The Better Man (10/30)

Nov 18, 2010 17:34

Title: The Better Man

Author:  Bhumi

Rating:  PG-13 for minor swearing but individual chapters may vary.

Summary:  AU- Luke is heartbroken and hopes that a break from his hectic work life and his horrible love life will do him some good. But what he didn’t know is that this one short journey full of fun, laughter and unexpected encounters would change his life forever and would lead him to something he never expected to find.

Disclaimer:  I don’t own the boys unfortunately, just in my dreams...

Author's notes:  Hi guys! Thank you all for your lovely comments and thank you to all who drop by and read! I forgot to say my thanks to Bittersweetreid for Ben's wedding gift idea, so thank you!!! Previous chapters are under my authors tag! Thanks to Traci for the beta and and extra special super duper thank you to Bittersweetreid for being awesome and so amazingly helpful! Feedback and concrit = <3 and I hope you enjoy! :D

Luke woke up the next morning hearing a deep buzz coming from his left hand side. He reached his hand over, eyes not yet opened, and brought the phone over to his ear, his voice still thick with sleep.


“Hey, baby. How are you?”

Luke was surprised to hear his mother’s voice on the other end of the phone.

“Ohh Mom, I’m good. Wait, isn’t it early for you there, is everything okay?” Luke said in panicked voice as he sat up in bed rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

“Don’t worry Luke, everything’s fine. Ethan had a fever so I’ve been up through the night with him.”

“Is he okay?”

Lily laughed softly, “He’s fine. He wanted to talk to you before he went to sleep. That was his demand actually.”

Luke chuckled as he tried to flatten his hair into some semblance of order, “All right, let me talk to him so he can get back to sleep and then you can get some sleep too.”

“Okay, sweetie, I’ll just pass the phone over.”

Luke heard the rustle of covers and then his little brother’s voice faintly on the other end.


“Hey, little buddy. What’s all this about getting a fever?”

“I dunno. I came home from school and throat felt all sore and I couldn’t breathe at night. Then I felt all cold but mommy came and put cold cloths on my head to make my head feel less hot.”

“Well, to me, it sounds like you have a nasty flu. Did you take your medicine?”

“I don’t like it, it’s too yucky.”

“Ethan, how about we make a deal? If you take your medicine when Mom tells you to and you go to sleep. I’ll bring you back something extra special that was not on your list.”

“I like that idea a lot. But you promise?”

“Of course I promise Ethan. I went out yesterday and got you some things already.”


“I sure did.” Luke grinned as heard the excitement in his little brother’s voice.

“I’m going to tell all my friends about this, but maybe not today, Mom said I can have the day off school.”

“I’m sure she did buddy...” Luke was interrupted with a knock on his door; he jumped out of bed clutching the phone between his ear and shoulder while trying to drag some sweatpants on.

“Look, Eth. I have to go now but I’ll call later to check up on you, okay?” Luke heard another sharp rap and in his haste forgot to wear a t-shirt and walked as quickly as he could to the door.

“Okay, Luke. When will you be back coz I miss playing with you?”

“Aww Eth, I miss you too and I’ll be back very soon, I promise. Now you get back to sleep and I’ll talk to you later, okay?” Luke said as he opened the door.

“Bye Luke, love you.”

“Love you too. Bye.”

Luke snapped his phone shut and glanced up surprised to see Reid leaning with his right hand on the door frame.

Reid momentarily forgot why the hell he had knocked on Luke’s door in the first place. There Luke was, in his half naked glory, his tanned broad chest covered with a light smattering of hair, his body firm and muscular in just the right places, leading down to...‘Is that a surgery scar?’

“Oh ummm, I thought you were Ben.” Luke stammered out.

Reid met Luke’s eyes and narrowed his eyes questioningly.

“Ummm, I thought you’d be dressed by now.”

Luke suddenly became wary of his state of dress, or lack thereof, moving his hands to pull his sweatpants a little further up and folding his arms across his chest.

“Oh, yeah...” Luke waved his phone, “I got a call from back home so...”

Reid nodded distractedly, “Okay, well, Ben just sent me up to call you for breakfast, you’re lucky I waited this long already.”

“I’ll be down in 10 minutes max. I just need to hop in the shower.”

“If you’re not down in 10 minutes, there’ll be no food left.” Reid warned.

Luke chuckled, “Alright, I’ll be down in no time.”

