The Secret of Being A Grimaldi Chapter One and Two

Oct 13, 2010 11:49

Title: The Secret of Being a Grimaldi
Author: Marsabi
Rating: NC-17
Summary:  Damian returns from his "death," and causes big trouble. Luke finds out he has inherited strange powers. At this time, Noah is still blind. Chris and Reid are already competing for Chief of Staff, but Chris has no heart issues.
Disclaimer: Based on characters from ATWT; I own nothing
Warning: sexual content, light bondage, superpowers

Chapter One:

"Listen, I'm a neurosurgeon not a sex therapist. Did I say my name was Dr. Ruth or Doctor Oliver?" Reid snapped with irritation.

"Sorry," Noah mumbled, "It just I have no one to talk to ...Since Luke and I broke up, he keeps coming here and confusing me-"

"I repeat, I am here for your eyes."

Noah sighed. "Right." He submitted himself to Doctor Oliver's exam.

"So?"" Noah said after Dr Oliver was through.

"Not sure." Dr. Oliver put his equipment away. "It looks like we can operate soon, but I need a few more tests."

Noah started to ask more questions, when his hospital door suddenly opened and Luke came in.

"Hey," Luke spoke softly to Noah. "Just wanted to come and visit."

"Luke?" Noah said. Then Noah frowned. "This isn't helping."

"Why?" Luke approached his bed, stepping carefully around Dr Oliver. Even though they had started to work on the new wing together, Luke was certain Dr. Oliver still hated his guts.  He could always feel Doctor Oliver's eyes on him, judging him. Luke went to Noah.

He said to Noah, "Let me still help."

Noah blew out an angry breath. "Doctor Oliver?"


"Will you excuse Luke and me, please?"

Reid glanced at Luke's sad face and then looked away.

"None of my business," he said and left Noah and Luke alone.

"Is he gone?' Noah asked.

"Yes."  Luke reached out to take Noah's hand.

"I said I need some space, Luke," Noah repeated, turning away from Luke's touch.

"Noah, your operation is coming and..."

"Maybe.  Doctor Oliver was not sure there will be an operation yet." Noah spat out bitterly.

"Let me help you, " pleaded Luke.

"No," Noah shook his head. "I told you, I can't do this Luke. I have to focus on me now and my eyes."

Luke struggled to find the right words to convince Noah.

"Is this cause you blame me - " Luke whispered, looking at the ground .

"I don't blame you," Noah said.

Luke felt like his entire world was over.

I totally blame him, Luke heard.

"What?" Luke snapped his head up. "What did you say?"

"Nothing. Just that I don't blame you," Noah insisted.

"Oh." Luke frowned in confusion. That was not what he heard a second ago.

Luke shrugged it off.

"Things have never gone smoothly, have they?" He tried to laugh with Noah and get him to reminisce. "First Maddie, then your dad -"

"Yeah," Noah interrupted. "Good times. " He scowled. "You broke it off with me Luke, cause I couldn't give you everything. This doesn't help."

"I know, but I -" Luke took a deep breath. "I still want to support you. Member when we first met and - "

I should never have even kissed him; I wish I had stayed with Maddie.

Luke's mouth fell open. He had been looking right at Noah this time. Noah had not spoken, but Luke had heard him.

What was happening? Luke shook his head. His heart was hurting, now his head was hurting too. He could taste the truth of what he heard. The bitter weight of it pressing inside of him.

"I gotta go," he said to Noah and fled the room .

Luke went home and found Lily looking through old albums of her many weddings to Holden. Luke almost groaned out loud, this was not what he needed. He tried to sneak past his mother, but she looked up and saw him .


Luke sighed, "Hey, mom."

"I was just up some old stuff."

Luke smiled sympathetically.

Lily flushed, "I guess I am pretty obvious," she gestured toward the albums.

"That's okay. I'm having a weird day too."


Luke shook his head, "It is crazy."

"Try me."

Luke shrugged. "Okay, but don't worry or anything...I know it is just stress. " He inhaled sharply. "I was with Noah and we were fighting - like we do now- and I looked at him and I heard him saying things to me- in my head - only he wasn't speaking."

Luke waited for Lily to brush this aside and make him some calming tea or something.  Instead, her eyes widened.

Damian, Luke heard.

"Damian?" He repeated. "What does he have to do with this?"

Lily jumped, "Luke, you just read my mind. I- Oh no!"

A feeling of dread spread through Luke's whole body. "Mom," he commanded and took Lily, who was crying, and shook her. "Just tell me."

"He said it would happen in puberty , not now," Lily cried. "I thought you had escaped it!"

"Escaped what?" Luke asked.

"The secret of the Grimaldi's, " Lily answered and began to sob hysterically.

"So, the Grimaldis have like ancient super powers for centuries now? Awesome!" Casey laughed.

Luke was sitting with him in Java. He had needed to talk about it to somebody. He had turned to his old friend. Lily had completely broken down after explaining that it was more a curse of power than a gift. Luke kept hearing one word in her mind that came to him over and over , Evil.

