Fic: It Happened One Night-Oneshot

May 24, 2010 00:44

Title: It Happened One Night

Author: moonchilddj

Characters/Pairings: Luke, Reid, Noah/ Past Nuke, LuRe

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Noah thinks that everything is wonderful with Luke. Until one night…

Beta: sukino

Disclaimer: I own nothing of this fic! The characters all belong to ATWT, Proctor and Gamble, CBS and so forth. I just play in their sandbox. =p

Author’s Note: Quick and dirty, just the way I like it! This came to me last night, just before I went to bed, so even though I’m currently working on the second chapter of The Butterfly Effect, I had to get this out of my head. XD Hope you all like it! Comments are LOVE to me!


It started out so innocent, really. It was the first night out of the hospital, still with fuzzy vision, but he wasn’t going to complain. He could see, and that was all that mattered. Well, that and Luke at his side, but that was a given, after all. Luke had promised to be at his side, so he didn’t have to worry.

Noah Mayer considered himself to be pretty lucky that night, as he camped out on Lily’s couch, with Luke sleeping on the floor. They had spent a great day together, watching movies, talking with the family, just hanging out. It felt something like the old days, and it made him smile himself into slumber.

Awakening in the middle of the night, however, something disturbed him. Wiping a hand absently over his eyes, he tried to figure out what the sound was, before it came again, soft and breathy and nearly purred. Lily didn’t have a cat, so it made him furrow his brow as he sat up sleepily on one elbow, looking around, before the sound seemed to come from the floor.

Where Luke was.

“Nnnh…” came the breathy noise again and his senses perked up in realization. Luke was…jerking himself off. It had been quite a while since he’d heard such a sound, so soft and breathy. It was better than anything porn could do, and Noah smiled to himself as he felt his own body start to stir to life. Luke was beautiful when he was aroused…maybe he would slip down there and…give him a hand. And maybe…

“Reid…” Luke breathed then, and it was as if someone had tossed a bucket full of ice-cold water on him as Noah jerked, startled.

Reid…Dr. Oliver. The doctor that had given him his eyesight back, the brilliant surgeon with the cynical attitude and the horrible bedside manner. The guy who fought with Luke over every single thing, his voice cool and cutting. Why was he…saying his name? Why did it sound so gasped and breathy and…needy?

Okay, so the doctor was good-looking, he would give him that. Older, though, and he supposed that was attractive too, in its own way. But why…why?

“Reid…” Luke breathed again, and Noah blinked, perplexed as he saw the glow of Luke’s cellphone in the darkness, then, “Hey…nn…I’m not waking you, a-am I?”

Noah’s eyes widened in startlement, and he held himself extremely still as the blond laughed quietly.

“Paperwork is…good…even if you’re…a workaholic. Ha…ah…? Oh…shut up…I miss you…is that so b-bad? Nnn…I had to find relief somewhere. I w-wish it was your hand touching me.”

Noah bit off a gasp as stark reality dragged itself through with all the force of a sickle, slicing its way through the idyllic state he’d been in the whole day. Luke missed Dr. Oliver…he wanted his touch. How did that happen? How could it have happened? When did they--

His spinning thoughts were interrupted by a soft groan from the blond below, and he licked his lips, listening.

“Oh…Reid…do that again, huh? Ha…you know what…no, not the dirty doctor talk. Just…tell me what y-you’d do to me.” Luke breathed softly, closing his eyes as he listened to the voice on the other end of the line. He was careful to not get too loud, he didn’t want to wake up Noah, but that voice purring in his ear had him panting quietly. This was what he needed, this was what he craved. He had spent all day with Noah, as he’d promised, but it hadn’t been what he wanted. No, the man had spoiled him for such simple little things, giving him a taste of real desire.

It had started with a private…consultation in Reid’s office one particularly stressful day, when Noah had been all smiles and sunshine and happy bunnies, when he had thought that everything was perfect and serene with their relationship. That, along with the meetings he had for the new wing, had dragged up the frustration that he’d used on Reid…and had ended up with him on the receiving end of a blowjob, practically laying on Reid’s desk as Reid’s mouth worked him over.

What was it they said with an addiction…? One taste was never enough. After Reid had blown his mind, he’d kept coming back for more and more. Oh, no sex, not yet…Reid drew the line there. He’d said that he wouldn’t give him that until he was ready for it, until he could give himself, body and soul, to Reid. But that mouth was so good on him, those fingers…he’d done more things to him than Noah had ever known, hell, than HE’D ever known. There was something to be said for experience. He would never particularly forget the day with Reid making him wear the egg vibrator in the meetings with all the investors. How he’d managed to not squirm and gasp through each word spoken, he had no idea.

Somehow, that cynical, direct, passionate man had gotten to him, and he couldn’t resist calling him to help him get off…he’d rather have Reid’s fingers or his mouth, but with Noah sleeping a mere few feet away…one had to adapt somehow as he groaned under his breath and lifted his hips into his hands as he squeezed carefully.

“Please, Reid…? Don’t torment me this time.” he breathed softly as he heard the older man’s soft chuckle against his ear.

