The Butterfly Effect 1?

May 16, 2010 17:06

Fic: The Butterfly Effect 1/?

Author: moonchilddj

Characters/Pairings: Luke, Reid, Luke’s family, a few OCs/ Past Nuke, LuRe

Rating: Light R/NC-17

Summary: AU-ish. When the breaking of one relationship sends him running from Oakdale, can the new face of another man put Luke’s heart back together?

Beta: boyloverox

Disclaimer: I own nothing of this except for the fic itself and the OCs. This is just for entertainment purposes only, all established characters belong to CBS, ATWT and so forth!

Author’s Notes: First time I’ve ever dipped my toes into writing ATWT fandom, but I really wanted to try it out, especially with LuRe. I was bunnied with this last weekend, and decided to give it a shot…hope you all enjoy it!


He had never expected it to end up like this. When he had decided to take some time for himself, get away from his family (though well-meaning, their breathing down his neck didn’t help matters), and get away from his boyfriend…ex-boyfriend…he hadn’t ever thought he’d leave Oakdale. Finding himself just hadn’t seemed to work in a small town outside of Chicago, where everyone knew his name, who his family was, his problems, right down to the time when he’d been in diapers.

But he hadn’t even gone to Chicago, or any other cities close by. No, he’d just kept driving and driving and driving. And somehow…had landed himself far south of Illinois, in Dallas, Texas, of all places.

His father--both of them, actually--would have a fit. His mother…he didn’t even want to think about that. Still, it was the farthest he could get away from Oakdale…it somehow worked.

Luke Snyder drove through the bustling city streets, gazing around at the high-rise city buildings that he’d only seen on tv, and wondered just what in the world he’d gotten himself into. Though his mother and grandmother had come from good money, as well as his biological father, he’d never really been out of the small town he’d grown up in. Getting kidnapped by his biological father and taken to Malta didn’t count.

There was something a little scary, but exciting about being out on his own, in a place where no one knew him from Adam. All of twenty-one years old, and in a city where he could get himself lost in and no one knew his name. He liked the sound of that.

Waiting at a stoplight, the blond pushed his fingers through his hair, thinking. Noah breaking his heart…again…had just made him want to get away. He couldn’t bear the thought of being in the same town as the guy he was totally in love with, it just hurt too much, to see his face and not being able to hold him, kiss him. Granted, he’d never had it easy since he’d come out to his parents about being gay, but he hadn’t expected it to be this hard. Were all gay men like that? Was there something wrong with him for wanting to love someone and give his whole time to them?

He sighed, and put his foot on the accelerator when the light turned green, putting the thoughts out of his mind. They’d be there when he thought of them again, they’d been spinning in his head ever since Noah had pushed him away. Right now, he needed to find some place to spend his time, maybe get a little job. He had a little bit of cash to tide him over, but he knew enough that it wouldn’t last him forever. Some time away from Oakdale would be good for him.

Then, once he’d done that, he’d call his family, just to make sure they didn’t send the FBI after him or something. His mother would flip out, most likely, try to talk him into coming back home. It just wasn’t time. Not yet. This time…this was for him. He gave all his time to his friends and family, and Noah…this was time just for himself.

Luke drove through the streets, wondering what kind of place to get, what kind of job. The latter shouldn’t be too hard, he was young, hard-working, adaptable. But the former…apartment? Condo? Penthouse? The possibilities were endless, and if he was really going to take care of himself…he wasn’t going to have a hole in the wall.

A certain rush of excitement flowed through him, a feeling he hadn’t known since he’d been going to Oakdale U. Being on his own…it was just the sort of thing he needed to help him clear up the mess inside his head that Noah had left.


“Lily, calm down…you’re going to wear a hole in the floor.”

Pacing? She couldn’t help pacing, her baby boy was gone from Oakdale completely, no note, no phone call. Every possible scenario, from him being in a ditch somewhere, to having been kidnapped by her ex-sometimes-former-current husband ran through her head, and she glanced up at the blue-eyed man that had been at her side since she’d found out that Luke had practically vanished a few days ago.

“Why aren’t you worried? Luke’s your son, too.” she replied, chewing nervously on a fingernail.

“Yeah, but I also know that Luke’s a responsible young man, and he’s not gonna go without calling us.” Holden replied with a shake of his head.