"So like now you could get more and more powers? Right? That's what your mom said. Wow, dude, maybe like Wolverine or something. I love that comic book!" Casey  held up his hands, "Check out my claws!"

"Casey-" Luke said. It appeared to Luke that his ability to read minds was limited to people that he actually knew and had a connection with. He could not, for instance, read the thoughts of all the strangers at Java. Thank God. As for Casey Hughes...Casey pretty much said exactly what he thought.

"You know I always suspected that I'd make an excellent superhero type, " Casey mused. "I actually am a little psychic. Like I can always tell what Alison is thinking," Casey bragged.

Luke was about to respond, when the door to Java opened and Alison actually came inside. She waved at Casey.

"Gotta go!" Casey jumped up, "Wedding stuff to do. Sorry, pal. I'll Twitter you."

Luke tried to ask Casey not to tell anybody else; he felt like enough of a freak. But Casey was already with Alison.  Alison nodded bye to Luke.

Luke heard, Mick Dante, Mick Dante...coming from Alison's pretty blond head. Luke rubbed his eyes in weary confusion. He did not even know what that meant.

Luke jumped up and went to leave Java; he still had his head buried in his hands.

Wham! Luke smacked hard into somebody and coffee spilled all over.

"Oh, sorry," Luke apologized and looked up. Terrific, Luke thought, Doctor Oliver. Luke grabbed some napkins from a nearby table. Dr. Oliver was covered in mocha latte.

Luke started to apologize again and dabbed at Dr. Oliver's chest with the napkin.

"Quit touching me, Mr. Snyder."

Keep touching me, Luke heard.

"Sorry," Luke mumbled in shock, but he kept his hand on Dr. Oliver's chest. Luke leaned in closer to him; he was sure he had heard wrong that time.

"Will you stop wiping me up like I am a toddler!" Reid demanded.

God, does he always have to stand so close to me!

Luke jumped back and stared at Dr. Oliver's piercingly blue eyes.

"What's wrong with you?" Dr. Oliver demanded, "Is your brain on in there," Dr. Oliver tapped the side of his head, "what few brain cells you might have. Maybe you need some more caffeine."

Luke found he could not answer the snarky doctor. He just stood there.

Doctor Oliver stared back.

"You're gay?" Luke said finally.

Doctor Oliver suddenly seemed disconcerted. He actually flushed. Then he took a step back from Luke.

"So what? Did Katie or Hank run to tell you? " Dr Oliver shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I've known I was gay since I was nine years old."

"You never said anything to Noah or me," Luke mumbled. He could hardly pay attention. The things he heard coming from Doctor Oliver's mind were shocking him.

"The fact that it took your gaydar all these months to realize it, Mr. Snyder, only emphasizes how obtuse you are."

Luke heard,  I wish I didn't have to look into those amazing eyes. They melt me.

Luke couldn't help it. He suddenly wanted to make Dr. Oliver squirm.  Luke batted his eyes at him knowingly,

Sure enough, Reid became flustered .

"Excuse me, " he told Luke quickly, "I need to go and change." With that, Doctor Oliver left.

Luke stood in Java for a moment, processing all that had just happened. He smiled slightly. Maybe this mind reading thing had its uses.

Meanwhile, far away, somewhere in Malta:

Damian Grimaldi peered into the darkness. He sat on the edge of a massive bed.  Behind him, two sleeping women were curled up in each other's embrace.Their nipples were touching and their mouths hung open. Their feet were tied together with a thick rope.  They both had long brown hair and dark eyes. The two women were naked and bruised from Damian's night with them. One of them had whip marks down her back. They had been pleasing to him in bed, but neither of them were Lily. He would dispose of them soon.

It had been a long time now, but Damian was ready. He could sense changes in Luciano. And Lily was vulnerable and alone. It was time for Damian's revenge to begin...

Chapter Two:

In his office at the foundation,  Luke finally found relief from all the voices. He was alone. Luke Snyder did not usually enjoy being alone. In fact, he usually relished company. But tonight, being alone was a great relief. Luke sipped some old soda and chewed his lips nervously. He was on his computer, searching for Damian. He tried his father's old email accounts and his private numbers, but Damian did not respond. Luke recalled the last time he had seen Damian. Damian had hugged him and told him not to listen to all of the horrible things that were bound to come out. Then Luke had thought Damian had died. It had been Doctor Oliver who proved that Damian was not the corpse in question. But now, nobody knew Damian's whereabouts. With everything falling apart for Noah, Luke had tried to push the pain of losing Damian from his mind, but now it all rushed back.

Luke stared at the computer screen. Why had Damian never told him about these powers? Could Damian read minds too? Luke had no answers. With a sigh, he focused on the foundation's business instead. It wasn't long before Luke found a problem. The foundation was missing a significant amount of money. Somebody had stolen from him. Luke checked and rechecked the math. The money meant for the new neurology wing had been tampered with clearly. What was he going to do now? Luke felt panicked.

