Long Overdue Chapter 2

May 21, 2010 19:06

Hey guys,

Sorry it took me so long to update on this fic. for those who know the reasons thank you for all your love and prayers for me and my family. To those new, i lost my unlce and it has been a rough time right now.

On a happeir note, chapter 2 is up. chapter 3 will be up shortly

Title: Long Overdue
Written by: kamenashimizuri
Rating: R
Summary: Luke takes Reid to the Snyder Farm for some relaxation
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Author’s Note: Second chapter up! Luke gives the good doc a massage….

~Chapter 2: Laying him down…~

Reid was astonished, the Snyder farm was a wonderful place, and the crisp May air was a new thing for him. It was clean, fresh, nothing like the smog filled air in Dallas. Of course he noticed the clean air in town but here at the farm it was better, great for his health. He could feel the tension in his shoulders loosen. He had to admit, he was having fun, seeing where Mr. Snyder grew up was a new experience and one he was absorbing with great ease. Luke looked back towards him, a smile graced his face and his heart skipped a beat when he saw Reid smile back at him. They were nearing the Pond and the spot where he decided was a good place to set up for Dinner.
                Reid heard the trickling of water up ahead and was suddenly aware that he was both thirsty and hungry. As they came into a clearing Reid saw the source of the sound, a small creek was flowing into a nice size pond, the moon shone on the surface and the pebbles on the bottom were seen. Reid had never seen something so marvelous in his whole life; this place was starting to bring him a calm that only the brain brought. A smile broke over his face; he could get use to this, this feeling of belonging.

“Alright we’re going to stop here and let the horses take a drink, as we have a nice late Dinner.” stated Luke getting off his horse, Reid followed suite.
At the word ‘Dinner’, Reid stared at him. Luke really had planned this all out, and he even thought of dinner, that warm feeling was back, and this time Reid didn’t want it to go away. Luke spread the blanket he brought over a flat area near them and sat the picnic basket down.
“Alright Mr. Snyder what did you have in mind? Caviar, take out, or perhaps a nice big steak” goaded Reid, wanting the rise that came from his teasing of Luke.
“Actually, I brought along Sandwich fixings, and everything you could possibly ever want on one” said Luke, leaning down to open the basket showing its contents.
“You had me at Sandwich” joked Reid, as he quickly sat down.
Luke laughed, and they set about fixing something to eat. As Reid stacked on the fixings for his famous ‘Heart Attack Waiting to Happen’ sandwich, so named by Katie, Luke stared at him.
“Yes Mr. Snyder?”
“Are you really going to eat all of that?” asked Luke
“Yes, in fact Katie would tell you this is only an appetizer compared to some of my other wonderful creations”
“You eat a sandwich bigger than that most of the time?!”
“Yes” said Reid “What is with this town and large sandwiches? You’d think it’s a crime”
Luke laughed and shook his head. Reid was curious as to what brought on this sudden occurrence.
“Is there something funny about the way I eat Mr. Snyder?”
“Nope, nothing at all. In fact you’d love some of the Snyder get-togethers, my Grandma Emma makes everything from scratch and she’ll feed you until your stuffed, and then send home leftovers for everyone. She made these cookies from scratch, all the ingredients came from the farm, expect the chocolate.” Luke laughed.
“I’m going to have to become best friends with this ‘Grandma Emma’” stated Reid.

They ate in relative silence only every once in a while did Reid ask something about Emma and her cooking, and Luke would laugh and shake his head. Grandma Emma was sure to love Dr. Reid Oliver if the two were to ever meet. Luke was sure of it, he was even more sure that she would take an instant liking to him once he asked to eat something of hers or compliment her on her cooking. Honestly that was all that Reid seemed to think about other than his job, but it was what had attracted Luke to him in the first place. Once they were done Luke packed up everything and turned towards the other bag he brought with them. Reid’s curiosity peaked; he had been wondering what was inside the bag since he first saw it. Luke only pulled out a couple of items, and turned back to Reid a sly grin on his face.