“Thought you liked it when I tormented you~ You plead so prettily, do you know that? Do you kiss your hot mom with that mouth of yours, begging me to go faster, go harder, deeper, to fuck you every inch of your life?”

“Reid…” Luke whimpered quietly, squeezing his eyes shut tightly as his hips left the floor. “Unn…please…?”

“If you weren’t there to hold Noah’s hand…if I was there with you…?”

“Y-yes…” Luke gasped, letting out a shaky breath when he heard the telltale rasp of a zipper over the phone. To think of Reid touching himself brought that heat flaring higher, and he breathed softly through his nose, shuddering.

“If I was there with you…” Reid purred against his ear, husky and soft. “I’d strip you down from head to toe. Those cute boxer-briefs of yours would have to go. I’d start from your nipples and work down. Pectorals, biceps, triceps, deltoids…I’d leave a whole bunch of hickeys on your skin that you’d have to wear a sweater~ I’d lick you and suck you until you were squirming, all the way down to your stomach. Then…the real fun begins.”

“F-fun…?” Luke nearly whimpered, chest heaving as he struggled to keep himself from making too much noise, letting his fingers glide up and down over his length as he listened to Reid, squeezing a few times so he didn’t lose himself so soon. Reid’s vibrating purr against his ear was worth holding on for.

“Oh yeah.” Reid hummed, his voice sounding extremely pleased with himself, rich, low and seductive. “Fun because I’m going to have to decide what to do with that cock of yours. If I want to suck, go down on you, or finger you until you explode. Or all of the above.”

“Mmmf…” Luke muttered to himself, nearly dropping the phone as he struggled to contain himself from making noise as a jolt of heat shot through him, making his toes curl and the hardened flesh in his hand pulsate.

“Going to come?” Reid whispered huskily in his ear, his own voice a little breathless. “Come on, Luke…let’s come together. You…me…and that release you feel all the way to your toes, until I c-can make you come for real.”


“Come on. Let go for me, Luke…say my name.”

How was he supposed to resist him? There was no chance in the world as Luke’s breath hitched on a gasp, and he closed his eyes and let his hips rock up into his hand.


“That’s it, Luke…like…that…”

The blond whimpered, gasping Reid’s name once more before his hips jackknifed up into his hand, flexing and vibrating as pleasure jolted through him, hot and sharp as he spilled himself between his fingers, a few drops landing onto his t-shirt. He didn’t care, shuddering as he panted raspily into the phone as he heard Reid gasping on the other end.

“Oh, Reid…” Luke sighed softly after a few long moments, prompting a chuckle from the older man.

“Good enough for you, Luke?”

“Nn…it’ll do. Until I can f-feel you for real. I…miss you.”

He heard the gentle squeak of the leather chair in the background as Reid adjusted himself. His mouth watered at the thought of just how the doctor might look, his legs splayed, cock gently in hand.

“I miss you.” Reid replied softly. “But I understand, Luke. I’m willing to wait. You know why?”

“Hm…? Why?” Luke breathed.

“Because you’re worth it. I can bide my time. Just as long as I can get my hands, mouth and body on you in the end. I can wait until you’re ready to let go altogether. When Noah’s in the clear…and you can come to me.”

Luke shivered at the breathy words, licking his lips. “You’re…a wonderful guy, Reid.”

“Yes, I know~”

“Hah, modest as always.” He yawned a little, smiling. “And now I’m getting sleepy. So…maybe tomorrow?”

“Office? Empty hospital room? Supply closet?” Reid drawled as Luke stretched, grinning as he snuggled into his blankets.

“Mmm, whatever works best. Or all of the above.”

“I like the way you think. Dream of me, Luke.”

“I think I will.” Luke breathed, closing his eyes with a tired little smile. “Mm, night, Reid.”


He was hard. The kind of bone-breaking, hammer-pounding-nail kind that he easily could’ve pitched a tent under the blankets around his hips. Luke in the throes of climax had always been amazing, and his body had responded eagerly.

But Noah knew he wouldn’t be getting any relief for his hard-on, not from Luke. Because Luke had just climaxed with another man’s name on his lips. He’d just found his release with someone that wasn’t him.

He stayed still while he heard Luke’s breathing even out into sleep, wondering what to do, what to feel. He knew that Luke had said that things were different, but he hadn’t realized how much different. He hadn’t realized that Luke was with someone else. Part of him wanted to go find Dr. Oliver and beat the hell out of him for changing everything, part of him wanted to wake up Luke and grill him for answers. Hopefully change his mind.

But as Noah bent over Luke, he could see the smile curving his lips, just so, and he lost the nerve. Luke hadn’t smiled like that in a long time, almost since the beginning of their relationship, before the fights, the arguing, the blaming. Maybe he just didn’t have the right to interfere in his happiness.

“Reid…” Luke murmured softly, smiling in his sleep as he cuddled into his pillow.

His once-lover had come apart in another man’s hands…Luke dreamed of him in his sleep, dreamed of all that one man, his doctor, Reid Oliver, a perfect, experienced man. How could he ever compete with that?

!author|artist: moonchilddj, fan fiction

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