Reid gave a sharp nod of his head and made his way downstairs, slipping his hands in his pockets, trying not to feel too concerned about the surgery scar he had seen on Luke’s hip. He was also trying not to think about the conversation he had heard Luke having as he had opened the door, the few words he heard somehow dampening his mood.

Reid shook his head letting out a long exhale, ‘He’s in love with someone else, let it go.’


During breakfast Luke noticed that Reid was uncharacteristically quiet. This time Luke had gone and sat right next to Reid as Ben and Ramona grinned at each other knowingly. Reid was still feeling uneasy about the myriad of things this kid was doing to him, he was becoming undone by the smallest things that Luke did. This wasn’t him, he wasn’t this breakable, and just being him seemed to be doing it.

Being the genius he was, even he wasn’t able to fully comprehend what the hell he was feeling, why should he care in the first place? Firstly he’s Ben’s best friend and secondly he’s taken, which screams complicated. Reid Oliver didn’t do complicated, only in Neurosurgery was he a master at that.

Reid noticed that Luke again, hadn’t had much to eat, and without thinking he grabbed some fruit and put it straight onto Luke’s plate. Luke hadn’t seen the intrusion on his empty plate as he was busy talking to Ben but when he did, he knew exactly who had put it there. Luke’s eyes met Reid’s who glared at him with a pointed look and Luke grimaced not wanting to eat another thing.

Reid shrugged indifferently as if to say, ‘It’s your problem’ and looked away, but from the corner of his eye he saw Luke sigh and eat what Reid had given him. Reid smiled with smug satisfaction.


“So, boys, before my epic bachelor party tonight Ramona and I have somewhere we need to go and we want you guys to join us. You guys up for it?”

Ben was lying down on the sofa his head in Ramona’s lap while Luke was on his laptop and Reid was sat next to him reading a medical journal.

There was silence and no answer.

“Umm boys, is there something going on behind me because Ramona and I are happy to leave you two alone?”

Luke looked up from his laptop, “What?”

“Is there a reason I should be jealous right about now?”

“What do you mean?” Luke asked, still a little confused.

“What Big Ben means Luke, is that he’s jealous about the fact that I may have the better package on offer and he wishes he could match up to me, isn’t that right Benny boy?” Reid said without looking up from his journal.

“Fuck you Reid.”

Luke laughed as did Ramona who gently nudged Ben to get up throwing him a glare. Ben got to his feet and walked over to Luke, shutting his laptop placing it on the coffee table.

“Okay guys, come on get ready, we are going out, chop chop.”

“Ben.” Luke whined.

“Nope, I’m not going to take no for an answer and you owe me for telling Reid about you know what.”

Luke pressed his lips together and got up. “Okay okay, I’m going.”

After Luke left, Ben turned to look down at Reid who was still reading his journal, and Reid could feel that he was being watched and he glanced up slowly at Ben’s wide grin.

“I am not going with you Ben.”

“But Reid...”

“Nope, it’s your bachelor party tonight and we’re going out then too, that’s enough fresh air for me thanks.”

“Reid, you are coming.”

“No, I’m not.”

“Yes, you are.”

“No, I’m not.”


“Here we are.” Ben proclaimed as they reached a set of wooden doors which he held open to let Ramona, Luke and Reid in. Reid didn’t even know how he had agreed to come, he was pretty sure it had something to do with food and a little something to do with Luke, although he wasn’t going to admit that.

As Ben led the way through a long corridor, neither Luke or Reid were entirely sure where Ben had brought them, but as they made their way down to the end and walked into a room where one wall was fixed with mirrors.

Reid knew exactly where he was and he did not want to be here.

‘A fucking dance studio’.

Luke managed to grab his arm just before Reid made his way out the door again and pulled him along with him further into the room.

Ben turned around and grinned at Reid who had the most deadly look on his face that he had ever seen.

“Woah, Reid why the angry face?”

But before Reid could give Ben a piece of his mind, a man burst through the doors on the opposite end of the room startling Luke who let go of Reid’s arm.

“Ramona.” The man called in his slightly accented voice, rolling the ‘R’ as he called her name.

Ramona walked over to the man kissing him on either side of his cheek and pulled him over to meet Reid and Luke while Ben shook hands with him.

“Alejandro, meet my brother-in-law Reid...” Reid scowled a little as he shook hands with Alejandro letting go almost instantly, “...and this is our friend, Luke. Ben and Luke met at college.”

