Title: Every Rose Has It's Thorn (Down the Rabbit Hole Sequel)
slayerkittyGenre: Angst, AU
Warnings: Implied incest/rape
Rating: PG-13 to R
Spoilers: Some spoilers through the end of the show and for Down the Rabbit Hole, which if you haven't read, you can find the links to
here. You can also read Rose's First Thanksgiving
Characters: Luke/Reid, Past Luke/Noah, Rose, Gus, Other Misc characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Rose is turning sixteen, and decides it's time to find out where she came from. Turns out, she might not like the answer.
Previous Chapters:
4 Author's Note: Many thanks to
stl29tide for being an awesome beta and generally helping me with plot and suggestions. You're awesome! If you have any questions, please let me know - there will be a lot of stuff mixed in from the end of the show plus stuff mixed in from DtRH. :D
Luke and Reid entered the living room to find Rose, Jacob, and Lorenzo sitting on the couch, and Rose wiping her eyes. The three teens were staring at them.
“What?” Luke asked, coming to a stop. Reid was right behind him.
“Rosie, are you crying?” She sniffed. “I swear, kid, if you hurt my girl, I’ll…”
“Papa, stop, it’s not that.” Rose choked out, unable to take her eyes from Luke.
“What is it? What’s going on?” Luke watched as Jacob glanced at Rose. He then handed Luke a folded piece of paper. Luke opened it, staring down at Rose’s birth certificate.
“Oh, fuck.”
Rose tried to keep her emotions in check as Luke wordlessly handed the paper to Reid. She was trying to keep it together long enough for her dad to tell her what the hell was going on.
Her papa winced when he saw the birth certificate.
“Okay, boys, it’s time to go.” Reid ordered. “Now.” He snapped when neither of them moved. Reid touched Luke’s shoulder and then followed the boys to the door as they mumbled their goodbyes. Reid disappeared upstairs to check on Gus.
It was just her and dad.
He wasn’t looking at her.
“Daddy?” She said, her voice soft. She hadn’t called him daddy in years. Luke’s gaze met hers and she shivered. She’d never seen such an expression on a person, not even last year, when her dad had come really close to dying. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Luke murmured. “I hoped you never had to know.”
“Know? Know what? That you’re my dad?”
“Among other things.” He spoke quietly, his eyes welling with tears. Rose didn’t know what to do. She’d never seen her dad look so broken. “I’m sure you have questions.”
“Too many.” She sniffled again, and Luke sat down next to her on the sofa. She sat stiffly next to him. “You’re really my dad?”
“I’m really your dad.” Luke replied, smiling sadly at her. He put his arm around her and she let him. It was like the flood gates had been opened, and tears began to fall in earnest from her eyes. Luke held her tightly as she sobbed.
“Why?” Rose cried.
“Why what?” Luke asked, his voice thick with emotion.
“What didn’t you just tell me?”
“I wanted to protect you.” Luke tried to explain.
“From what?” Rose wanted to know, wiping her eyes again. “What could possibly be so bad you didn’t want me or anyone else to know I’m really your daughter?”
“Rosie, please.” Luke’s voice cracked. “This is hard for me, okay?”
“Hard for you?!” Rose exclaimed. “What about me?” She demanded. “Were you thinking about me when you decided to lie to everyone in town about being my father?”
“Yes, I was.”
“I need answers, Dad.” She snapped. “You need to tell my why you had a baby with your cousin,” Rose emphasized the word. “A woman, who according to the articles we found kidnapped you and Uncle Noah. Why would you do that?” She cried.
“Rose, you don’t understand.”
“No, I don’t!” She stood up. “I don’t understand, and you won’t tell me.” Rose paused. “Did you want a baby so badly, you found the first willing woman?”
“No, Rose, stop. Let me try and explain.”
“Fine.” She said. “Explain to me how you could have a baby with someone so vile.”
“It wasn’t my idea, Rose.” Luke tried to get control of the conversation.
“Are you saying - you didn’t want me?”
“Rosie, no, I love you.”
“Lying to someone for fifteen years…that’s love to you?”
“I can’t do this.” She suddenly exclaimed, grabbing her car keys from the coffee table and rushing for the front door.
“Rose, please.” Luke begged. “Don’t go, you need to listen to me.”
“Save it, Dad.” She snapped, opening the front door and walking through it, slamming it behind her with a loud crack.
Luke was standing in the living room, staring at the door when Reid came back downstairs.
“Luke, I -“ He began. He’d heard most of the conversation from upstairs.
“Reid, don’t.” Luke cut him off. “You were right.” He said. “I should have told her.”
Reid felt his heart clench. Luke’s expression mirrored the one he’d worn the night Rose was born. He pulled Luke’s shaking form into his arms, holding him tightly.