(no subject)

May 18, 2010 18:13

Title: The Wedding, FINAL CHAPTERS! pt. 10
Author: SERipley
Original Posting: FanFiction.net [pleeeease leave reviews on this site as well for me!]
Rating: G/K
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, gosh darnit.
Summary: Luke and Reid hit a bump in the road on a day that should be full of happiness.
Notes: This is the first of the final two chapters to my latest fanfic! HOWEVER. I'm debating leaving it at this, or adding my eleventh chapter... your feedback will help me decide if this is a good place to leave it or if I should post the rest! Enjoy!

Reid woke around 6am, as usual, when the sunlight began to trickle through the blinds, casting scattered lines of light over the living room. Even in his groggy state he knew enough to move as little as possible. He always woke before Luke and was accustomed to carefully crawling out of bed so that Luke could sleep a bit longer. Normally Reid had to leave for work first and so he would shower and get the coffee going while Luke slept in. Today, though, Reid didn't have to go in til later in the afternoon, meaning that this was one of those rare occasions when he was allowed to sleep in.

Opening his tired eyes Reid looked down to find Luke still curled up beside him. They were facing the same way now, Luke's back pressed comfortably against Reid's chest, and Reid's arms were wrapped securely around him. Their fingers were tangled together, as were their legs. Reid smiled, kissing the crook of Luke's neck. Luke's scent filled his nose as he took a deep breath, willing his muscles to relax as he held his sleeping lover close, wishing every morning started off this wonderfully. He stroked Luke's hair, pulling some of the longer bangs out of his face and tucking it behind his ear. Luke's mouth was slightly open and Reid did his best not to laugh. He always enjoyed watching Luke sleep, the boy always seemed to peaceful, and he could sleep through anything. Reid held him a while longer before finally willing himself to pull away, peeling himself with precision from the sleeping beauty and quietly raising to his feet. Breakfast with Luke's family was at 10am and Reid knew that Luke would want to be up by 9am at the latest, giving him only a few hours to do everything he needed to before then.

By 7o'clock Reid was at the hospital. He'd left a note for Luke on the pillow telling him he'd been called in but would be back in time for breakfast. Since it was a Sunday he knew that Luke would probably sleep until Reid woke him, but the last thing he needed to risk was Luke waking up alone with no explanation as to why Reid had left. Reid pictured Luke sleeping on the living room floor as he waited outside of Bob's office, dressed in jeans and a polo shirt he'd stolen from Luke. He hadn't done laundry in days and so nothing was clean, or maybe that was simply an excuse. Reid wasn't waiting long before Bob arrived and the two stepped into his office. Bob was amused by Reid's impatience, just smiling at him from across the desk as the young doctor spoke.

"I think I we can handle that, Dr. Oliver," said Bob with a knowing smile. "We managed to get along just fine before you came around, I'm sure we can do it again for a few days."

"Good. And remember what I said; no calling, no paging, no anything until I'm back. Not that trying would do you any good," Reid shrugged. Bob laughed.

"Don't worry, Dr. Oliver, no one is going to bother you, I guarantee it."

By 8o'clock Reid was in Old Town, sitting at Java with an untouched coffee in front of him, his phone to his hear.

" I know it's your wedding night, but c'mon, answer the damn phone," Reid grumbled after dialing the number for the third time. When he reached the answering machine, again, he hung up and dialed a fourth time. Finally someone answered.

"Hello?" came the tired voice of Holden Snyder.

"Finally," sighed Reid. On the other end Holden let out a tired laugh.

"Not all of us are morning people, Reid," said Holden. Reid grinned.

"Yeah, well, not all of us can be so perfect."

The two friends talked for a few minutes, Reid speaking with the same enthusiasm and urgency as he had with Bob, but with a bit more hesitation. Once he was done he sat quietly, listening for a response from Holden. He wasn't sure what to expect, holding his breath until Holden began to speak.

"I'm in," said Holden, and Reid sighed in relief, a smile positively glowing on his face.

"Thank you, Holden. And thank Lily for me, too," he said.

"I will. We're still going to see you both at breakfast, right?" asked Holden.

