Title: Avery
Chapter Summary: It's Casey and Allison's wedding day. Luke is standing alongside his two best friends, Reid is watching from the pews with Avery and Katie, and even finds himself enjoying the whole thing. What could possibly go wrong?
Notes: I wasn't planning to post this already, but a comment from the ever amazing
ltklo on the last chapter
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Comments 10
I can be such a brat. You give us a great chapter and I'm disappointed because there's no mention of Avery. But you know how I love this story and Avery. I was very excited to see the chapter and had these "Avery expectations". I got to the end of the chapter and thought "hey, where's Avery!". I repeat, I'm such a brat. LOL!
Off to read the chapter about "Avery at the wedding". :) Thank you my dear.
The boy turned and clung to him, gripping him around the neck desperately and crying.
"Home, home," he kept sobbing into Reid's shoulder. Reid smoothed his hair.
"It's alright, we're all going to be alright," he promised.
Love that sonnet. It was featured in the old "Beauty and the Beast" tv show.
I love that sonnet as well. I can't take credit for choosing it, though, lol. It's right out of the actual scene, a lot of little moments in this are, actually. I wanted to basically blend Luke, Avery and the other new characters into the original scene as seamlessly as possible.
Thank you as always for your lovely comments <3 I definitely wanted to use all of this chaos to show just how far Reid has come, and that he hasn't even really 'evolved', he's always been this kind of a person, he just never showed it. But now he has a reason to show the love and kindness in his heart, because he has people worth showing it to.
The love between Luke and Reid showed quite clear with both their actions and reactions.
Great chapter!
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