“Yes, but what if he’s hurt? What if he can’t call us? What if he’s--”

“Lily.” Holden reached out, and took her hands in his, rubbing them soothingly. “Breathe, c’mon. You know Luke. Just give him some credit, okay?”

Lily sighed, bowing her head as she gazed down at their hands. “I know, I know. I’m just so worried about him. He was so upset after he told us about Noah.”

“Well, yeah. He was heartbroken. Comes with the territory. Doesn’t mean he’s gonna do anything stupid.”

She nodded, then jumped, startled when her cellphone rang suddenly. She let go of Holden’s hands, and rushed to her purse, plucking up the cell hurriedly and flipping it open. “Luke?!”

“Mom, mom, hey, take it easy! Don’t bust my eardrum!”

“Oh, Luke!” Lily breathed, nearly sagging in relief at the sound of that familiar voice. “Where have you been? Where are you, baby?? Your father and I have been worried sick!”

“You mean you have, mom.” Luke’s voice chuckled softly. “I’m fine. Really. I just went on a…sort-of road trip.”

“Road trip?” Lily replied, blinking. “Sweetheart, why in the world--”

“Mom. I needed to get away, after…everything. Don’t freak out, okay? I’m fine, I swear. I rented a hotel room for the night, I’m going apartment hunting tomorrow.”

“What? Why would you need to do that? You need to come back home, where are you?” Lily asked, pushing her fingers through her hair as worry screeched through her. She glanced up when Holden came up behind her, smiling a little when he squeezed her shoulder gently.

“Mom, I’m not coming back yet, okay? I have…stuff I need to work out, and I just need to do it on my own time. Away from everything that reminds me of what happened. I’m fine, I’m safe and sound, I even ordered take-out for dinner. I’m in Dallas.”

“Dallas?!” she cried, stunned, before Holden gently took the phone from her. That was farther than she’d expected. He could’ve, at least, gone to Chicago where she could see his face and make sure he was all right…!

“Breathe.” Holden muttered, rubbing her back, before he spoke into the phone. “Luke? Aside from your mother flipping out over here, we just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“I’m fine, dad. No problems, I kept an eye on the car to make sure I didn’t run into any snags, filled up the tank when I needed to, slept when I needed to, and no, I haven’t gotten mugged. Dallas is a pretty big city. It’s kind of exciting. I just need to…breathe a little. I need to get my head on straight. Does that make sense?”

“As long as you keep yourself safe, and call us from time to time, I understand. Dallas is a little far, but hey…you’ve spent time in Chicago with Noah, too, right?”

“Yeah.” Luke’s voice sighed. “I just…wanted somewhere new. Somewhere where no one knows me. I promise to take care of myself, and I’ll call you guys every chance I get.”

“Deal.” Holden smiled, noting that some of the tension was gone from Luke’s voice. At least the time alone had eased that. “Have fun down there. Bring us back a souvenir.”

“Dad.” Luke snorted softly over the line. “Love you guys. Try not to worry, okay?”

“The keyword there being try, I think.” Holden smiled as he rubbed the woman’s shoulders. “We love you, too. Always. If that’s what you need, then it’s what you need.”

“Thanks. Give a big hug to mom for me?”

“Will do.” When the younger man had hung up, he closed the phone and handed it to Lily, smiling.

“How can you do that?” Lily sighed as she shook her head. “I’d be a nervous wreck.”

“I trust him.” Holden replied. “He’s a big boy, Lily. He can take care of himself.”

“There’s just so much that can go wrong. No matter how grown-up he is, I still worry for him.” Lily chuckled a little. “I suppose I always will. I want to help him.”

“There’s nothing you can do for him right now. This is something he has to do for himself. Let him do it. He’ll come back home when he’s ready.” Holden replied as he wrapped her up in his arms, smoothing his fingers through her hair. “Until then, all we can do is wait and be patient and understanding. We don’t want to drive him farther, right?”

“No.” she replied, shivering at the mere thought as she rested her cheek against him. “I’ll try, Holden. It won’t be easy.”

“Being a parent never is.” he replied as Lily gave a soft chuckle against his chest.

“No, it certainly isn’t. And we have to go through several more years of it!”


While having a temporary place was good, Luke knew he couldn’t spend all his time in a hotel room. It took him the whole day being out and about--with a few recommendations from the hotel concierge--before he found a modest apartment that suited his tastes. Between living in a farmhouse, and a nice home, he had an eccentric sort of taste that he wasn’t even sure that he could live in any tiny place like most guys his age.

