the wedding

May 14, 2010 17:07

Title: The Wedding
Author: SERipley
Original Posting: [pleeeease leave reviews on this site as well for me!]
Rating: G/K
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys, gosh darnit.
Summary: Luke and Reid hit a bump in the road on a day that should be full of happiness.
Notes: Don't worry, there are more chapters to come, and everything takes place on just this one day. Enjoy ;]

"What is he doing here?" Reid asked as calmly as he could manage.

"He was invited, Reid, you know that," Luke said smoothly, trying not to show how nervous he was.

"Yes, I get that, but last I heard he wasn't going to be able to pull himself away from some silly festival to be here," Reid reminded Luke seriously, standing close to the blond but unable to pull his narrowed eyes from the tall brunette chatting with Casey and Allison by the bar.

"He was able to change the day his film was showing so he could be here, it was a last minute thing," Luke sighed, squeezing Reid's hand and trying to steal his attention away from Noah.

"Wait, you knew about this? You knew before he showed up that he would be here and you didn't say a thing?" Reid said harshly, behaving enough to keep his voice quiet but not bothering to hide how upset he was. Luke frowned, his puppy dog eyes coming into play. Reid rolled his eyes, he refused to fall for it this time.

"I just found out last night. He called my mom and told her, and she told me," said Luke.

"So I was just left out of the game of telephone, huh?" Reid snapped.

Luke gave Reid a look, which only made the man roll his eyes again. "I'm sorry, I should have told you, I just wasn't sure how you'd handle it," Luke admitted.

"And you thought surprising me with his presence here and now was a smarter idea than telling me when I could have a meltdown or whatever you thought I would do from the privacy of our room?"

As much as he hated to admit it, Luke knew that Reid had a point. Luke said nothing, which was not the answer Reid was looking for. He dropped Luke's hand and let out a frustrated sigh, running his other hand through his hair.

"I need a drink," Reid said with tightly pressed lips, stepping away from Luke nonchalantly and wandering toward the bar, being sure to steer toward the opposite end of Luke's giggling friends. Luke watched him go and knew he was going to be angry for a while. Luke straightened his tie, grateful that this was a semi-casual event in terms of dress and jackets were not required, otherwise he knew he'd be overheating to the point that jumping into the Snyder Pond, which was within his sight from the outdoor setup, would certainly be tempting.

Today was supposed to be perfect. Lily and Holden were finally tying the knot, again, and were having the ceremony outside at the Snyder Farm. Everyone had come out for the event. Literally, everyone, as they now knew. Luke sighed. He was worried, of course, but he tried to hold on to the fact that he and Reid had been together for over a year now. They'd gone through plenty of small trials like this since that time, since last August when things had become official between them. Luke knew that this was just another bump in the road. Still, that didn't make it any easier to watch his boyfriend scowling with a glass of champagne in his hands, no doubt wishing it was something stronger. Luke almost went after him but he caught Casey and Allison waving him over. Noah looked up, an awkward but friendly smile on his face. Luke smiled back but then looked to Reid again. Katie was now standing with him. With a sigh he headed toward his group of friends, knowing that if anyone could calm Reid down, it was his best friend Katie.

"There you are! Excited?" Allison asked happily. She had a glass in her hand as well. Casey stood behind her, his arm casually around her shoulders. They had gotten back together a few months back, to no one's surprise but their own, and Luke was use to seeing them joined at the hip. It was a sight he had missed and was glad to see again.

"Very," Luke smiled brightly. There was no denying how happy he was that his parents were finally coming to their senses. "Let's just hope it sticks this time," he laughed with a shrug. Everyone laughed along.

"Noah was just telling us about his new film," Casey said, gesturing to Noah and obviously trying to break the ice for the two ex-lovers. Luke looked up at him.

"Yeah, my mom said you managed to reschedule for the end of the festival?" Luke asked. Noah nodded.

"Yeah. I was suppose to show it this afternoon but I managed to switch spots with someone. It doesn't premier til Tuesday now," he explained with a wide smile. Luke loved the way Noah's face lit up when he talked about his films, there was a glow about him that nothing else could bring to the brunette's face except his movies.

"That's great. I know everyone is going to love it," said Luke.

"I hope so," Noah laughed nervously. "By the way, I brought a copy with me… I thought maybe you guys would all want to see it? A sneak peak private screening," he laughed.

