The Better Man (8/30)

Nov 10, 2010 09:45

Title: The Better Man

Author:  Bhumi

Rating:  PG-13 for minor swearing but individual chapters may vary.

Summary:  AU- Luke is heartbroken and hopes that a break from his hectic work life and his horrible love life will do him some good. But what he didn’t know is that this one short journey full of fun, laughter and unexpected encounters would change his life forever and would lead him to something he never expected to find.

Disclaimer:  I don’t own the boys unfortunately, just in my dreams...

Author's notes:  Hi guys! Thank you all for your lovely comments and thank you to all who drop by and read! Previous chapters are under my authors tag! Thanks to Traci for the beta and Bittersweetreid for being awesome and so amazingly helpful! Feedback and concrit = <3 and I hope you enjoy! :D

Their journey into central London was all but quiet, except for the incessant chatter between Ben and Luke, well, Ben talking and everyone else listening. Although Luke wanted to forget about the exchange between him and Reid earlier, it was still at the very forefront of his mind. Reid’s normally well-composed grumpy face had changed into something that was just not right and not Reid.

Luke felt bad, thinking that he may have said something that may have offended him. Even though his views on marriage seemed cynical and ridiculous, Luke could feel that something was off. The feelings and expressions that had flashed across Reid’s face when he had asked that question about being alone for the rest of his life had revealed a lot more than his words had. Luke was brought out of his thoughts as Ben blasted a song out loud that was playing on the radio while he sang along with it - badly.

Although Ben was amused by the discussion between Reid and Luke at breakfast, what his cousin had said had not eased the tension between them but it had instead stepped it up a few notches. He knew Reid was a loner, liked to do things for himself, all by himself. But he also knew that Reid had been alone too long. Ben had known what had happened at the time of Reid’s graduation, he remembered how his mother had flown out to see him and stayed with him for as long as he allowed her to, but never ever admitting he needed her there.

Ben’s mother had relayed her concerns about Reid to Ben, and Ben knew that Reid’s attitude on life had to change. He couldn’t be alone for the rest of life, he couldn’t go on living the way he was and he couldn’t believe that he had never thought of how perfect Luke could be for him. Better late than never, Ben thought. He glanced in the rear-view mirror at Reid in the backseat, his eyes closed and his head resting behind him on the headrest.

“Ben?” Luke asked as he tapped him on the shoulder. He was a little unnerved by the silence because quiet and Ben did not go together.

“Hmmm?” Ben quickly turned to look at Luke and then back to the road.

“You okay?” Luke’s eyes narrowed, he hadn’t seen Ben looking so serious.

Ben smiled and winked at Luke. “I’m good, absolutely fabulous baby! So tell me, did you manage to finish that novel of yours yet?”

Reid could feel a small headache coming on and to be honest a small stomach ache too, but he wasn’t going to admit it, the food was too good to pass up. His thoughts drifted back to the blonde and his dramatic reaction to his idea that marriage and weddings are just for show. He wondered why he defended the idea of marriage so strongly. There was obviously more substance to blondie than he had previously thought. He’s delusional and sappy and definitely not my type, Reid confirmed. He wondered if it was his boyfriend who had somehow dismissed his ideas of marriage and so he felt the need to defend them. Reid groaned inwardly as he realised that he had been thinking about Luke, again.

When the car came to a stop, Reid noted that it was one of those stores where doormen in ridiculous uniforms held the doors open and there was someone to park the car for you. As the men left the car, Luke noticed Reid’s face turn into a scowl, and Luke smiled, happy that Reid seemed to be back to his normal self. But as Reid’s eyes met his, he quickly looked away to see Ben already walking into the store. Both Reid and Luke followed quickly behind, side by side. They entered what seemed to be a large store that seemed to sell almost everything. Fortunately Ben was so tall, that they were able to spot him a few feet away talking to a sales assistant, and both Luke and Reid were able to find their way over to him.

The man that Ben had been talking to led them past crowds of people into a private area and dressing room where there were curtained cubicles.

“Someone will be with you shortly Mr. Moore, you said you wanted a selection of suits for trial purposes too, yes?”

“Yes, that’s right, and only the best.” Ben replied in his most posh voice.

“Certainly Mr. Moore.”