He shook his head to himself, and mentally crossed off one thing on his checklist. Now all he needed was a job to support himself, and he’d be set. Dallas was a big city, surely he could find whatever he wanted.

…He just hadn’t quite expected it to be a country bar, a *gay* country western bar, even. But somehow, the music lured him inside the doors, and the ‘help wanted’ sign on the outside didn’t help matters, either.

Standing uncertainly on the inside of the doors of the Bucking Bull, the blond glanced around, his ears tuning in to the sound of the country music spilling out towards the front, where an old jukebox rested against the corner, beside the bar. The set up reminded him of something off of Queer as Folk, with two platforms set up alongside the stage, and he had a feeling that was where those kind of go-go dancers would be at.

He blushed to himself, not used to such an in-your-face sort of atmosphere. Oakdale wasn’t bad at all, it was actually kind of accepting for the most part, despite being a small town. But this…one couldn’t miss the whole vibe at all, and he shuffled, sticking his hands in his jeans pockets as he breathed in the faint tang of cigarette smoke, alcohol, wood and a sort of faint scent of cologne and sweat, a masculine flavor that had him flushing deeper. He could just imagine how packed it must be at night, with all those men, in tight jeans, and…

A voice interrupted from his half-arousing daydreams, and he snapped to attention, blinking at the man that strode forward from the back, boot heels clicking across the wooden floor.

“Hey there, kid, you gonna pull up your jaw, and come on in?” the man greeted, and Luke cleared his throat, wondering if he should just turn around and head back out.

“I um…”

The older man laughed, pleasant and loud, with a certain twang to his voice as he gazed at him in amusement. “First time being in a gay country western club, I bet. Your eyes are the size of dinner plates.”

“Yes, sir. I saw the sign out front, and…” Luke sputtered.

“Ah, you lookin’ for work? Well, I’ve got several lined up, if you’re interested. Bartender, greeter, dancer…”


“Yep. On those platforms.” he replied, jerking a thumb behind him. “You’re a good lookin’ fellow, young and strong. Look mighty fine up there. But that’s your choice, if you’re interested.” He thrust his hand out to him. “Name’s Rick, I’m the owner of the Bucking Bull, this club’s been here for ‘bout three years now. You wouldn’t believe how much business we do.” he winked as Luke flushed and shook his hand.

“I can imagine. I’m Luke, Luke Snyder. I just came into Dallas a few days ago, looking for a steady job to support myself.”

Rick nodded. “Oh, believe me, boy, you’d support yourself just fine, here. We make a killing here. Lots of people come here. Big city an’ all, lots of gay men lookin’ for a place to hang out. Businessmen, entrepreneurs, doctors, lawyers…”

“There’s all kinds, here?” Luke replied, his eyes widening as the older man laughed.

“Poor kid, you must be from a pretty sheltered place, huh? Don’t worry, we’ll show you a good time here in Dallas.” he winked, again, waving a hand when the blond blushed. “No, none of that nasty stuff you’d find in other clubs. This is just a place to have fun. And if you hook up with someone, well, that’s alright, too. Just as long as you put in your hard work. So, would ya be interested?”

Luke shifted his stance, crossing his arms over his chest as he gazed around the bar. While it was the kind of place he’d never find in Oakdale, it had a sort of comfortable atmosphere about it, that he didn’t feel awkward. It was kind of welcoming, in a way that he appreciated. Sometimes it did feel stifling, back home. Maybe he could give it a shot. It would be a nice distraction.

Brown eyes turned back to the older man, and he nodded after a moment. “I think I’ll take you up on that, sir. It seems like a nice place.”

Rick whistled softly. “Oh yeah…it’s nice, alright. Makes me wish I was twenty or thirty years younger!” he laughed, patting the younger man on the shoulder. “C’mon, then, Luke…let’s get some paperwork squared away, and you can start tonight.”

“Tonight?” he echoed, gazing at him in surprise. “Wow, you must be desperate for help.”

“Nah.” Rick grinned. “We’re not that hard up yet. But I like ya, kid. I think the patrons will, too.”

“You think so? You hardly know me.”

“You’re honest, friendly, you look hard-working, and maybe a little new to the scene, with those big doe eyes of yours…but you’re also a looker. The patrons are gonna eat you up.”

Luke blushed. “I hope you don’t mean that literally.”

