The Better Man (6/30)

Nov 07, 2010 14:59

Title: The Better Man

Author:  Bhumi

Rating:  PG-13 for minor swearing but individual chapters may vary.

Summary:  AU- Luke is heartbroken and hopes that a break from his hectic work life and his horrible love life will do him some good. But what he didn’t know is that this one short journey full of fun, laughter and unexpected encounters would change his life forever and would lead him to something he never expected to find.

Disclaimer:  I don’t own the boys unfortunately, just in my dreams...

Author's notes:  Hi guys! So, this chapter is the second half and like I promised I have posted earlier because I won't be able to post tonight.  In this chapter you will be meeting some more members of the Moore family! Thanks to bittersweetreid and Traci for the awesome beta <3 Feedback and concrit = <3 and I hope you enjoy! :D

Reid didn’t know when he had fallen into a deep sleep after his shower. While in bed rubbing his bleary eyes, he grabbed his watch off the dresser next to him. He was shocked to realise that it was mid afternoon, nearly three thirty in the afternoon in fact. He heard a loud rumbling and rubbed his hand on his bare stomach, ‘shit’, he thought, ‘I missed lunch’.

Reid quickly whipped on a t-shirt walked out of his room to find Ben, well actually, to find some food. His stomach needed some attention. ‘Damn the soft and comfy duvets’. He made his way down one floor and found Ben standing, peering into an open door. Reid walked up behind him and coughed lightly. Ben jumped, clutching his hand to his chest.

“Oh my god, Reid, you scared me.”

“What the hell are you doing?”

“Shhhh keep your voice down Luke is still sleeping.”

“Why are you watching blondie sleep? Since when were you a voyeur?”

“I came to wake him up but he looks so sound asleep, I didn’t want to disturb him.”

Reid peered inside over Ben’s shoulder and saw the Luke was pretty much curled up into a ball and all he could see was Luke’s face and a small smile on his lips framed by his messy blonde hair. Reid couldn’t help but smile a little and think that he looked quite cute, ‘What the fuck, cute?’

“Aww-“, Ben cooed, “Luke looks so adorable when he’s sleeping, I don’t want to wake him up.”

Reid quickly threw the inappropriate thoughts he was having about the young man out of his head.

“You’re watching someone sleeping. How is that not a little rape-y?”


“What? I’m just being honest! And now my honesty tells me I need some food so come on, I missed lunch today, and that hasn’t happened ever which is an abomination.”

“You’re gonna want one of those disgusting sandwiches aren’t you?”

“Yep, you guessed right and they aren’t disgusting, you’ve just never experienced a true sandwich, so let’s go.”

Ben sighed as he and Reid made their way downstairs, “Ramona is going to kill me when she finds the fridge empty.”

“Oh well, it won’t be such a big loss to the world.”

“What do you mean?”

“For a guy who owns a multi-million pound business, you are so slow.”


Luke awoke with a jump and he realised that the room was a little darker. Shadows from the trees outside were falling across the bed. As his eyes tried to adjust to the darkness, he lifted an arm and blindly felt around on the dresser for his watch and brought it close to his face. ‘Shit’.

It was coming to five thirty in the evening. Luke had overslept big time and realised he hadn’t made his call home either. He quickly called home and talked to his mom letting her know everything was good. After getting another list from Ethan, who requested a few more things he wanted, Luke pulled on a pair of jeans, leaving his white v-neck t-shirt and made his way downstairs.

He could hear the sounds of the television in the front room and he made his way in seeing Ben slumped lying down on the couch watching what sounded like some kind of Australian soap and the doctor was sitting in a big leather armchair reading what appeared to be some kind of journal. Ben, seeing Luke’s reflection in the television sat up and turned around.

“Well hello Sleeping Beauty.” Ben moved so Luke could come and sit down next to him.

Reid looked up acknowledging Luke’s presence but looked back to his journal trying not to notice how good he looked with his bed head hair and tight white t-shirt.

“I totally overslept; I don’t think I got a good enough sleep on the plane.”

“Yeah well planes aren’t as comfortable as private jets and you’re suffering from jet-lag too. No stress, I did come to wake you up but you looked so adorable sleeping, I didn’t have the heart to wake you up. Reid thought so too.”

Luke eyes shot to look at Reid who pretended to have not heard what Ben had just said.

“Right, Reid?”

“What?” Reid asked without looking up from his journal.

“You thought Luke looked cute sleeping.”

“I didn’t say that, when did I say that?”

“You aren’t denying it either.”

