Jun 04, 2010 00:22

SUMMARY- After having sex in Luke's room, Reid and Luke talk about the fight they had, and what they hear down stairs, when Lily, and Faith come home.
A/N It's so funny this came to me while I was doing the dishes.

     Luke and Reid were in Luke's room at the Snyder house. They were in Luke's bed. They had just finish having sex. Reid was hold Luke in his arms. Luke had his head on Reid's chest.
     "This was not makeup sex, just to let you know," Reid said.
      "You are so stubborn, your not going to let it go are you," Luke said.
      "I guess not," Reid said.
      "It's your fault anyway," Luke said.
      "It was so not my fault," Reid said.
      Luke got out of Reid's embrace, and sat up. "How can you say that, your the one who told me a few days ago, to try and patch things up with Noah, that we all need to start getting along, no more grudges. I did what you said and you got jealous." 
       "I did not get jealous, I might of over reacted a little," Reid.
       "Over reacted, that's an understatement, you flew off the handle when you saw me and Noah chatting, and him taking my hand. You argued with me on the drive over here, and then when we were down stairs in the kitchen," Luke said.
      Reid started laughing.
      "Now your laughing, I swear I don't get you sometimes." Luke said.
      "I just thought about the mess we left downstairs in the kitchen," Reid said.
      'Oh man I totally forgot, we better go and clean it up before, mom and Faith come back from checking out collages,"
      All of a sudden they heard a door slam down stairs. "Or hide up here for a few years until you mom calms down." Reid said.
     "Maybe with any luck they won't go straight to the kitchen," Luke said.
     "Oh my god!" they heard Faith yell.
     "What the hell happen to my Kitchen," Lily said.
     "They must of been thristy," Reid said.
       Luke laid back on the bed and covered his eyes. wishing he was dreaming.
     "What he heck is on the fridge." Faith yelled out.
      'That was the beginning of our little food fight I believe, when you threw the egg at me for calling you immature." Reid said.
      "There's lettuce everywhere,' they heard lily.
      "The lettuce you threw all over the place, when you were ranting," Luke said.
       "There is yogurt all over this chair, disgusting," Faith said.
        "I will be sending you the dry cleaning bill for my silk shirt." Reid said.
       "There's squashed tomatoes all over the counter," Lily said.
        "That's when you threw the tomatoes at me when I said Noah was a better lover then you. You know I didn't mean that right?" Luke said. running his fingers through Reid's hair.'
       "Hince the part that this was not makeup sex." Reid said.
         'Hopefully mom and Faith will see the banana's on the floor," Luke said.
        All of a sudden they heard lily scream. 
         "Or your mother will walk on them and fall, like she just did." Reid said. 
         "Luciano Eduardo  Snyder get down here now," Lily yelled.
          'Oh boy she used your full name your in big trouble." Reid said laughing.
         "Your in trouble to" Luke said.
         "Not really there is no way your mother knows I'm here," Reid said.
         You to Dr. Reid Anthony Oliver," they heard Lily yell out.
         Reid sat up," how in the world does she know I'm here? and my middle name?"
         "She probably goggled your name, like you did  with me, and for her knowing your here. You had your stethoscope on you, and then when we arrived here,and came in the kitchen you slammed it down on the counter." Luke said.
         "Well  I'm fine with that, just as long as they don't know we've been having sex." Reid said.
         'Well we better get dressed then," Luke said.
         'Both men got out of the bed, and started geting dressed.
         "Where in the world are my pants and boxers," Reid said.
         "I have no idea..........oh wait," Luke said.
        "What?" Reid said,
        "Mom I think there going to be awhile, someone's pants and boxers are in the hallway,' there heard Faith say out in the hallway of Luke's room..
         Reid gave Luke a look. "You had to give me a blow job in the hallway, you couldn't have wait till we got in the room."
                                                                          THE END       
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