Rick laughed as he walked them back to his office. “Eh, some might take a stab at ya, but the alcohol makes ‘em bold. Just ignore ‘em. I bet you can take care of yourself just fine.”

Luke grinned, amused as he walked along at Rick’s side. He liked this man, robust and burly, like a ginger-haired Santa Claus. It actually seemed kind of exciting, thinking about working in a bar that catered to his sort of guy. He never would’ve found this sort of thing at Metro, not even on theme nights. A sort of eagerness thrummed through his veins, making his knee jiggle as he sat down in the man’s office and went through the paperwork.

A dancer. His mother would’ve hit the roof if she’d known that he was taking up that sort of job. He grinned to himself, making a mental note to never mention it to her in phone calls as he finished up the paperwork, sealing the deal, and shaking hands with Rick before heading out, promising to be back just before six that evening. The pay was good, really good, and even though a slight ball of nerves danced along his spine, excitement overtook it, that he was nearly bouncing out of the bar. He actually couldn’t wait for the evening. It was bound to be like nothing he’d ever experienced in Oakdale.


“No. I don’t care how many times you look at me. I’m not going.”

“But why? It’d be good for you to get out and have some fun. Hang out with other people. Hell, even have a fling, god knows that you’ve been such a workaholic, your little man down there’s gonna dry up and fall off.”

Blue eyes cut into the black-haired man with half a glare, and Dr. Eric McKenzie, manager of the Pediatrics department, held up his hands in defense from that baleful glare of his friend and colleague of Baylor University Medical Center.

“What part of ‘no’ do you not understand?” The leather chair creaked softly as the doctor in question swiveled around to gaze at Eric. His face was handsome--most nurses called him ‘rugged’--surrounded by curly, thick red-brown hair as he drummed his fingers on the chair arms, making the medical tag pinned on his white coat gleam in the florescent light. “Just because you can pick a date at your leisure from every nurse that pants after you and shows you a little leg, doesn’t mean I don’t have my own alternatives to…going to a club.”

“What’s that? Your own hand?” Eric ducked when the other man threatened to throw a pile of folders at him. “Reid, look. I may be as straight as they come, but it doesn’t mean that I can’t appreciate you getting your own…tail, so to speak. A friend of mine said it was a nice club, no funny business, nothing particularly risqué, except for the hot dancers. And I know you like a good ass in jeans. What’s the harm in having a little fun? You’ve been working nonstop for weeks, since…”

“Eric.” the other man warned, his voice tightening.

“Sorry. You just deserve to have a good time. After…everything. C’mon, Reid. When was the last time you went out and had a night life?”

“Before medical school.”

Eric blinked, somewhat stunned that it had come out so easily, plus had been so long. What was the man, a robot? “Then you definitely need to go.”



“Eric, if I don’t want to, I don’t want to. Now kindly walk yourself back out my door, and let it hit you on the way out so as to knock some sense into you.”

Studying the other man thoughtfully as his fingers tapped at the keys to his laptop, Eric grinned. “If you go…I promise to not bother you about going out again.”

“…” Blue eyes studied him over the top of the computer. “…Can I have that in blood? You never know when to shut up about it.”

“Come on, you can’t pass up an offer like this, I won’t offer it ever again~”

There was the heave of a sigh from behind the laptop, one of long-suffering with the likes of fools and gruff indulgence to the pleasantly-insane. “FINE. I’ll go, if it’ll get you off my back. Now get out of my office, some of us have work to do.”

The dark-haired man whistled a little tune, pleased he’d finally hit the snag to make the other man take a night off for once, and walked backwards to the door. “I’ll be back around six. I’ll even drive you there myself, so you don’t chicken out.” He decided to get out the door, though, before his colleague did throw something at him.

Dr. Reid Oliver, neurologist, sighed as he sat back in his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose with his fingers. He supposed the other man meant well, in his own fashion, but really…he was going to kill him one of these days for sticking his nose into affairs where it didn’t belong. If he wanted someone to dick around with, he would find someone for himself, he didn’t need help doing it.

He opened his eyes and stared at the computer screen, the cursor flashing at him for the next word typed on the medical records he kept for his own personal use. There were bags under his eyes, he could see that in his reflection, where he had been working long graveyard shifts, unwilling to go home to his quiet little apartment and have nothing filling his head but the recent case of Annie Judd, the little girl he’d failed.

