Happily Ever After (Part 2)

Jan 23, 2011 07:48

Title: Happily Ever After
Author: Harley
Rating: PG13
Summary: Luke chose Noah over Reid. Reid moved back to Dallas, a month later Luke shows up and declares his love for Reid. A week after leaving Dallas, Luke was attacked by Noah...
Warning: Noah being a dick... and abuse.
Quick Notes: This is a two-shot starter for another story I am working on. Thought I would post them today and possibly tomorrow but the actual story will not be posted until MTaONS and Comatose are finished. Enjoy! Also posted over at LRO.
Previous Chapters: part one


Luke walked out of the hospital room, followed by his parents and Margo.

"Just give it a rest, Mom. I'm not going to press charges." Luke adjusted the sling on his casted arm.

It had been a two weeks since Luke broke it off with Noah, a week since seeing Reid in Dallas and four hours since Noah showed up and got into an abusive fight with Luke. It had been a good thing that Holden had walked into the kitchen at the farm just in time.

"Honey, he attacked you."

"I just want this over with." Luke turned to his parents and Margo, "Just make him leave town."

Margo nodded just as Katie, Casey and Alison all walked up. Katie had Jacob in her arms. They all stopped in front of Luke and his parents.

"What are you all doing here?" Luke asked his friends.

"Just heard what Noah did to you." Casey replied, "You alright man?"

"Yeah, just a broken wrist." Luke replied, "I'm fine. Almost."

"Almost?" Alison asked

"Did something else happen, dude?" Casey asked

"You didn't tell them you went to visit him?" Katie asked and Luke shook his head.

"Visit who?" Casey asked

"Reid." Luke replied, "Last week."

"Why did you go and visit him?" Alison asked

"To apologize and tell him I love him."

Casey, Alison and Margo were the only ones shocked by this little detail.

"And what, he didn't declare his love for you too?" Casey asked

Luke laughed, "I wasn't expecting him to say anything. I just wanted him to know that I was sorry for picking the safe choice, the wrong choice."

"If only he had chased you to the airport." Alison said

Luke and Casey were laughing and Holden stepped closer.

"Or maybe across the country?"

"Dad." Luke shook his head, "I already said I wasn't expecting something from him."

"No, Luke." Katie was looking behind him, "Turn around." she whispered

Everyone moved out of the way, looking behind Luke. Luke was confused but listened to Katie and turned around just as another body crashed into him. A hand snaked around his waist, resting on his lower back and the other was in his hair. Luke didn't have time to see who it was before they kissed him, but he knew right away that it was Reid.

Luke closed his eyes and moaned into the kiss as he grabbed at Reid's side with his good arm. After a minute, Reid pulled away so they were able to breath. But he didn't pull away completely, he kept his hands on Luke's lower back and in his hair and rested his forehead against Luke's.

"I love you, Mr. Snyder."

Luke smiled, "I love you too, Dr. Oliver."

"It took you a week to finally show up!" Katie almost yelled

Everyone looked at her.

"You knew he was going to show up?" Luke asked, "For a week?"

Katie smiled sheepishly, "He told me to keep quiet or he wouldn't move back in with me."

Luke laughed and turned back to Reid, "So, it took you a week?"

Reid shrugged, "I had to quit my job and sell my condo again first. Then get a hold of Katie to get a hold of Lucinda to use her jet. And then call Bob about getting my job back here."

"My grandmother and Bob knew too!"

"Dude, we all knew." Casey laughed, "We were all sworn to secrecy."

Luke laughed, "I hate you all."

"Hey, at least he showed up in time to watch Noah go to jail for assault." Alison pipped up.

"Assault, what did he..." Reid trailed off as he finally saw Luke's casted arm, "He attacked you, when?"

"A couple of hours ago. He just showed up at the farm. Thankfully my dad walked in before it got out of control." Luke replied, "But he is not going to jail. I'm not pressing charges. I just want him out of town, away from my family."

Reid was going to argue but Luke cut him off with a kiss.

"Don't argue, I just want him gone and out of my life."

Reid just nodded.

"Why don't we all go out for dinner?" Lily pipped up, "I'm sure we can find a table big enough for seven at Al's?"

"Oh, yeah!" Casey smiled

Katie walked up to Reid and handed him Jacob, who was reaching out for him. Reid took the baby and smiled at him. The group them headed out of the hospital. Luke and Reid walked hand in hand while Reid was still carrying Jacob. Katie was on the other side of Reid. Casey and Alison walked behind them and Lily and Holden behind them.

!author|artist: harleymorgan

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