"That sounds awesome, man! Yeah, I'd love to see it," Casey beamed. Allison agreed.

"How about you, Luke?" Noah asked hopefully. Luke looked up at him, but his thoughts were on Reid. He considered for a moment, glancing he hoped not too obviously at Reid and Katie.

"Sounds fun," was all Luke could manage and still sound sincere. Noah seemed pleased with the answer, unable to stop smiling from that point on. The four of them continued to chat, though Luke mostly listened. He would look up and watch Reid and Katie conversing, knowing instantly that it was a tense conversation. Luke still kept himself from moving, that is, until he watched Reid storm away from Katie. Katie looked up and caught Luke's eyes, frowning and shaking her head. Reid frowned, too.

"Excuse me, I got to go… take care of something," Luke said, his eyes fixed on Reid. He stepped away without another word, leaving the other three confused as they watched him walk away. Allison and Casey shrugged it off, going back to talking. Noah, though, frowned, watching his ex stalk off on the heels of his former doctor.

"Reid," Luke called as the stubborn man walked briskly out of sight from the main crowd, around some trees and in the direction of the pond. Reid didn't even stutter. If anything, he sped up. "Reid!" Luke shouted louder, jogging after him now. When he came around the trees he found Reid standing on the small wooden dock Holden and Jack had built as kids. It stuck out about ten feet into the pond. Luke watched him standing there, remembering when he was a kid and would play here, jumping off that some dock. It had always held such happy memories for him, making it hard to see the man he was with standing there now with anything but happiness on his face.

Once he realized that Reid wasn't going any further Luke slowed to a walk, carefully coming up next to Reid. He couldn't help but take in how handsome Reid was, especially when he took the time to dress nice. He had on dark slacks, a dark blue dress shirt and a silver tie that Luke had bought for him for his birthday a few months back.

"I was calling for you," Luke said sadly, stepping around in front of Reid.

"I heard you," Reid said simply, dark eyes staring back at Luke. Reid's mouth twisted into a grimace that made Luke want to flinch. He hated that look.

"Then why didn't you stop?" Luke insisted.

"Let's see, because I didn't want to?"

Luke frowned, his shoulders falling. Reid sighed, not bothering to hide his aggravation.

"What do you want, Luke?" asked Reid.

"I want you to talk to me," Luke said desperately, stepping close and taking Reid's hand. "I want you to tell me why you're so upset."

"I thought we already went over that," Reid said with a slight scowl.

"No, you got mad at me for not telling you about Noah and then you just took off. And then you even got mad at Katie."

"Hold on, I only walked away from Katie because she was starting to cross a line. It's not my fault she feels the need to poke and prod at every little piece of my life!" Reid said defensively, pulling away from Luke, leaving the blond feeling suddenly very empty.

"She cares about you, give her a break," Luke sighed. "And so do I, that's why I wish you would just talk to me."

"What is there to talk about, Luke? You knew your ex was coming, you didn't tell me, and I'm annoyed. Simple. You don't need to dissect every little thing I do."

"You're more than annoyed, Reid, you're angry at me. I told you I was sorry, it was stupid of me not to tell you," Luke began.

"Yeah, that's for damn sure," said Reid.

"This is ridiculous," said Luke in a low voice. Reid turned to him, glaring again. "You can say you're just pissed because I didn't tell you about Noah all you want, but I know you, Reid. It's more than that. Why is it bothering you that much?"

Reid didn't say anything at first, staring at Luke for a moment before averting his eyes. Luke could see right through him sometimes and damn it, he wasn't going to let him use his little super power on him now. They continued to just stand there, the only sound being that of the woods around them and the distant sound of voices and music from the wedding.

Just then Luke heard the cracking of twigs along the path. He looked up to see Aaron, wearing the same tan dress shirt, matching pants, and gold tie that Luke was wearing.

"They're lining us up," Aaron said, pointing over his shoulder. He knew well that he was interrupting something but he also knew he didn't have a choice.

"Alright, we'll be right there," Luke called. Aaron nodded sympathetically before turning back and disappearing down the path.
Reid and Luke continued to stand there in silence. Luke finally sighed, putting his hands in his pockets. "We should get going," he said. Reid nodded, and they walked back in silence.

rating: g, !author|artist: sripley, fan fiction

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