The man nodded at Ben, at Reid and Luke leaving the three men alone.

“Ben when did you become so snobby? You sounded so ridiculous!” Luke chuckled.

“It’s all in my blood darling...” Ben drawled out in his posh accent and then laughed, “...I don’t know, the voice seems to make people do my work for me and it’s fun to take advantage of it. Didn’t you know all British people are snobby in some way or another? I mean take Reid for example, I’m pretty sure he’s had his snobby moments, right Reid?”

Luke turned to look at Reid who exhaled loudly and glowered at Ben.

“I have not had snobby moments Ben.”

“Yeah, right Reid! Okay I’m going to make a list and if you fit even one of those things, you’ve had a snobby moment, okay?”

“Ben, I’m not going to play childish games with you.”

Ben ignored him and carried on talking whilst counting the list off on his fingers, “The use of unnecessary long words to get your point across, ordering people around using your authority, wealth and power, anyone of those things really. Pronouncing your words correctly, being snarky and sarcastic, the demand for high quality food at all times, being engrossed with work and that, being the only topic of conversation. So Reid, I could go on but any one of those things ring a bell?”

Ben smirked, waiting for Reid to answer.

Reid didn’t have an answer, because he was every one of those things. But he wasn’t going to dignify himself with an answer and just looked down to the ground and lifted his hands in defeat.

“You got me Ben, I’m snobby and proud of it.” Reid said sarcastically.

“You’re a snobby half-Brit and proud of it.” Ben corrected.

Reid rolled his eyes while Ben laughed hysterically as Luke joined in. Reid glanced upwards at Luke next to him who was laughing too, that dimpled sunshine laugh that Reid couldn’t help but smile in response to.

Just as they were laughing a tall man in an impeccable suit walked in to the dressing area with a young woman bringing in a rack of suits behind her. All the suits were wrapped up in velvet covers.

“Good day Mr. Moore and guests, how about we get started with your two guests, both men are partners I assume and would want similar suits, yes?”

Reid and Luke looked at each other.

“No, he and I are not together.” Reid denied vehemently taking a step away from Luke.

“Oh I’m sorry to assume that you had that kind of lifestyle.”

“What do you mean by that?” Luke looked angrily at the man.

“What he means Luciano, baby, is that he thinks that we do not have an appropriate lifestyle, is that what you meant?” Ben said as he put his arm around Luke’s shoulder pulling him flush to the side of his body.

Luke glanced up at Ben questioningly as Ben raised his eyebrows, eyes wide. Luke clicked onto what he had to do and lifted his hand to Ben’s chest rubbing affectionately and turned to mockingly glare at the man.

The man’s mouth opened and closed slightly and stammered a little as he spoke, “Oh...Mr. Moore, I am so sorry. I did not mean that, I just didn’t know that...”

“That what? That I was marrying a man...”

“I apologise Mr. Moore and...”

“His name is Luciano Grimaldi, my husband-to-be and Mr. Grimaldi to you. Have you not heard of the Grimaldi family?”

Before the man could answer Ben waved his hand.

“Just forget it, it’s okay. Make sure you don’t make the same mistake again, so show me what you have for my Luciano.”

The man quickly ran over to peruse through some suits while Ben and Luke laughed hysterically as quietly as they could and Reid looked on, mouth agape, trying to make sense of the situation.

Luciano, why did he find that name hotter than necessary? He wasn’t stupid; he was a neurosurgeon for crying out loud. He was just a little bit confused and wanted clarification.

“Ben, what the fuck was that all about?”

Ben then wrapped his arms around Luke’s waist and faced Reid.

“Reid, meet my fiancé, Luciano Eduardo Grimaldi, my sugar daddy.” Ben said whilst grinning, he looked down at Luke pouting his lips, winking and then looked back up trying to not laugh at Reid’s expression.

“You know Ben, I had my doubts about you but seriously, isn’t it a bit late to be switching teams?”

Luke was still laughing his face buried in Ben’s shirt.

“Reid, you’re just jealous that I could pick up a wealthy tycoon all for myself.”

“Ben, you have money anyway, so why would I even care if you picked up a sugar daddy all for yourself? Hold on, why the hell am I even discussing this? Ben, you’re shameless.”

