

“Heard that, didn't appreciate it. And hurry up, Lord and Lady Oliver wait for no one.”

After what Luke would swear was miles, they finally reach the front door. Just as Reid reaches out to knock, the door swings open and a short and round brunette woman launches herself at him.

“Reid! Oh darling, it's been so long!” She cries, wrapping her arms around him. “When did you get in? How was the flight? Where are your bags? How have you been?” The questions seemed to come one after the other, over and over and Luke smiles despite himself.

“If we could possibly move the inquisition inside the house, I'm starving and this bag weighs a ton.” Reid replies, gently moving past the woman in the doorway and pulling her into the hall.

Luke stands on the front porch, unsure what to say or do. He usually doesn't find himself shy and unconfident, but he knows how important first impressions are and he doesn't want to say the wrong thing to the woman who gave birth to his partner. He isn't sure how long he stands there before he feels a hand curl around his and a gentle tug, looking up and seeing Reid smiling ever-so-slightly.

“Come on, they won't bite. At least, not like I do.” He winks, taking the bag off Luke's shoulder and leading him into another room.

Luke looks around the living room, overwhelmed at how homey the Oliver house is. He's not sure what he was expecting, but something not far removed from a dungeon wouldn't be a stretch. He just can't imagine Reid growing up in a house like this, and ending up so - What is the word he would use to describe Reid? Rude? Arrogant? Pig-headed?

As if reading his mind, Reid suddenly leans down and whispers to Luke.

“Wondering how I became such an ass?”

“A little.”

“Med school. I was a nice kid - medical school turned me into a cut throat prick.”

Luke laughs and nods, remembering the stories Reid had told him about his days at college. How everything was a fight, from the very first lab to their internships. And naturally, Reid was always on top. Well, until Luke - that was.

“You must be Luke” A voice snaps him out of his daydream, and he turns to see Reid's mom standing next to him. “Welcome!” She says warmly, leaning up to wrap her arms across Luke's shoulders.

“Hi Mrs. Oliver -” He begins, before she cuts him off.

“Please, call me Emma.”

“That's my grandma's name” Luke smiles, feeling more comfortable by the second. “I've never met an Emma I didn't like.”

“Give it a while, I'm sure she'll change that.” Another voice cuts through their conversation, and Luke swings his eyes towards the doorway where an older man is leaning against the doorframe.

“Dad.” Reid smiles, walking over and shaking his hand. “It's good to see you.”

“You too, son. You look different.”

“New haircut?” Reid offers, wondering what it is about him that's changed since last they were together. “Don't tell me I look older.”

“No, you look …” Reid's father ponders, looking his son up and down. “Happy, I guess.”

“Don't spread it around, I've got a reputation to keep.” Reid laughs softly, eyes casting over Luke and twinkling with all the emotions that he doesn't put into words. “Dad, this is Luke. Luke, this is my dad, John”

“Hi Mr Oliver, it's nice to meet you.” Luke shakes John's hand firmly, always remembering his fathers advice that a firm handshake was a sign of respect.

“You too, Luke.” John replies, giving Luke the once over before seemingly being satisfied enough to let go of his hand. “Now if you'll excuse me, I need to tend to the lawnmower. Damn thing has been playing up since last summer and if I don't get those lawns mowed we'll be the talk of the street.”

“I've got some things to attend to as well, so I'll leave you boys to it.” Emma says, moving towards the door. “I've put fresh linen on the sheets and there's towels in the cupboard if you want to take a shower. You'll show Luke where everything is, won't you Reidy?”

“Yes, mother” Reid mumbles, eyes darting downwards in embarrassment as he watches his mother head off towards the kitchen.

“Reidy?” Luke asks, smirking.

“Repeat that to anyone, and they'll never find your body.”

“You wouldn't do it.”

“Wouldn't I?” Reid challenges, stalking towards Luke with what can only be described as predatory eyes.

“No. You need me too much. No one else puts up with you.”

“Ain't that the truth.” Reid agrees, grabbing hold of Luke's waist before leaning forward for a kiss.

“I'm not kissing you in your parents front room, Oliver. So you can forget it.”

“Why not? They're busy and everyone on this street is so old their eyesight is going. Trust me - I'm a doctor.”

“The last time you pulled the 'trust me, I'm a doctor' card, Katie walked in on us.”

“She loved it, I'm telling you.” Reid laughs, still holding onto Luke. Slipping his fingers through Luke's belt loops, he tugs gently and tries to plant a kiss on his lips.

“She might have, but I did not. Now show me these towels, I need a shower.” Luke replies, stepping out of Reid's reach.

“That sounds promising...”

“Keep dreaming, Reidy. Keep dreaming.”

A/N: So I realised when I got to the end of this that I never brought his sister into it - thinking maybe I might write a second part to it? Either way. As I was writing this, my parents were watching last weeks episodes in another room and all I heard I could hear was them talking about why WOULDN'T Luke sleep with Reid when Reid is so good looking. See? Even old people love Lure. ;)

luke/reid, !author|artist: inflowers, rating: pg, fan fiction

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