
Jun 02, 2010 21:44

Title: Differences
Summary: Lily and Holden were supposed to be gone all weekend.
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Sadly, I own nothing.

Reid and Luke didn’t share many similar views on, well, anything. Luke’s favourite time of the day was the evening, when he and Reid would settle down on the couch of the house they had chosen to retire to that night, with a movie, popcorn and Luke’s head nestled perfectly into the older man’s shoulder or lap. Reid’s favourite time, however is the morning when he’s able to start his day and go to work, his second favourite place on earth. The second being with Luke, something he wouldn’t admit unless in his own mind.

Their differences ranged from silly, useless preferences, to ways they live and do.

Luke’s favourite juice is apple. Reid’s is grapefruit.

Luke sets the box to record every episode of south park. Even the one’s he’s already seen. Reid however records shows such as CSI and 24.

Luke’s life revolves around his family and friends. Reid hasn’t spoken to his parents in 17 years, since he graduated high school.

After a round of hot, sweaty, mind-blowing sex, Luke likes to cuddle and then fall asleep wrapped in Reid’s strong arms. Reid however, has never been a cuddler. He only puts up with it now because of the freshly fucked expression Luke adorns when he curls into Reid’s side.

Luke also refers to their hot fucks as ‘making passionate love’. This secretly thrills Reid. Luke knows this.

Up until Luke, Reid has had a pretty sturdy fucking routine.

Fuck, sleep, make a sandwich.

Somewhere between the last two, the twink he found for the night had scurried back to whatever back room Reid found him in.

This routine is the reason Reid found himself rummaging through the fridge in Emma Snyder’s kitchen at 3:25 in the morning. Luke was fast asleep upstairs, thoroughly fucked out and now currently hugging a pillow to himself in his half-conscious as a replacement of Reid’s naked chest.

Reid smiled despite himself as he pulled the tub of butter from the fridge and turned to place it on the counter next to the pile of sandwich condiments he had already gathered.

He was doing pretty well at finding all the necessary items, seeing as this was his first time staying at the Snyder Farm. He’d only ever been here once before, and that was only to pick up Luke briefly from the far end of the drive way.

He wouldn’t be here now if it wasn’t for the fact that all the Snyder’s, excluding Luke, had gone away for two days for a distant relatives wedding anniversary. Or something like that. He wasn’t exactly listening when Luke told him.

This was the only reason he and Luke were staying here tonight. Seeing as Luke hadn’t told his parents, or anyone for that matter, that he and Reid had been dating, screwing with the occasional dinner and movie date thrown in, for a little over two months. He was pretty sure that Lily knew something was going on between them, especially after that day at the hospital in the staff room. And he was also sure that Ethan knew something, since he had been the one to catch the two in a rather heated make-out in Lily’s kitchen. All he did was giggle, run round the sofa twice before plonking himself down to watch some cartoon while Luke and Reid quickly made to look like they were simply ‘hanging out’.

Lucinda was the only one of Luke’s family who knew about them. She had after all been the, very lucky, unfortunate one to walk into Luke’s office while Reid was pounding him into the oak desk.

Luke almost screamed as loudly as he did when Reid fucks him. Almost.

So, Reid was pretty shit scared when Lily and Holden walked into the Snyder Farm kitchen only to see his half naked self making a sandwich that could feed the whole of England.

Oh, shit.

There was a pretty long silence. Holden just kinda stared at him. Lily on the other hand narrowed her eyes at his naked chest and screwed her lips up.

“Sandwich?” He offered lamely. Shit, shit, shit.

“Luke! “ Holden yelled upstairs, still staring intently at the doctor, “Luke Snyder!”

Fuck my life.

He’d probably find this comical if it wasn’t for the fact that Lily was glaring daggers at him and there were multiple knives in reaching distance.

And now he could hear Luke pretty much throwing himself downstairs. As long as he got dressed first.

He hadn’t.

“You couldn’t go without a damn sandwich, just this once?” The blonde huffed at him through sleep hooded eyes as he trudged over to him.

“You couldn’t of put on more clothes than just your boxers?”

“Says you!” Luke gestured to Reid’s briefs.

“Hey, ham and mustard doesn’t call for a three piece suit, alright?”

“Luke.” They were stopped by Holden’s voice, “Care to explain?”

“What are you doing back so soon?” Reid almost laughed at how his boyfriend was cowering into him.

“Luke, explain.” Lily was practically growling.

Jesus Christ, I’m stuck in a soap opera.

“Well, Reid has this thing for sandwiches. It’s kind of weird, really. But he’s pretty good at making them. You should try one some-“

“Luke, I’m not going to ask again.” Holden stepped forward, Luke stepped back. Onto Reid’s toe. “What are you and Doctor Oliver doing here?”

“Well...um..you see..I...you guys were.....fuck.”

Luke Snyder has fallen from his pedestal. Someone give me a camera.

“We had sex.”

“REID!” Luke screeched. Reid grinned smugly at him.

“Thanks for the honesty there, Doc.” Holden smirked at him.

Wait, what? Why isn’t he screaming at me? Oh, he’s leaving it to Lily.

Reid was pretty sure she was about to explode her face was so red.

“Don’t stare directly at the vain.” Luke whispered into his ear making them both snicker like adolescent teens.

“This isn’t a laughing matter, Luke!” Lily screeched.

“Mom, c’mon. You were supposed to be away, Grandma Emma’s not here. I’m 22, i’m legal.” Reid almost snorted at the look on Lily’s face.

“But, what about Noah? You’re not a two-timer, Luke..”

“You think I’m two-timing, Noah! Mum, we’ve been broken up for half a year! I’m with, Reid!” He reached back to take the older man’s hand. Reid smiled and pressed a kiss to the blonde’s head. He didn’t even care that Lily and Holden looked shocked as fuck.

“But Luke, he’s so much...older than you! And Noah he was-“

“Mom, you’re not seriously going to do this are you? Listen, Noah and I, we’re over. I’m with Reid. I love him. I love how he makes me feel. I love how I am with him. I love everything about him.”

If his parents weren’t here, I’d totally fuck him into the kitchen floor right now.

Luckily, Reid settled with slipping his large hand into the back of Luke’s skin tight briefs.

“Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re going to bed. My bed. And who knows, now that we’re awake, we might end up fucking again.” Luke dragged a smirking Reid past his gaping parents and upstairs.

“Holden, stop laughing!” They heard Lily whine.

Reid couldn’t hold back and longer and burst into hysterics as soon as they reached Luke’s bedroom, “I can’t believe you just did that! Who are you and what have you done with my innocent boyfriend?”

Luke giggled, yes giggled, and buried his face in his older lovers shoulder as they fell back onto his bed, “I don’t know, I can’t believe I said that to them!”

“It was pretty hot.” Reid whispered roughly as he nuzzled behind the blonde’s ear, “Especially when you said fucking. I’ve never heard you call it that before.”

“Well, Doctor would you mind fucking my innocence back into me?” Luke growled into the red head's adams apple.

Lets just say, Reid made a very large sandwich when he woke up the next day.

I got inspired by a prompt someone left me.
Feedback makes me happy.

rating: r, !author|artist: hannahalexrose, fan fiction

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