Alejandro held out his hand as Luke took it, and Luke couldn’t help but stare, this man was gorgeous.

He looked like he had stepped out of a Calvin Klein advert; he was tall, dark and handsome. He had the most beautiful olive skin tone, his hair was long and dark and his eyes a deep green. His face was chiselled as if carved out of stone but still had that softness that warranted a caress and his large full lips had the perfect pout.

Luke hadn’t realised how long he had been holding on to his hand but it seemed like Alejandro didn’t mind, as he himself was holding on pretty tightly.

Reid saw Alejandro give Luke a very obvious once over and then watched as Luke cheeks reddened still not releasing Alejandro’s hand. His teeth clenched slightly as he tried to rid himself of the heavy feeling in the pit of his stomach but he was weirdly amused at Luke’s reaction.

Luke was brought out from his admiration of the man in front of him as Reid nudged him. Luke cleared his throat and dropped his hand, scratching his behind his ear glancing at Reid who had a smirk on his face. Alejandro gave Luke another once over and wordlessly made his way over to the back of the room where he was setting up the music.

“So, Alejandro is our dance teacher.” Ramona declared.

Reid snorted with a sharp laugh, “Ben, you took lessons for dance?”

“So? I’m not going to look like a prat in front of people when I have my first dance with my beautiful wife.”

“You would look like a prat anyway. I have yet to see you dance but I’m quite sure it will be very entertaining and not in a good way either.”

“I’ll have you know, that I can dance, and you wait and watch. You’re not going to get away just standing on the sidelines either.”

“Whatever, I’m not getting involved with this.”

“Oh you certainly will.”

Reid rolled his eyes and made his way over to stand against the wall as the others came to join him waiting on Alejandro to get the lesson started.

Ramona walked over to Luke leaning sideways on his shoulder nudging lightly.

“Hmm, what do you think of him? Pretty hot, huh, Luke?”

Luke chuckled blushing slightly, but was cut off with Reid’s answer, “Well, if you like the type.”

Luke turned to look at Reid, “Not your type then?”

“No, he’s too...polished.”

Luke laughed, “What the hell does that mean?”

“He’s too good looking, too perfect. If someone is that perfect looking there has to be some major flaw somewhere.”

“So, Reid, you say how you’re perfect all the time. What’s your major flaw then?” Ben asked.

“I’m the exception, I have no flaws whatsoever.” Reid said as he raised an eyebrow with a half-smile on his face.

Luke quirked an eyebrow at Reid and shook his head at Reid’s honesty and he laughed along with Ramona.

“Why, I wonder how your head can even fit in this room.” Ben said.

Reid shrugged in reply as he winked at Ramona and Luke, “Like I said, I’m perfect.”

The four of them were brought to attention as some salsa music blasted through the room and Alejandro called for Ben and Ramona.

Ben held out his hand for Ramona, “May I have this dance, my lady?”

Ramona giggled as she placed her palm in Ben’s and let herself be dragged away on to the dance floor.

“Jesus Christ.” Reid scoffed as he rolled his eyes.

Luke nudged Reid with his shoulder playfully, “You’re such a diehard romantic, Reid. I can just tell.”

Reid looked at Luke, who fluttered his eyelashes dramatically with a beaming smile. Reid tried not to laugh but gave into Luke’s infectious smile, laughing softly.

Both men watched as Ben and Ramona took their starting positions but then they saw a very frustrated looking Alejandro walking towards them.

“No one comes to a dance class to stand on the sidelines, if you are in my class and in my presence, you will dance.”

Luke rolled his lips inwards trying not to let out a giggle seeing Reid’s reaction. His eyes were wide and looking aghast.

“Hell no, there is no way I’m dancing.” Reid spat out.

Alejandro didn’t look twice at Reid and instead turned his attention to Luke gliding over to him licking his lips as he did.

“What about you Luciano? I need an assistant.” Alejandro purred.

Luke’s eyes widened in shock and swallowed audibly, “Umm, no thank you, I’m fine standing here.”

“Go on Luciano, you were just telling me how much you love to dance.” Reid teased.

“Reid! N-no I did-”

Reid placed both his hands on Luke’s shoulders pushing him forwards almost crashing into the dance teacher.

“He’s all yours.”

Alejandro grabbed a hold on Luke’s hand pulling him toward the dance floor as Luke twisted round to look angrily at Reid, mouthing a ‘Fuck you’. Reid however, grinned maniacally and waved him off.