He had no boyfriend, no fling, no anything to distract himself from those events. Not that he minded, he was far too busy for such things, but sometimes…perhaps that was why he’d said yes to Eric without too much of a fuss. Maybe it wouldn’t be too bad, just a distraction for a night.

“You are a downright pathetic man, Reid.” he muttered to himself with a shake of his head, before he furrowed his brow and snapped himself back to attention, and his work. The shift wasn’t over just yet, and he had half of his work to email over to his assistant, plus more to do before he was forced away from his desk by his colleague. He couldn’t afford to get distracted just yet. He’d leave that for whatever crazy stunt Eric pulled him into later.

Honestly. Having a straight man as a friend was just the strangest thing sometimes.


Eight pm at the Bucking Bull, and the club was a packed house, filled to the brim with men from all walks of life, all ages, sizes, colors. They bellied up to the bar, danced on the floor, hung around the jukebox or sat at the tables in the back. It smelled of testosterone, cologne, and every inch a man’s atmosphere, combined with heat and moving bodies, cigarette smoke and alcohol.

It was a heady scent that got to Luke as he stood up on one of the platforms alongside the stage, dressed in a black vest, blue jeans that clung to him like a second skin, boots and a black cowboy hat.

He had been afraid that the costume had been something skimpier, but Rick had put his fears to rest. He had also been somewhat nervous he’d make himself look like a fool, dancing on a platform, since he was no kind of professional dancer, but Rick had said to just move to the rhythm of the music. He could do that, and going by the appreciative looks thrown his way from the crowd, he wasn’t doing too bad of a job at it, either. Then again, it might’ve been the cut of the jeans and his bare arms and chest.

Still, it was exciting, and maybe even a little flattering to his wavering ego that had been stomped on a few times, that he winked and smiled from his position, thumbs hooked into the belt loops of his jeans as he sashayed to the song playing boisterously on the jukebox. He closed his eyes, letting himself get caught up in the wild, foot-stomping rhythm.

‘Rifle in a gun rack, hanging in the back glass

Buck knife on my belt, ain’t no land for sale ‘round here

Red clay country mud, sippin’ on a cold Bud

Blue tick coonhound, you know where I’m found, out in the

Backwoods, down in the holler

Out in the backwoods, workin’ hard for a dollar in the

Backwoods, yeah, we get it done right

Work hard, play hard, hold my baby tight

Lordy have mercy, it’s a real good life

In the backwoods, yes sir’

“…You have got to be kidding me.” Reid replied as he stood on the threshold of the Bucking Bull, wincing a little at the pounding music that was going to make his ears ring, before he turned his head and glared at Eric. “I’m not going in there.”

“What? You’re already dressed up, where else are you going to go!” Eric replied, and really, if he hadn’t liked women so much, he would’ve wanted to get hold of his friend’s ass, clad in tight black denim that he could tell the man had still been keeping up on his exercise regimen. The neurologist looked pretty hot, and while he knew Reid wasn’t the type to be unsure of his own awesomeness, since he’d been told several times in the course of knowing him, he wondered just what kept him from getting laid every night.

“Where else? Back home, with that tub of Rocky Road ice cream that’s in the freezer.” Reid replied with a snort, frowning at the multitude of men that lingered in the club. He wheeled around to do just that, and sputtered, frowning at his taller friend as his arm was grabbed, and he was dragged inside the doors.

“Stay.” Eric replied, poking Reid in the chest. “Grab a beer! Chat up someone, have fun for once in your life! C’mon, Reid, it’s not going to kill you.”

“Says you.”

Eric rolled his eyes. “Reid, just…forget about everything tonight. Just be a gay guy in Dallas for one night. Flirt, smile without breaking your face, have some fun. Maybe even get lucky, if you want to. Tomorrow you can go back to being Mr. Sourpuss. I know you’re capable of being a normal human being every once in a while. So go and do it. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even have fun after a while.”

Reid gave a little scowl, then blinked when the other man moved to head for the door. “Hey, where are you going? Are you just going to leave me here?”

“Yep.” Eric grinned back at him. “You can borrow my car if you want, I saw a club for my standards down the street~ Good luck!”

He cursed the other man up, down and sideways in his head for just abandoning him to this madness, and glanced around with a sigh. Well…perhaps a beer wouldn’t be too bad. That wouldn’t hurt. He started through the throng of masculine humanity, breathing in the various scents of cologne, and headed for the bar. From that safe vantage point, he looked around as he sat himself on a barstool, and eyed the two men that were on the platforms above the stage.