“Says you Mr. Jealous Man, it’s only a game! You could’ve played along except you were quick to deny that you and Luke were together. That sales assistant insulted you, at least I stepped up.”

Reid groaned, running his hand through his hair.

“Do whatever the fuck you want. I don’t want to be a part of this.”

Reid made to leave but felt a hand on his arm stopping him. Reid turned to see Luke smiling, his eyes fixed on Reid’s.

“Reid, come on, just stay. Please?”

As Reid gazed into Luke’s big brown pleading eyes, he knew there was no way he was ever going to be able to deny this kid anything. Exhaling loudly, he averted his eyes from Luke’s and nodded, sitting down in the only available seat.

The man returned with another rack of suits.

“Okay, let’s get Mr. Grumpy Pants sorted first so that I can admire my Luciano in all his glory by myself.” Ben chuckled.

Reid turned out to be fussier in picking his suit than Ben ever thought. Every single suit he tried on seemed to have some problem, whether it was too itchy, too loose, sleeves too long, the colour wasn’t right, Reid just didn’t pick one. But when he came out wearing a dark grey slim fitted Armani suit, with a white shirt and black tie, he knew it was the perfect one. Seeing Luke’s reaction was enough to make his decision.

Luke had his cheek rested on the palm of his hand, his elbow rested on the armrest as he waited for Reid to try on his umpteenth suit, but when he saw Reid emerge from the dressing room, his elbow slipped off the armrest.

Reid looked unbelievable.

The dark grey colour of the suit made his eyes look bluer, if that was even possible. The one buttoned suit jacket enhanced his slim frame figure when buttoned up and the white shirt and tie just added to the effect, making his skin glow.

The trousers were probably, no, most definitely the best part. His ass, his ass, looked incredible.

Luke couldn’t help but stare, his mouth going dry and heart racing erratically a second time that day. The chair on which he was sitting was placed directly in the line of the large mirror in front of which Reid was standing.

Reid glanced in the mirror, seeing Luke’s reaction, and decided then and there that he would take the suit. He would wear this monkey suit if it meant he would get that reaction from Luke, well from any man, obviously. He caught Luke’s eyes in the mirror and raised his eyebrows, asking for his approval. Luke snapped out of his daze, unable to speak just nodded his head and gave him a thumbs-up.

Reid turned around to face Ben and Luke with a smile on his face.

“I’ll take this one!”

Ben sighed in relief, “Finally, thank the lord you finally picked one! Trust it to be the most expensive one too.”

“Yeah well, I’m having my half-British snobby moment and you’re paying for it so...”

“Yeah yeah, okay Reidy, you took up enough time now, let me see my Luciano try on something.”

Reid shook his head and went back into the dressing room to change.

“Come on Luke, get up. I hope you don’t take as much time as Reid did. I’m just surprised that he picked that suit without complaining once,” Ben wondered knowingly watching how a blush crept up on Luke’s cheeks.

Luke ignored Ben’s last comment. “No Ben, I brought a suit along, I really don’t need one, honestly.”

“No way am I letting you get away so easily, Luciano. Come on…for me? Please baby?” Ben bent down placing both his hands on Luke’s cheeks. Luke quickly batted his hands away laughing.

“Okay fine, only because you’re insisting!” Luke said as he got up from his seat. He nearly bumped into Reid as he walked out the dressing room. Both murmured an apology as the sales assistant passed on some suits for Luke to try.

Reid took his seat in the spot Luke had vacated just before Ben sat down. Reid looked up at Ben staring angrily at him.

“Ben, you put me through torture, the least I deserve is a place to sit down. You still owe me lunch.”

Ben huffed putting his hand on his hip. “I put you through torture? You’re the one who’s a fussy bastard! Who the hell took 45 minutes to find a suit? Luke gives you thumbs up for one suit and you take it, even though I said that you looked good in all the other 100 odd suits you tried on.”

Reid cleared his throat rubbing his hand under his nose. “Ben, what the fuck are you going on about?”

“That Luke gave you the...” Ben was interrupted as Luke came out from behind the curtain, “...oh Luciano, baby, you look hot in that suit.”

Luke giggled and turned side to side trying to see how he looked in the mirror, “Yeah, I quite like this one,” but he caught Reid looking at him from behind him in the mirror. Luke frowned shaking his head a little, asking a silent question and Reid narrowed his eyes shaking his head in disapproval. Luke glanced at himself in the mirror again, “No, I think I’m going to try another one.” Luke took a quick look in the mirror at Reid again who had a small smile.