Ben smiled smugly as Reid looked up trying to come up with an answer, his mouth opening and closing trying to think of something to say. Luke realised that Reid hadn’t denied it and he was unconsciously waiting for an answer.

“As fascinating and scintillating this conversation is, what I would really like to know is when we’re going to have dinner.”

“Reid, you just ate a humungous sandwich and you’re hungry for dinner already! You never cease to amaze me, where do you put all that crap?”

“I work it off. It’s not easy to maintain a body as good as this.”

“How do you work it off though? It’s not like you have the time to go to a gym seeing as though you’re always working-“

“Well I...“, Reid raised his eyebrows.

Ben put his hands over his ears squeezing his eyes shut in understanding.

“Eww eww, I don’t want to know thank you! That’s too much information.”

Luke couldn’t help the blush that crept up on his neck and cheeks as he looked up through his eyelashes at Reid who had a small smile on his lips.

Suddenly there was a loud bang of a door and a loud shout, “Ay dios mio!”

Both Ben and Luke jumped up hearing further bangs and crashes and emerged in the main hallway finding a small moving bundle of something brown surrounding by bags and bags of, something.

“Can someone help me up, por favor?”

Ben and Luke rushed forward helping the bundle off the floor heaving her up one hand under each of her arms.

“Romy, honey, you really should get your balance checked out, you are going to hurt yourself really bad one of these days.”

“Ben, can you insult me later and just help me pick up all the shopping bags?”

Ramona still hadn’t noticed in the shock of her fall that Luke was the other guy holding onto her arm. Her eyes widened in surprise and she immediately jumped on Luke who managed to grab a hold of her before they both toppled to the floor.

“Luke! You made it!”

“I did, I did, and you and Ben certainly have a death wish on me, your hugs are deadly and I can hardly breathe.” Luke managed to say with a face full of curly brown hair.

“Oh I’m sorry honey...” Ramona leaned back holding Luke’s face between both of her hands, “...cariño mio, you look awful.”

Luke laughed, “Thank you Romy!”

“No, no, you look so pale and too thin, but not to worry, I’m going to send you back fattened up a little, I missed seeing your pretty face.” Ramona gave Luke’s cheeks a squeeze and gave him a friendly kiss on the lips.

Ben gasped mockingly and pulled Ramona towards him wrapping his arms around her.

“Hey hey, Luke don’t you try and steal away my woman and in any case you’re all mine and no one else’s.”

Luke laughed loudly, “Guys, I wish there was enough of me to go around, but unfortunately I’m one in a million.”

“Well, thank god for that.” Reid interrupted, Reid was feeling a little left out, but he wasn’t going to admit it.

All three turned to face the owner of the voice and so Ben with his arm around Ramona’s shoulder led her to meet Reid. She kissed him on both his cheeks.

“Oh Reid, it’s so nice to meet you again, we met that time in New York, right?”

“Yup, and you made that amazing paella for dinner one night that won me over. I like you a lot already.”

“Oh my god...“, Ben exclaimed, “You and your obsession with food, you actually remember what we ate one night like 3 years ago?”

“Shut up Ben...”, Ramona hit him playfully on his arm, “...I like it when people compliment me on my food and I like feeding people and so I like Reid a lot too.”

Reid looked over at Ben as he took Ramona’s hand and put his arm around her.

“See, she likes me too, you better be careful, I might just elope with her because anyone who can cook is perfect for me in my book.”

“Do you know what? You can take her, I have Luke here...”, Ben said as he pulled Luke over to him hugging him to his side, “...he’s perfect for me, plus he won’t ever shop too much.”

Reid looked on with narrowed eyes at Luke, who was laughing that laugh and Reid couldn’t help but smile a little. Luke eyes caught Reid’s and both were unable to look away, however the spell was broken when a voice from near the front door brought them to attention.

“Oh Charlie honey, I think your son has finally become true to himself and is settling down with a man instead. Oh well, people at the wedding are surely going to be surprised.”

A tall elegant redhead woman walked in with an older man well dressed, also tall and who bore a striking resemblance to Ben.

“Ellie, it was about time anyway, I’ve always wanted another son.”

Ben laughed, “Dad, you already have two sons, well three including me, I guess a fourth one isn’t such a bad thing.”

Ben’s father waved his hand, “Yeah well, they all live with their mothers and you’re the only one who stuck around with his old man, well aren’t you going to introduce me to my brand new son-in-law?”