Not knowing where else to go, Luke found himself back at Memorial. The first person he ran into was Chris Hughes.

"Hey there, Luke."

"Hey Chris, " Luke said. "Have you seen your dad? I really need to talk to him."

"No," Chris shook his head with a very concerned look on his face. "Can I help?"

Luke started to answer, then he heard Chris chanting:

It is all about me, all about me. Hmm. Wonder if I can finally get into Katie's pants? Maybe after my golf game?

"Uh, no everything's fine, " Luke told Chris quickly.

Luke moved on. He searched briefly for Bob Hughes to inform him of the missing funds, but he had no luck  finding him. Luke was feeling queasy and tense. This was all too much to take. He needed some help. Luke hesitated. Even though a part of him became full of doubts, Luke tried to shrug his feelings aside. They had been together for a long time, after all. Surely, if Noah could see how much Luke needed to talk and if he could hear of all the insane things happening, surely he would want to at least comfort him.

He entered Noah's room.

"Noah," Luke said. "I know we fought before, but I really need to talk to you."

Noah sat up in his hospital bed. "Luke? It's not a good time. Richard is coming over soon and - "

"Look, please. I'm having the craziest day and I really need somebody to - "

"Doctor Oliver said I might be ready for my operation after all. I'm so excited."

"That's great, but I-"

"Don't make him angry, okay Luke? You know how he hates you."

"Noah," Luke grabbed Noah's arm, "please I need your help! If I ever meant anything to you -"

Luke heard, Why is Luke bothering me? He is always so needy!

"You do, you do," Noah waved his hand dismissively. "But I can't deal with all these outside problems right now, okay Luke? Will you just understand. I'm blind! Blind! What could be more important than that?"

Luke dropped Noah's arm. "Nothing, I guess. " He shook his head. "Noah, I want you to see again, I do. More than you know...But our whole relationship, it -"

The door opened and Richard came in.

"Hey, what's up guys?" Richard gave a big, dorky grin.

"Richard, man, you're late, " Noah scolded.

"Sorry, dude."

"Did you bring my Luna bars and my chips?" Noah demanded.

"Right, " Richard opened up the plastic bag he was carrying.

Luke looked on with disbelief. The air felt cold, making Luke shiver.

"Richard, I asked for Lemon Zest and Chocolate,not carmel."


Luke was standing by his ex-boyfriend watching him boss around his potential new love interest while he ignored Luke's pain, and suddenly it was like a stab in the guts.  And Luke simply fell out of love with Noah, right there in that very moment.  As quickly as he ever fallen in love with him, that love for Noah soured.

Luke did not need any voices to know what his heart told him to be true: Noah loved himself more than he had ever loved Luke.

Overwhelmed by the loss, Luke felt like a scared and tired child. Luke turned and stumbled towards the door. He could not leave the room fast enough. He felt like he could not breath.

The elevator seemed like a safe place to go, and Luke ran in and hit the down button. He knew that he and Noah had broken up, but a part of him had hoped...Luke had offered Noah all the beauty that was inside of him and Noah had not wanted, it was truly over...maybe he was just not meant for love...

A vicious headache brought Luke to his knees. Luke closed his eyes and shook his head. His skin broke out into a slick sweat.  All of a sudden, images began to invade his mind.

What Luke saw was this:

He was in the shower, not his own, someplace else. The water, Luke could almost feel the steady stream of it against his face and neck, was hot and steamy. Luke had his hands braced on the shower walls and he was moaning. There was somebody sitting on the floor of the shower. A man. He had Luke's legs pulled apart. The man's firm fingers were at Luke' thighs, insistingly pressing them open. Luke tried to resist. His mouth was open and quivering.

"I can't," Luke was saying.

The man had his tongue on Luke's cock. He had Luke in his mouth. It felt so good.  Water was streaming down over the man, making his features impossible to see. But in his vision, Luke could feel everything. The man's mouth taking his cock. The man's hands, now grasping Luke's naked flesh, pressing into his ass. Luke shuddered, his muscles bunched tightly now. The sounds of labored breathing. Sucking noises. Luke was being devoured, possessed. The feeling of a warm mouth taking him inside. Luke grabbed at the wall, and the slid one hand down to the man's head. He grabbed at the curly hair. The pressure inside of Luke was building.  Then Luke was coming, exploding, into the man's mouth. The orgasm swept through him like a wave, knocking him out with its heat and power.

Luke sank against the wall. His body spent. The man released him and slowly stood. He kissed the back of Luke's neck. Luke could feel the man's erection pressing into him. The man was hard and huge. Luke turned and looked at him for the first time. In his vision, Luke could suddenly see the man's face. It was Dr. Reid Oliver.

The elevator doors opened. Luke looked up, still dazed, wet, and aroused by his strange vision.

Something was buzzing insistently. Luke stood unsteadily to his feet and took out his phone. The text read: Luciano, your father is alive.

rating: nc-17

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