Reid hadn’t had so much fun in a long time, watching Ben and Ramona dance, and Ben wasn’t as bad as he thought he would be. He was pretty good for a Neanderthal.

Luke however, was the most entertaining to watch.

Ale-whatever, was caressing Luke wherever he could, depending on the dance steps of course, and Luke’s face was as red as a tomato. Luke was barely managing to stay on his feet, but lucky for him Alejandro was able to catch him anytime he felt like he was falling. Luke was constantly apologising for stepping on his feet, he was not the most natural dancer in the world.

Alejandro was only following the instructions that he was given and having such a pretty subject made up for the lack of coordination that the blonde did have. At one point Luke felt Alejandro’s hands tight on his waist encouraging him to move them almost sensually as he whispered, “You’re really good with your hips, that’s nice.”

Luke’s mouth fell open, his face turning an even brighter shade of red and he heard a laugh come from behind him. Luke turned to see Reid with his hand over his mouth trying to stifle a laugh but his wide eyes gave it away.

Luke pleaded with him with his eyes, asking for Reid to save him and Reid in response shook his head mouthing a ‘No way’.

Although Reid was finding this hilarious, that man was in no way toning down his advancements on Luke, he obviously had taken a shine to him and Reid wasn’t too sure if he liked that.

After fulfilling the salsa portion of the dance lesson, Alejandro finally let go of Luke to change the music and Luke ran over to Reid.

“Please Reid, you can’t make me dance with him any longer. He doesn’t stop touching me.”

“You’re the one who said he was good looking, here’s your chance to get intimate with him without feeling guilty about it.”

Luke frowned, “When did I say that he was good-looking?”

“You didn’t say it but your eyes did, the way you looked when you saw him. My my, Mr. Snyder, I think you have a crush on a certain someone.”

“Shut up, no I don’t!”

Luke twisted to see that Alejandro was coming towards him and Luke grabbed Reid’s hand pulling him towards the dance floor.

“Reid’s going to be my partner now. He said he wanted to join in, he felt a little left out.”

Ben guffawed out loud seeing Reid’s expression and slapped Luke on the back, “Good going mate.”

Luke grinned back at Ben but seeing Reid’s glare, he still wasn’t deterred and held on tightly to Reid’s hand pulling him back as he tried to leave.

Alejandro was pleased as this was exactly what he had planned and he glanced over at Ramona and winked at her who in reply winked back.

“Well, now we shall try the slow dance or a waltz, which will be your first dance, no?” asked Alejandro gesturing towards Ramona and Ben.

Both Ramona and Ben nodded as they got into their positions and Alejandro moved his way to Reid and Luke.

“Luciano, put your right arm on his shoulder.” Luke did as he was told grinning all the while watching Reid get angrier and more uncomfortable by the second.

Alejandro grabbed Reid’s left hand placing it on Luke’s left shoulder blade, he then moved over lifting Reid’s left arm palm out and placing Luke’s left palm in Reid’s making Luke curl his fingers around his hand.

“Perfecto, how well you fit together, it is amazing, no?”

Ramona and Ben glanced over, “Wow, you really do fit together so well.” Ben commented with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. Reid shot him a glare and unsurprisingly he was not amused, he wasn’t a fucking circus animal to be put on show.

“I’m going to get you for this Luke, this is ridiculous.”

Luke narrowed his eyes leaning closer to Reid’s ear as he spoke, “Dr. Oliver, life is short, have some fun. Loosen up a little, you might just enjoy this.”

Luke leaned back smiling at Reid raising his eyebrows. Reid felt a sudden shot of desire run down his spine as he looked into Luke’s eyes trying to gauge exactly what he meant by what he said. However there wasn’t time to fully comprehend Luke’s words as the music started and Reid groaned frustratingly.

“Jesus fucking Christ, you’re having Bublé as your first dance?” Reid asked as he looked over at Ben. “You Ben are definitely gay if you love Bublé!”

Ben just shrugged, “He’s got an amazing voice and it was the song that was playing when I proposed to Romy.” Ramona leaned up to kiss Ben on his lips lingeringly looking adoringly into his eyes as she relived the night of their proposal.

Reid rolled his eyes muttering ‘straight people’ and faced Luke to see him looking wistful with a smile on his face as he looked at his friends who were so in love. Reid clicked his fingers in front of Luke’s face and Luke snapped back to reality.