But before Ben could introduce Luke who was looking on in amusement, Ben’s mother, Ellie, caught a glimpse of Reid standing behind Ben and she gasped audibly.

“Reid, is that really you?”

“No-“, Reid said as he stepped forward, “I’m Ryan, Reid’s evil twin brother, I have come to sabotage this wedding and take over Ben’s business empire.”

Ellie stepped over the bags that were still lying on the floor in the hallway and walked up to Reid pulling him into a hug. Reid gave in reluctantly, rolling his eyes, as he hugged her back.

“Yeah, yeah, I came, let’s not get all weepy about it.”

Ellie, still holding onto his arms, pulled back to look at Reid’s face and lifted one hand to caress Reid’s face as Reid smiled back noticing his aunt’s watery eyes.

“It never ceases to amaze me how much you look like your father and you definitely have your mother’s hair and her sarcasm.”

“Well I am their son, and have 50% of their DNA so you see...”

Ellie interrupted him, lightly smacking him on his arm, “Don’t get smart with me, you might be a genius but can’t you just be civil for once.”

“I’ll think about it, maybe.” Reid said with a smirk.

Luke had met Ben’s mother Ellie before, but only when he saw Reid and Ellie standing together that he realised how much the resembled each other, Reid looked more like Ellie’s son then Ben did. Seeing Reid’s emotional reunion with his aunt made him realise that there was more than meets the eye with Dr. Reid Oliver and to be honest he was itching to find out.

Charlie walked over and shook hands with Reid.

“Nice to see you, Son, I’m glad you could make it.” Reid smiled in appreciation.

“Hey Reid, how come you can hug my mother but you don’t want one from me.” Ben pouted.

“It’s because I know your mother loves me more so I give her the honour of getting a hug from me.”

Everyone broke out into laughter and Luke couldn’t help but laugh along, this family was crazy and reminded him a little of his own, he didn’t feel out of place at all and it was a nice feeling, he found himself thinking about what it would be like to be on a receiving end of one his hugs. Before his thoughts got carried away, Ellie and Charlie walked up to Luke giving him a hug and a kiss on his cheek.

“Mrs. Moore, it’s so nice to meet you again.”

“Pshhh, don’t call me Mrs. Moore, it’s too formal and unnecessary, call me Ellie, darling.”

Luke smiled and shook hands with Mr. Moore who also insisted that he should be called by his first name. Ellie and Ramona picked up the bags from shopping and made their way into the kitchen to prepare dinner as the men made their way into the front room. Luke offered to help Ramona in the kitchen but she pushed him out claiming she had enough help.

While dinner was being made Luke, Charlie, Reid and Ben were in the living room talking about business, politics and god knows what else, while Reid sat there just half listening to the chat having no interest in getting involved whatsoever. But he was intrigued and almost fascinated in the way in which Luke seemed to actually know what he was talking about, his enthusiasm and passion for his foundation and some shipping company he inherited was apparent on his face. He found himself staring at Luke a little too long a few times. Luke managed to catch Reid watching him and he tried hard to ignore it, wondering what the hell the doctor’s problem was.

After a little while, the ladies called the men into the dining room for dinner. Reid was the first to get up and make his way into the dining room taking a seat as the others made their way in. Charlie and Ellie sat at the head either ends of the table, Ben and Ramona took their seats next to each other leaving Luke a seat free next Reid. Reid looked up as Luke took his seat next to him but refused to acknowledge him. Luke couldn’t understand what the doctor had against him and why he even cared about what he thought about him in the first place.

Throughout dinner both Luke and Reid avoided looking at each other. If food needed to passed along, they tried to avoid touching however their close proximity meant that they did accidently brush each other’s hands a few times. Luke earned a glare from Reid each time it happened which didn’t go unnoticed by Ramona, who found it pretty obvious that something was definitely going on between the two. Despite all the chatter at the table, Luke and Reid didn’t talk to each other once and Ramona wanted to find out once and for all what was going on.

Just as everyone had finished their dinner Ramona grabbed Ben’s arm and dragged him into the kitchen with the excuse that she needed help to get the dessert together.

“What the hell Romy, I was still eating!”

“Shhh Ben, keep it down.”

“Ok, what’s wrong? Please don’t tell me there are more wedding plans to discuss, I’m done, remember?”

“Ben, is something going on between Luke and Reid?”

“What? No! What do you mean?”

“They aren’t talking to each other and they keep giving each other these funny looks, just the way they were interacting, it was really odd.”

“Well maybe they find it awkward because they were on the plane here together...”

