Comatose (Ch. 2)

Jan 16, 2011 05:50

Title: Comatose
Author: Harley
Rating: PG13
Summary: Reid comes home one day to find Luke and Noah kissing. He starts pulling away from Luke. After a while, Luke gets tired of it and leaves. He goes to Chicago where he is in a horrible car accident and goes into a coma. Can Reid get him back before it is really too late?
Warning: Noah.
Quick Note: Idea by my friend and she asked me to write it. Title is the song Comatose by Skillet. She gave me the song to go with it to help me with ideas I guess. Enjoy.
Previous Chapters: 1


A week went by and Reid had yet to return home. Luke called him daily, always getting the voice mail. He would leave a message but Reid never called back. Luke texted him, but he never got any texts back. It was not like Reid and Luke knew the reason this was happening. Reid still had some notion that Luke was going to leave him for Noah.

Reid thought that Luke wanted Noah and that what had happened that day was mutual between Luke and Noah. Luke had tried explaining with each message he left that he didn't want Noah, that he only wanted Reid and that Noah kissed him but he was trying to push him away. But there was never anything back from Reid. Luke was starting to think Reid was giving up on them.

The whole first week, even Katie tried to talk to Reid. He was answering her calls or any calls from everyone else and when Katie had told Luke this, he all but broke down. He had gotten angry and ended up throwing some things against the wall. She had also told Luke that whenever she brought him up when talking to Reid, Reid would hang up on her.

Lily and Holden tried to help, as did Lucinda, Jack and just about everyone else that knew and cared about Luke and Reid. Nothing was helping, nothing was working. Reid was ignoring Luke and Luke was starting to lose all hope and faith he had in his marriage to the older man.

By the end of the week, Reid returned. He walked in the door as Luke was getting ready for bed. When he walked into the room, he sat his suitcase down, kissed Luke and headed into the bathroom to get ready for bed. When he came out of the bathroom, Luke was still standing where he had been when Reid walked in, his arms crossed.

"What the hell was that for?"

"I missed you."

Luke laughed, "Hard for me to believe that when you've been ignoring me for the past week."

"Luke, I don't want to fight."

"That's perfectly fine." Luke replied, "I don't want to sleep in the same room as you."

Luke grabbed his pillow and left the room without another word. He collapsed on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. He knew that Reid was probably thinking he was over reacting, but Luke knew that he was not. A week of ignoring him and then Reid returns, kisses him and expects everything to go back to the way that they were before the last week.

The following morning, Luke was up, showered, dressed and out the door before Reid was even up. He decided he was going to do to Reid, what Reid had done to him. He was going to ignore him. He went to work at the foundation, running into his mother.

"Luke, I thought today was your day off."

"Reid is home." Luke replied, sitting down.

Lily smiled, "And you didn't want to spend time with him?"

"Why should I. He hasn't wanted to talk to me all week."

"Baby, what is really going on between you two?"

"You already know, Mom. He walked in on Noah kissing me and he thinks I was kissing him back. He left without telling me and for a whole week he talked to everyone else but me, his husband."

"Luke, you need to go home and talk with him."

Luke looked at his mother. He knew that she was right, but he wasn't sure if he was ready to talk to Reid just yet. He was still fuming from what Reid had done to him and then returned, thinking everything was just going to return back to normal without talking about it first.

!author|artist: harleymorgan

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