"That's the plan," said Reid, resisting the urge to add, 'unless of course Luke would rather stay home…'

They hung up and Reid began the short journey home. He walked in at 8:30 to find Luke was still asleep and took the opportunity to shower before he could wake up. By 9o'clock, Reid was dressed again, his hair still damp but neatly brushed out. He was in jeans again and another one of Luke's shirts [though this time he didn't bother denying why he'd chosen the shirt].  Coming across the room he knelt down in front of Luke, gently rubbing his arms to wake him. Luke stirred, letting out a weary groan, making Reid laugh a little.

"Morning," Reid chimed simply. Luke blinked a few times before focusing on Reid's face. He relaxed into the pillow again smiling up at the man he loved.

"Good morning," he said back. Reid leaned down and kissed him gently. Luke sighed happily.

"C'mon, we have to be at Al's in an hour," said Reid. Luke protested only once before Reid managed to convince him to get up. Luke took a shower while Reid sat in the kitchen, nervously tapping his foot and drinking his second cup of coffee. Luke didn't take long showers, fortunately, especially when they were on a schedule, so fifteen minutes later he was walking in a towel to the bedroom, and Reid smiled, unable to help himself as he stared at the blond. Luke saw him and grinned before shutting the door. Reid shook his head and laughed.

The previous evening's conversation flooded his thoughts again and Reid found himself reliving that depression and pain he'd felt. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, hoping that things would soon get better. He knew that there was no easy-fix for what was happening between them but he refused to let them become just another couple that simply "didn't work out." In the bedroom Luke was going through about the same thing, convincing himself as he dressed that things would be alright. They had to be.

Luke came out of the room just around 9:30 to find Reid standing by the couch, his jacket already on.

"What's the rush?" asked Luke.

"Katie just called. Apparently she wants us to get there a little early so help hand a banner or some other stupid thing. I don't know, but I told her we'd be there, so let's go," he explained. Luke rolled his eyes with a laugh.

"Sometimes I think you listen to her more than you listen to me," Luke joked, moving across the room to grab his own jacket. Reid didn't respond to Luke's bait, just smiling innocently at him. Luke laughed as he started to pull on his jacket. He was adjusting it and pushing his hands into the pockets to help straighten it out, when his fingers collided with something.

He looked down suspiciously. Reid seemed to tense,  but Luke didn't notice. He gripped the object in his pocket and pulled it out, staring at it with intense interest and obvious confusion.

It was an envelope.

Luke looked up at Reid. The look on Reid's face immediately gave it away that whatever this was, it was his doing, and a smile began to spread over his lips as he ripped into the envelope, pulling out a piece of notebook paper. He unfolded the paper and began to read the words he recognized to be in Reid's handwriting out loud.

"This coupon is good for two tickets on an Alaskan Cruise."

Luke stopped and stared at the words, rereading them two more times before staring up at Reid, who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Is this for real?" Luke asked excitedly. Reid nodded.

"I didn't have time to actually buy the tickets yet, hence the homemade IOU," he laughed. "But I'm going to go make the arrangements this afternoon, if you want me to."

Luke felt like he might cry again.

"Are you sure we can do this? I mean, what about work? And the foundation?" Luke began rambling a bit and Reid shushed him, stepping close and laughing at his boyfriend's endless worrying.

"I already talked to Bob and he's guaranteed me the time off. And I talked to Holden earlier and he and your mom can handle things just fine while you're gone. Don't worry so much," Reid teased. Luke let himself relax, still gazing up at Reid with absolutely awe. Holding the paper tightly in his hand he threw his arms around Reid, holding him tightly. Reid wrapped his arms around Luke's waist, laughing at his enthusiasm.

"So I take it that's a yes?" he asked. Luke pulled back, still hanging onto Reid's neck.

"That's a hell yes," he laughed, and they kissed.

"I know this won't solve everything, but I figure we both need the break, and maybe some time alone would do us some good. I know we were planning to save this trip for Christmas, but sometimes tells me we could use it now," Reid said breathlessly, still smiling at Luke, taking in that perfect face of his.

Luke bit his lip. "Now sounds perfect." They kissed again, only stopping when Luke remembered that they had to get going. "We should go before Katie has a heart attack," Luke laughed into the kiss. Reid let out a sarcastic chuckle at the comment, just grinning. It took Luke only a moment to interpret that laugh, leaning back with a look of mock surprise, hitting Reid playfully. "Katie never called, did she?" Once more Reid said nothing, just grinning before greedily capturing Luke's lips.

!author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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