“WHAT?” Ramona gasped and punched Ben on his arm, “They were on the plane, together?”

“Oww!” Ramona was short but she packed a punch, Ben rubbed his arm,“...yeah, they sat next to each other, what’s so shocking about that?”

“Ben, mi amor, sometimes you are really, really slow.”

“Hey, Reid said the same thing to me today too. I don’t like you guys ganging up on me like this!”

“Don’t you see Ben? Something must have happened on the plane between the two, something pretty major, because they are so hot for each other but don’t want to admit it.”


“What? It’s true. Think about it Ben, anything weird happen when you three were alone today?”

Realisation hit Ben when he remembered Luke stalking off at breakfast after he had left the two alone and the fact that Reid didn’t deny that Luke looked cute when he was sleeping. He was only teasing, but Reid’s reaction was one of shock now that he thought about it.

“Fuck Romy, you’re so right, but what are we going to do about it?”

“Leave it to me. Your mother and I will think of something.”

“Oh shit, you’re going to get my mother involved? Well actually, now that I think about it, this could be rather fun.” Ben grinned and gave Ramona a quick peck on the lips.

As the two brought the dessert out and sat down, Ben began to notice what Ramona had been talking about. Both Luke and Reid were trying to avoid each other so badly it was obvious. Once dinner was over, Ramona again insisted that she would clean up and hushed everyone back into the living room.

It was approaching nine-thirty at night and Luke was beginning to grow tired. Even though he had had a pretty long nap earlier in the day, it felt as if the tiredness that had been building up for months had hit him all at the same time. When Luke yawned audibly in the middle of the conversation, he thought he should leave the family to have some time to themselves. Plus, he was a little unnerved by the doctor’s constant staring or ignoring, it was frustrating.

“I’m so sorry, I hope you don’t mind but I think I’m going to go to bed now.”

“Luke, there is no need to apologise its fine...”, Charlie said, “...I think we’re going to head off too. We need to meet up with some friends anyway and I’m sure we will be spending more time together in a few days. You still owe me a game of cricket.”

Luke grinned, “Of course, even though I have no idea how to play, I will give it a go.”

Luke got to his feet, saying good night to everyone and Reid just nodded at him as he walked past. Luke shook his head as he left the living room, he couldn’t help but think about the doctor and the way he had been with him this whole evening. There was no way if they were going to be in the same house together that they could act like this. He decided that he had to talk to him before people started to notice.

He had almost reached the top of the stairs when he heard his name being called out. But just as he turned around, his tripped over his own feet and fell backwards, tumbling down the stairs and as he reached the bottom he saw a blurry figure standing over him but he was unable to concentrate and focus as darkness engulfed his senses, blacking out his world.


Luke’s brow furrowed as he felt something wet falling on his face, he felt his hair being pushed back from his forehead and his name being called out. The person who was calling him sounded unfamiliar but his voice was soothing at the same time. As Luke’s eyes fluttered open he found steely blue eyes full of concern staring down at him. He really thought he was dreaming for a second.

“Luke, Luke? You ok?”

The only thing Luke could answer with was an, “Oww!”

“Luke, look at me, how many fingers am I holding up?”

“Three.” Luke managed to groan out.

As Luke started to come to his senses he realised that his head was in someone’s lap. The owner of the blue eyes, the voice, and the lap was Reid.

Luke squeezed his eyes shut in embarrassment which Reid mistook for further pain and Luke felt Reid’s fingers pushing his hair back, and stroking his face, while his other hand was checking for any broken bones.

Luke opened his eye slowly again and attempted to get up which was met with a chorus of, “No, no!” from all of those that were standing. Luke saw that Ben had his arm around Ramona and Ellie and Charlie were standing leaning over with concern etched on their faces, looking down as he lay in Reid’s lap.

“Wow Luke...” Ben exclaimed, “ can give Romy a run for her money with your clumsiness.”

“Ha ha Ben shut up...” Luke looked at Reid, “...can you help me up?”

“Reid, dear, you sure he’s ok to get up, shouldn’t we call an ambulance or something, he was unconscious?”

“Aunt Ellie, he’ll be ok...” Reid turned around to look at his aunt, “...Luke’s woken up so that’s good enough and there doesn’t seem to be any broken bones so he should be fine.”

Reid glanced down at Luke, relieved that he had woken up. For the first time in a long time, he was freaked out when Ben called for him and he found Luke lying unconscious at the foot of the stairs. He didn’t know what it was about this kid that made him feel these feelings all over again, but he was off-limits, he had a boyfriend.