“Don’t tell me you love Bublé too?” Reid questioned.

“Of course I do, he has the most velvety gorgeous voice and he’s totally hot too, right Ben?”

“Yup he’s totally hot.” Ben said and Luke laughed out loud while Ramona did the same.

“Romy, you had better run now. Your husband is a closet gay and he might leave you at any time.”

Luke lightly slapped Reid on his arm, “Shut up Reid.”

Alejandro counted Ben and Ramona in but didn’t need to give them too much direction as they drifted away dancing around the room. Luke and Reid however tried to follow the steps, their feet getting tangled up in the process. Luke kept giggling every time they stepped on each other’s feet, Reid was about ready to give up but he had to admit, it was pretty fun riling up Alejandro because he was getting frustrated.

“Okay, you two are impossible, let’s try this.”

Alejandro pushed Reid’s left hand down to the small of Luke’s back and then pushed the two of them closer together chest’s colliding in the process.

Neither Luke nor Reid was expecting the action and so when they crashed into each other, they accidently brushed lips. Luke’s face was near enough that if Reid were to move a millimetre he would be able to devour those full beautiful lips that he had been thinking about since the first time he saw him. Luke saw Reid staring down at his lips and his heart started to hammer rhythmically in his chest. His mind racing as he tried to ignore the rush of desire that was flowing through him. Luke breathed in deeply and shakily and pushed himself back, apologising as he did.

Reid closed his eyes and shook his head trying to calm his own racing heartbeat down. This was not the place to do what had been running through his mind just a few seconds ago. Alejandro however pulled him from his inappropriate thoughts.

“Okay, much better, now just feel the music, and talk to each other.”

Another Michael Bublé song filtered through the air and Reid laughed nervously, “I think this guy has the greatest hits or something. Jesus Christ.”

Luke gave a half-smile shaking his head, “What have you got against Bublé?”

Reid made a disgusted face, “Just too cheesy, he makes those puppy dog eyes when he croons, thinking people will fall for him and stupidly they do.”

“Puppy dog eyes?” Luke chuckled, “You’ve obviously seen a few of his performances then, seeing as though you noticed the way he makes people fall for him. Are you sure you haven’t fallen for him yourself?”

“Luke, don’t be stupid, he’s not my type and I’ve not seen any of his stuff, although it’s hard to ignore.”

“So Dr. Oliver, what is your type then?”

“I don’t have a list for my perfect man, Luke, however I can tell that Alejandro seems to be your type, what would your boyfriend say about that I wonder?”

Luke looked at Reid a little confused, “What do you mean? I don’t-“

Luke was interrupted as Alejandro came over to them with a smile on his face, “See, I told you my trick would work. I never fail to make dancers out of non-dancers.”

Reid realised what he meant when he looked around and that they had indeed danced around the room as they were no longer in the same place they had been before. Ben and Ramona had been watching them as they had finished.

Ben walked over to them grabbing hold of Luke’s hand.

“Come on Luciano, you owe me a dance, baby.” Luke giggled, momentarily forgetting Reid’s question, as he was dragged off by Ben.

Ramona walked over occupying Luke’s place, “I think my brother-in-law owes me dance, what do you say?”

Reid smiled, “Anything for you, my lady.”


“You’re not a bad dancer Reid. I’m guessing Luke brought out the dancer in you, huh?” Ramona asked as they navigated the dance floor.

Reid glanced over Ramona shoulder at Luke being spun around ungracefully by Ben, both laughing and messing around and a small smile tugged his lips.

“No, I’m a genius. I’m good at everything I do, so it’s inevitable that I would be good at this too.”

“Hmm, maybe Reid. But I’m pretty sure Luke had a lot to do with it too.” She looked into Reid’s eyes knowingly and Reid knew exactly what she was implying.

“Romy...” Reid said as he shook his head, dropping his head to look down at his feet, “He’s just a friend, more like Ben’s friend and just no, it’s too complicated.”

Ramona tried to catch his eyes with hers but instead lifted a hand to his chin pulling his face up to look at her own, “Reid, sometimes complications are there to mess around with us but we shouldn’t give up just because they exist. Life is full of them but that doesn’t mean that you should fear them. Complications are there to be worked through and nothing is impossible, you should know that, right?”

Ramona paused as she searched Reid’s eyes for some understanding, “...You’re a doctor who fights to save lives no matter what the complications. Give it a go in your personal life, too. It might be harder to work through and solve and fix but it is so much more worth it in the end.”