“Ok take off your shirt, turn around and lay down” said Luke
Reid, who had taken a drink of water, nearly choked on it when Luke said these words. Coughing he turned to Luke “Come again? Are you trying to kill me Mr. Snyder or seduce me?”
“Neither!” now it was Luke’s turn to be flabbergasted. “I meant I was going to give you a massage!”
“Why?” said Reid on guard
“I noticed earlier that you were tense in your shoulders, I was trying to do something nice for you all the while having your spend some time being relaxed and calm.”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to give me a massage, I can make an appointment somewhere in town”
“The Lakeview is expensive and why spend money when I’m offering?”
Reid swallowed hard, that erection he had earlier was starting to make its way back. The thought of Luke, massaging him, while he laid half naked with Luke on top of him did help, so yep he was turning hard.
“Just trust me ok, I have on good record that I give fabulous massages”
“Says who? Noah?”
“Actually no, my sisters, Katie, my Mom. Also for your information I never gave Noah a massage, he was too busy to want or need one. Besides I’m not offering Noah, I’m offering you. I have improved greatly recently” said Luke
As much as Reid knew this was going to come back and bite him in the ass; he agreed.

Luke smiled one of his thousand watt smiles and got ready to give Reid a massage. Reid turned away from Luke, took off his shirt and laid down on the blanket, and prayed to every god that Luke didn’t find out he was painfully hard.
“Alright you ready?” asked Luke
“As I’ll ever be, Mr. Snyder”
“Again it’s Luke, and be optimistic, you’ll enjoy it”
If only Luke understood how his words could be taken two different ways and the effect they had on him. Reid tensed up when he felt Luke straddle his back, feelings coursed through him, they were new and unexplainable. Luke tried, and failed to suppress his laughter,  
“Relax, I’m not going to attack you.” Laughed Luke
Reid wanted to turn around and attack him; he had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Luke at that moment. The whole situation screamed lust filled, it was an implied relationship builder, and so many other things Reid was sure he wasn’t ready for. The warm sensation of massage oil as it was dribbled on his back spread over his overly sensitive nerves and then Luke’s warm hands were applied. Luke started at the nape of his neck spreading the oil evenly over his back, shoulders and arms and then he applied pressure. Reid surprised himself as he moaned, melting into the sensations that Luke was making him feel, Luke was right; he had god-like hands. He instantly began to relax and enjoy the feeling of Luke giving him a massage.
“See, what did I tell you” said Luke as he worked on Reid’s knots in his back.
Reid moaned in response, and Luke gulped as the sound traveled to his groin. That so did not turn him on, he tried to convince himself. When he went to Reid’s lower back, he was given a low groan, which made his situation even more troublesome. He couldn’t believe this, the noises Reid was making were turning him on, and he was slowly getting hard. This was not happening. Luke tried to think of something that would get his mind off the noises and his erection. But to no anvil, he was still semi hard and listening to Reid moan and groan. He leaned into Reid to add more pressure when once again Reid let out more primal moan, Luke swore his cock twitched, and he was positioned right at Reid’s ass. It was about time he stopped, so he massaged a little more around Reid’s neck and then rubbed down his arms.

“Ok you’re done” said Luke getting off Reid as quickly as he could.
Reid stayed laying down, he knew he had felt Luke’s cock hard against his ass, and it had shocked him as well as made him cum a little. Being happy it was dark and his jeans were also dark Reid slowly turned and looked at Luke.
“Well Luke, thank you. I have to say that was the best massage I ever had” said Reid, double meaning laced throughout the whole sentence.
“You called me Luke” said Luke smiling
“Well it only right after you were nice to me. I am actually relaxed and calm, and it’s all thanks to you Luke”
“Thank you…Reid”
Reid smiled at Luke, while he smiled back, both with painfully hard erection and a night that was nowhere close to finished.

To be continued…

!author|artist: kamenashimizuri, fan fiction

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