As Luke came out wearing another suit, this time he didn’t voice his opinion but instead adjusted the suit turning a little so he could get a better view. He then glanced in the mirror looking for Reid’s judgement. After 30 minutes, Luke had tried on about five or six suits, Ben had lost count on how many for sure, but obviously his opinion didn’t matter.

He had noticed that Luke was more interested in Reid’s opinion and he smiled to himself thinking his job was becoming easier. As Luke came out wearing a light grey suit, a light pink shirt and grey tie, Reid knew exactly how Luke had felt earlier. Luke glanced in the mirror back at Reid again who had a smile tugging his lips, and he nodded in approval. Luke grinned back and turned around to face Ben and Reid.

“I’ll take this one!”

Ben walked up to Luke “Luciano, finally you chose one!” he smoothed out his suit lapels, collar and tie and he then hit Luke hard on his chest.

“Oww, what was that for?” Luke cried, rubbing his chest a little.

“You and Reid are bloody fuss pots! Remind me not to take you shopping ever again! Why the hell did I ever agree to marry you?”

“It’s because you love me so much Big Ben.”

Reid let out a snort of laughter from behind the two, “Big Ben?”

Ben rolled his eyes, “Trust me you don’t want to know.”

“I’m pretty sure I do want to know. Blondie here seems to know more than I thought.”

“No, Luke is not going to say anything about his bestest friend in the whole wide world now is he?”

Ben turned to Luke giving him a deadly glare and Luke patted Ben on the back.

“Of course not! I wouldn’t do that to you.”

Luke then mouthed a ‘later’ to Reid who nodded in response, both thinking Ben didn’t see the non-verbal exchange.

“Hey, Luke, I saw that!”

Luke feigned innocence as he walked as quickly as he could to get changed, “What?”

“Don’t you dare tell him anything because I will have your balls, do you hear me?”

Luke’s head peeked out from behind the curtain chuckling. “Oh Big Ben, you are such a romantic. I think I may swoon right here, right now.”

Ben threw him a dirty look and flashed him a finger while Luke pretended to swoon dramatically, hand on his forehead. Reid let out a hearty laugh, shaking his head in disbelief at the immature antics taking place. Ben turned around surprised to hear the laughter coming from Reid and he couldn’t help but feel incredibly happy to hear Reid laughing again, it had been too long.

“Hey, Benny boy, what’s wrong? Worried your secret is going to get out?” Reid said whilst his laughter died down.

Ben hadn’t realised that he had been staring at Reid and he shook his head and smiled.

“Oh no way, I’m not worried. Luke loves me too much and I have lots of dirt on him.”

“Hmm, we will see Benny boy, we will see.”

Just as Ben was about to answer, his phone rang. He didn’t even notice that the time had flown by and he quickly grabbed his phone out of his pocket.


“Ben, honey, it’s time to leave.” Ramona’s voice came through the phone.

“What? What happened? I thought I sent through that contract last week before I took this week off.”

Ramona laughed. “Ben, I hope things are going well, call me back once you leave! I want a full detailed account.”

“Right, I will be there as soon as possible. God, you people are incompetent I swear. Can’t you manage one week without me?”

“Okay, I’m putting the phone down, hurry up and get home.”

“Okay, whatever. I don’t want excuses. I’ll be there in 15 minutes. Bye.”

Ben put his phone down, proud of his acting and he turned to look at Reid.

“Reid, mate, I have to go. I have an emergency at work. I’ll let the people here know to deliver the suits to the house, so you don’t have to carry them around with you all day. I’m taking the car so you and Luke should hang about in London for the day, yeah?”

“Ben, no, I’ll come with you, can’t you drop me off home on the way?”

“Reid, come on mate, I need to go now and I can’t wait for Luke. I won’t be home for the rest of the day and I was going to take him for a little sightseeing, and you can take him instead right...” Ben said as he patted Reid’s shoulder, “...just let him know what’s happened, okay?”