Reid was stunned and a taken aback by what Ramona had told him. He knew what she said made sense, but he wasn’t ready for anything like that, he couldn’t give up this wall that he had built up around him. It was his protection, his shield, his fort and he’d realised that cracks and chinks had started to appear. He was starting to lose control of his feelings and emotions meaning that he was open to be attacked from all sides and he just couldn’t let that happen. It was all happening because of the blonde kid and he couldn’t let this happen, not again.

Reid nodded unable to speak and smiled tightly at Ramona, “I’m just going to get some air,” and he made his way swiftly out of the studio.

Ramona made to follow, but Ben gestured for her not to go. She felt as if she had overstepped her bounds.

Luke felt a little uneasy at Reid’s sudden departure, he’d virtually run out of the studio and he had never seen him act like that.

Ramona and Ben said their goodbyes to Alejandro thanking him for his help as he wished them a happy wedding.

He walked over to Luke passing a piece of paper into his hand as he shook it, “Call me sometime if you want some private dance lessons. You have much potential, I can tell.” Luke wasn’t too sure what to say and so nodded instead as Alejandro winked at him walking out.

Luke turned to Ben and Ramona in astonishment, laughing disbelievingly.

“Way to go Luke! Make sure you do call him for some private dance lessons, I’m pretty sure you could do with the practice.”

Luke punched Ben on the arm, “Shut up Ben.”

“Okay, okay. I tell you what, you take the keys and go and find Reid, he’s probably pissed that I dragged him here and we’ll meet you out there. I just need to sort something out.”

“Fine, I’ll meet you out there.”

Luke was relieved to finally have an excuse to go and find Reid, he had no idea why, but he just had the urge to find him.

Luke hurried down the corridor and made his way outside looking side to side and finally glancing upon Reid leaning against the wall, his eyes closed.

Luke placed a hand on Reid’s shoulder, “Reid, are you okay?”

Reid was startled out of his thoughts seeing Luke standing next to him, his face filled with concern.

“I’m fine Luke. I just had a headache from the overdose of Bublé and I needed some fresh air.”

Luke laughed softly, “Don’t diss the Bublé my friend. Bublé can be used as a deadly romancing weapon you know? Guaranteed to make any woman, or man in this case, swoon.”

Reid smiled a little and glanced down at Luke’s hand seeing a piece of paper and pointed, “What’s that?”

“Alejandro’s number, he said he would give me private lessons if I wanted them.”

Reid raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Wow, I think you definitely need them then.”

“Fuck you, Reid.”

“Oh Mr. Snyder, would you speak to Alejandro with a mouth like that?”

Luke nudged Reid playfully with his shoulder, “You’re annoying, you know that?”

Reid sighed, “So are you, but I have the mental capacity to put up with your annoyingness.”

Luke laughed in response. “Annoyingness is not a word, Reid.”

“Hey, I’m a genius! I can make up words if I want to.”

“Whatever, Reid.” Luke said as he rolled his eyes smiling all the while as Reid grinned back.


As Luke hurtled out of the room, Ben turned to Ramona, “What did you say to Reid?”

Ramona sighed, “I just told him he shouldn’t give up with Luke. You can see as much as he tries to hide it, he really likes Luke. I just don’t know what’s stopping him.”

Ben put his arm around Ramona’s shoulders bringing her close, “He still needs closure, Romy, and he hasn’t had that. Reid won’t easily give in to his feelings plus he’s a stubborn arse anyway, has always been one. But after what happened with Dean, I just don’t know...”

Ramona rubbed Ben’s back, “Don’t underestimate Reid, Ben. I have a feeling that Luke is going to help him work through it. They’re both wounded in their own way, and I’m sure they’ll find their way to each other, if not, then we’re here for a little encouragement, right?”

Ben held onto Ramona tighter, trying to take reassurance in her words, “Yep, you’re right. We’re here for them.”

“So, have you told Reid yet about...?” Ramona asked as they made their way out of the studio.

“No, I’ll tell him tonight, but I need to talk to Luke first.”

“That’s nice and I’m sure he won’t mind.”

“I hope so. Anyway, let’s go and find the love birds-to-be.” Ben said with a laugh.

A/N 2: Just in case you guys weren't sure, the word 'Prat' is British slang for idiot, I thought I should point that out in case anyone gets a little confused!

Chapter Eleven

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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