One was older than the other, though they were both dressed the same. The younger had a lean, wiry frame, and a baby doll sort of face, cute and boyish, with strands of blond bangs sticking to the side of his face as he moved. Was he even legal to be in a bar? He looked no older than eighteen!

“A cowboy twink. Now I’ve seen it all.” he muttered to himself, though he had to admit, the younger one was certainly easy on the eyes. He ordered a beer from the bartender, and watched the younger man sway his hips, boot-clad feet stomping to the rhythm of the song. He certainly seemed to be popular, going by the many appreciative gazes thrown his way.

“Isn’t he a cute one?” This came from an older man wandering around, ginger-colored hair just starting to gray, with a bit of a paunch hanging over his belt buckle. He looked mighty pleased with himself as he rocked on his heels alongside Reid. “Just hired him today, I thought for sure he’d draw the eye, no matter what he was doing.”

Reid glanced at him, arching his brow blandly. “He looks underage.”

“Don’t mind that baby face of his, he is of age to be here, I guarantee it.” the older man replied with a firm nod. “Ha, I’m going to have to beat them off with sticks when the poor boy comes down for a break.”

He certainly wouldn’t mind buying the younger man a drink…Reid swallowed down a gulp of his beer when the dancer turned, and the tight jeans allowed a very nice view of the package nature had given him when he bent his knees and dipped. Pulling at the collar of his shirt, he glanced at the older man again.

“And when is he coming down for his break?”

“Five minutes, give or take.” The older man winked at him. “Be good to him, y’ hear?”

“Right.” Reid replied with a roll of his eyes at the other man’s amusement, before he glanced to the young man. So he was legal…maybe twenty-one, twenty-two. Built in all the right places, too. Broad shoulders and torso, trim waist, long legs. It wasn’t a stretch at all to imagine those long legs wrapped around him, that pretty mouth making all sorts of noises as he pounded into him.

He gave a short shake of his head to snap himself from daydreaming, coughing under his breath. So maybe it had been a while…he hadn’t been intimate with anyone in probably a year or more. Closer to the more, considering how he worked. He just didn’t do well with relationships. The heart was a confusing part of the body, and the emotions tied along with it, that a sensible man like himself just couldn’t understand what lead human beings to act as they did. Being a gay man, and seeing how relationships were complicated even in that field, just made it more confusing.

Still, when the song had finished, to thunderous applause and whistles from the crowd, Reid was one of those people that sat up to attention when the young man stepped off of the platform. He felt an unreasonable wave of protectiveness surge through him when several other men crowded the younger, and slid off of his stool before he knew what he was doing. What was he going to do, beat the other men off?

That confusing emotion slithered into relief when the blond made his way free of his appreciative paramours, sweeping off the black cowboy hat and wiping his brow with his arm as he headed for the bar. Up close, sweat droplets sparkled on his skin, catching in light blond hairs on his chest, and Reid was hard-pressed not to drool at the sight. He really was quite attractive.

“Billy? Could I have a bottle of water, please?” the younger man spoke, sweet and accompanied with a dimpled smile as he glanced at the bartender, blushing faintly at all the attention given him.

He almost looked shy. He couldn’t have been a virgin, not in a place like this. But he was adorable, really, only strengthening that protectiveness as Reid pulled a stool out for the blond with his foot.

“Take a seat. I think you earned it.” he replied, giving a short grin when the younger man glanced at him.

“Thanks. That’s harder than it looks.” the blond smiled as he sat down. “Fun, though.” He blinked when Reid slid a few bills over the bar top for the water, and blushed. “Oh, no, you don’t have to…”

Reid shrugged. “It’s no problem. Don’t mind paying for the drink of some pleasant company.” he replied, letting his eyes wander over him as the blond blushed further.

“But…that’s nice, but you don’t know me, and I don’t know you…”

“It’s Reid.”

Brown eyes blinked at him, before that dimpled smile flashed again, and he was sure something melted somewhere inside him.

“I’m Luke.”

“So Luke…” Reid replied, resting an arm on the bar top as he gazed at him, a knee brushing his when he turned to face him. “Spend some time with me before the crowd swallows you up again?”

!author|artist: moonchilddj, fan fiction

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