Ben practically ran out of the dressing area before Reid could stop him or say anything else and he quickly informed the staff to pack the suits for home delivery. He slowed down his walk as the valet passed him his keys to the car. Once he got in, he quickly texted Ramona,

Mission accomplished ;-) - B


Luke left the dressing room, and handed the suit over to the assistant and looked up seeing Reid had pinched the bridge of his nose and was muttering something under his breath. Luke’s eyes scanned the room for Ben but realised that he was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Ben gone?”

Reid sighed, “He had an emergency at work so he left. He said he won’t be back for the rest of the day.”

“Oh, okay, so what do you want to do?”

Reid stared at Luke incredulously, “Umm, go back home, of course.”

Luke frowned, “What?”

“I’m going back home, what else are we going to do?”

Luke felt like this could be the perfect opportunity for him to sort out Ben’s present without Ben around. Reid could actually be of help and he needed a second opinion anyway.

“Reid, hold on, wait a second. You’ve been here before right, I mean to London?”


“Okay, so you must know of some good places to visit, come on tell me.”

Reid glared at Luke, his arms crossed over his chest, “I’m not taking you sightseeing Luke.”

“Reid, please, come on. You said that Ben isn’t going to be home all day, right? I need to sort out Ben’s present too.”

“You can do that any other day, just not today.”



Luke laughed, “So repeating our names is not going to get us anywhere. Come on Reid, please. I’ll buy you lunch.” Luke raised his eyebrows in hope that food would be a bribe enough to get him to shop with him.

Reid pursed his lips in thought trying to decide whether food could win out over spending time with Luke. “Well...I am hungry.”

“See, okay, I’ll buy you lunch and then we can go shopping.”

“Hold the phone. I’m not going shopping with you.”

Luke dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand, “No, no shopping. We eat and then we can sort out Ben’s present, okay?”


Reid walked out of the dressing room with Luke following behind, he had no idea how the hell the kid had coerced him into a day out with him. As he turned around he saw Luke’s dimpled grin and he couldn’t help but smile back, ‘What the hell is wrong with me?’

They left the store and tried to find the nearest station as Ben had taken the car.

They walked side by side, silently, shoulders bumping with every step they took.

“Hey, Reid?”

Reid closed his eyes knowing that Luke couldn’t even let a minute go by without saying something.


“I’m sorry.”

Reid frowned and looked up at Luke and slightly shook his head, “What for?”

Luke cleared his throat, “Well, for this morning. I didn’t want to start an argument with you and I felt like I might have offended you in some way. We did say we were going to be friends so...”

Reid interrupted with a short laugh, “Why do you have this constant need to apologise for everything?”

“What? No I don’t.”

“Not everything is your fault, Luke. Well, most of the time it is.”

Luke smacked Reid lightly on his arm as he laughed softly, “Thanks for that.”

Reid turned serious, “Luke, you don’t ever have to apologise to me. I like your honesty, it’s actually quite refreshing. So please, no ‘sorrys’ have to be uttered in my presence unless you have done something horrendously wrong, which I would point out anyway. But ‘thank yous’ however, are gladly accepted anytime of the day.”

Luke giggled and nodded, “Ok Dr. Oliver.”

They reached the station and Reid in his rush had forgotten again. He hated public transportation in London, especially the underground. Luke made his way into the station to try and work out which ticket to get but as he reached behind with his arm to try and get Reid’s attention he realised that Reid was still standing outside the station. Luke walked over to him and grabbed his arm pulling him inside the station.

“Come on Reid, which ticket am I supposed to get? I have no idea!”

“Just ask someone who works here. I’m not coming with you.”

“What? Reid! You can’t leave me alone!”

“I am not going in that filth ridden, germ filled train that goes below the ground where there is no means of escape.”

Luke suddenly understood why he was so hesitant to travel by train.

“Reid come on, you’re not alone this time. We now have a trick, well psychobabble as you put it, to stop the panic attacks. I won’t tell anyone, I promise.”

Reid narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, “Okay, if I come with you, will you promise to tell me what the Big Ben thing is all about?”

Luke rolled his eyes and smiled, “I promise I’ll tell you.”

Reid nodded hesitantly, “Okay, Luciano, let’s go. By the way I want to know what that’s all about too.”

Luke just laughed as he bought the tickets and led him down to the platform, his hand gripping Reid’s hand tightly.

Chapter Nine

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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