Reid gently lifted Luke up, pulling Luke’s arm around his shoulder for support. Luke felt a little sore but other than that he couldn’t feel pain anywhere else. The closeness to Reid was a little disconcerting seeing as though they had avoided having a conversation as well as touching each other almost all day. Luke tried to pull away but almost fell as dizziness over took him. Ben quickly reached Luke’s other side to stop him from falling.

“Woah there Luke, I think we should take you to bed now, I never thought I would say that, but there’s a first for everything.”

Luke chuckled and glanced at Reid who had a small smile tugging at his lips. Before they made their way upstairs, Luke said his second round of good nights promising and reassuring Ellie and Charlie that he felt fine. Luckily Luke’s room was on the first floor; Reid opened the door with his free arm and led Luke towards his bed where Luke sat down his head resting in his hands.

“Luke, I’m gonna go and get you some medicine for the pain or something, what should I get, Dr. Oliver?”

Reid rolled his eyes. “Just ordinary painkillers should be fine.”

Ben nodded and made his way downstairs where he saw Ramona and his mother talking quietly. As Ramona saw Ben walk downstairs she beckoned him closer.

“What’s wrong? I need to go and get some painkillers for Luke.”

“Don’t go back upstairs Ben...”, Ramona whispered, “...just leave the medicine outside, ok?”


“Ben, we talked about this, this is the perfect opportunity for them to talk.”

“Oh yeah, you and your matchmaking. So mother, did Ramona fill you in?”

“She didn’t need to, dear. I could see the sexual tension from a mile away.”

“Bloody hell, mother, I don’t want to hear you using words like that.”

“Ben darling, don’t be a prude, just go and leave the medicine outside Luke’s door.”


Luke was sitting on the bed as he let Reid check him over, his head was pounding a little but other than that, the dizziness had subsided. Reid made Luke flex his fingers and toes, flex his joints to make sure there were no broken bones. As Reid brushed Luke’s hair back, ghosting his fingers over the small bump that was forming a shiver ran down through Luke’s spine. Luke kept his gaze fixed on Reid’s lips as Reid examined his head. Reid being so close to him was making him feel things, all kinds of things which were unexplainable.

Reid eyes met Luke’s but noticing the closeness between them both he dropped his fingers from Luke’s forehead, cleared his throat and took a step backward, only then did Luke realise how much he missed Reid’s warm touch.

“Other than the bump on your head, you seem fine, you feeling anything else?”

“Ummm, no I’m okay; it’s nothing that a little sleep won’t fix.” Luke smiled.

“Ok, well, Ben should bring the painkillers up soon, just take two tablets and if you have any other problems just let me know.”

Reid turned around and made his way towards the door.

“Dr. Oliver.”

Reid immediately turned around taking three big strides back to Luke.

“What’s wrong?”

Luke shook his head, “Nothing’s wrong, I just wanted to say thank you and say sorry.”

Reid frowned, “Sorry for what?”

“For calling you an asshole, I shouldn’t have said that, I was just a little frustrated and I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned what happened, it didn’t mean anything so...”

Reid lifted a hand in front of Luke’s face stopping him, “It’s ok Luke, and you just get your rest.”

“So can we start from scratch, for Ben and Ramona? I’m sure we can get along for a few days, right?”

Luke felt a little anxious, not sure whether the doctor would agree with his idea.

Reid quietly nodded his head, trying not be affected by Luke’s smile and made his way out the room, but as he put his foot forward, he found a glass of water and a pack of painkillers outside the door. He bent down to pick them up a little confused as to why they were left outside and walked back over to Luke who was just about to lie down. Silently passing the glass of water, he passed two pills over to Luke who swallowed them.

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

Reid was just back out of the door when he heard Luke.

“Good night Dr. Oliver.”

Reid turned around his hand still on the door handle.

“I think it’s a little redundant if we’re going to be spending a few days together and you keep calling me Dr. Oliver. You can call me Reid, you know, for Ben and Ramona I mean.”

Luke’s eyes sparkled and his face relaxed into a smile.

“Okay then, good night Reid.”

Reid couldn’t help but feel something when he heard the blonde say his name for the first time.

“Good night Luke.”

Reid closed the door quietly behind him leaning his head on the door squeezing his eyes shut while Luke fell back on his bed covering his face with his hands.

‘Holy shit.’

Chapter Seven

rating: pg-13, luke/reid, !author|artist: bhumimak, atwt, fan fiction

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