Idiot (because the boys tend to get like that sometimes, but we love them anyway)

Oct 04, 2010 18:54

Title: Idiot

Summary: Reid breaks up with Luke. (I promise I'll fix it!) Assume canon up to the whole heart debacle. Chris and Reid live  because Chris gets his heart from someone else who is definitely NOT Reid.
Don't let the summary scare you. It will get better. And i know i still have the first chapter of my other story out there, but this just came to me and I had to get it out. Hope you guys like it! Let me know if I should continue.

Rating: Pg-13 (for now) might up it in later chapters

Disclaimer: don't own them. Wish I did. That'd b great!

Prologue (that's why it's pretty short, sorry!)

It hadn't been dramatic and filled with tears as Reid had feared.

There hadn't been a ton of questions; Why? What did I do wrong? Why are you doing this?

Luke had been completely calm, something Reid swore defied reality; or at least, as close to reality as anyone can get in Oakhell.

He said he undersood, kissed Reid on the cheek, gave him a hug (which Reid stiffly returned while inhaling Luke's addicting cologne) and walked out without a backward glance.

Reid had been baffled, but relieved.

Well, that's kind of a lie.

He tried to be relieved.

If he was honest, he was actually a little pissed off.

He breaks up with Luke after a year to take on a new position at a hospital in Minnessota and Luke doesn't bat an eyelash?

It didn't make any sense.

Didn't he care?

Not that Reid cared if he cared.

Nope. He was jut a little taken aback...that's all.

I mean this is Luke freaking Snyder.

Drama Queen Extrodinaire.

He calls Reid out on everything. EVERYTHING.

So where the hell was that guy? Who was this pod person that walked away without a glimmer of fight in him?

He'd just.....accepted it. He'd actually congratulated him for christ sake. He'd even used those cliched lines on him: "I hope you'll be happy. I hope you find what you're looking for."

Seriously? That's it?

He hadn't asked to move there. He hadn't said that Reid was running away and using the job as an excuse...which Reid definitely wasn't. Nope. Not at all.

It had nothing to do with thier anniversary recently passing.

Or Luke saying he could see them together for the rest of thier lives.

Or him asking how Reid felt about children and a family.

Nope. Reid definitely wasn't running away. The job just came at the perfect time.

Chief of Staff at Memorial was a fine position and it's not like there was anyone better for the position because really, who was more qualified for such a prestegious position that him? No one.

it was getting dull though. He needed a change...Too much responsibility and politics came with the position anyway. He wanted to get back down to the reality of it all, surgery and nothing else.

He would have asked Luke to go with, but he's too close to his family to leave Oakdale willingly or happily.

Yup. He was just thinking of Luke's welfare. Really.

He was just awesome like that.

!author|artist: englishfanatic, rating: pg-13, fan fiction

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