(no subject)

May 08, 2010 11:31

hey guys! so this is my first attempt at luke and reid fanfiction. hope you guys enjoy!! set slightly in the future, few months into LuRe relationship. be kind plz. I wrote it in about a few hours lol

Title: Romantic Sap

Rating: PG-13? i guess.

Reid sat on Katie's couch with one of his trademark humongous sandwhiches before him on the table, just waiting there to be devoured. Somehow though, for the first time in a long time, Reid just wasn't very hungry. If Katie were there, she would probably make some crack about the sky falling down or hell freezing over. For once, he wished her and the kid had been here when he got home. He could use the distraction, even if that meant having to listen to her newest matchmaking plans (Seriously, did she see some kind of professional future in this or was she simply obsessive? Had she watched that part of Fiddler on the Roof one too many times?) and Jacob's crying.

Luke had stormed out about an hour ago. The night had started promising, but it had quickly shifted into Oh shit I'm in trouble. Reid wishes he could blame Luke for the awful turn, since thier fights which had actually been fewer and farther between as of late, were usually his fault. Of course, Luke would never admit or accept that, no more than Reid would take responsibility for this...at least not right away. He knew he screwed up, but he hadn't expected Luke to get so angry. He knew he shouldn't have been so surpised. This was Luke Snyder after all. Over-emotional, dramatic, tends to overreact. In this case, Reid inwardly cringed as he silently allowed himself to think this time he had a point. Dammit.

Earlier that night....

Luke and him were on the couch, just finishing watching Godfather part 1. The irony wasn't lost on Luke who laughed loudly when Reid popped it into the DVD player and he kept a goofy grin on his face through most of the movie. Reid had simply shrugged and rolled his eyes, not wanting to think about that elevator shaft. He felt himself begin to sweat just from imagining being stuck in there. The only part that made him smile concerning that memory was that Luke was the one to calm him down. At the time, Luke had been the last person he wanted to be stuck in a tight space with. That's what he told himself anyway. That was before though. Before Noah's surgery, them almost having sex, Luke and Noah's failed attempt at giving thier relationship one last shot, and the real beginning for Luke and Reid. They'd taken thier time; simply hanging out, occasional kisses and flirting here and there. Reid didn't want to be a rebound and Luke didn't feel he deserved a shot with Reid after going back to Noah. Eventually, the foreplay had grown tiresome and the millionth time Luke tried to tell him they should wait, he'd finally asked in an exasperated, sharp tone, "Wait for what?" Luke had stilled, actually stopping to process the question. It was a good two minutes of akward silence before Luke pulled him close, holding him tight, kissing him senseless. When he pulled back, he'd replied, "No idea." The sex was for lack of better words, fucking fantastic. The first time had been passionate and messy, but perfect. Reid had never felt so alive during sex. Sure, he'd slept with plenty of men. Fellow doctors, a couple of interns, even some male nurses, but it had been only that...sex. Sex with Luke was....different. He didn't let himself put a word to the experience but it was just...more. Every time after, it was still passionate, but it was less about the need and right now and more about taking the time to explore each other's bodies, which they did, extensively.

'Hello? Earth to Reid....Hey!" Luke was snapping his fingers in front of his face, an indigant but amused expression on his face. Reid snapped his head to meet a warm chestnut gaze, realizing he was caught daydreaming.

"What?" he asked innocently.

"You're the one who wanted to watch this, you know," Luke pointed out, gesturing towards the paused movie.

"Yeah well," he began as he grabbed the remote, promplty shutting off the t.v., "I changed my mind. I think it's going to take more than Al Pacino and Italian Mobs to keep my interest tonight."

"How about this Italian?" Luke asked cheekily, pointing at himself. "Think I can keep your interest."

Reid smiled smugly. "You can try."

Luke leaned into him, kissing him slowly, tenderly before moving back, eyeing him with a playful smirk.

"You're gonna have to do better than that," Reid said straight-faced.

Luke laughed as he shook his head. "Your wish is my command, Dr. Oliver."

Reid shivered a little at that. Luke always liked to bring up his name in that sexy tone right before things got heated. He'd never loved his title so much in his life. It was such a difference than the way Luke used to say it, with contempt and disgust. Now, there was a lustful tone with a hint of somethng Reid couldn't put his finger on. He knew he did that too with "Mr. Snyder." He'd usually say it when he was driving deep into Luke, watching him come undone quickly and beautifully beneath him and it always seemed to turn them both on that much more.

Luke kissed his cheek sweetly before moving on to his ear, sucking the lobe inbetween lips and teeth, tugging a little and causing Reid to moan loudly. God. You have no idea what you do to me. Luke began to kiss down his neck, sucking at a spot reverently, sure to leave a mark, Reid didn't mind. He threw his head to the side, giving Luke more access. He closes his eyes, simply enjoying the sensations when suddenly Luke pulled back. He did'nt move far, hands on Reid's shoulder and face, looking deeply into his eyes. Reid stared back, beginning to feel a bit uncomfortable when Luke didn't say anything.

"What is it?" he asked, letting out an apprehensive chuckle. Luke was looking at him so seriously and intentely, it took everything in Reid not to look away.

Luke shook his head. "It's nothing. I just..."

Reid rose an eyebrow. "You just...what? Spit it out."

Luke wouldn't meet his eyes, staring at his shirt as he answered in a low voice. "I was just wondering....what am I to you?"

Reid blinked a few times, completely shocked on the inside but never betraying that on his face. He clenched his jaw a little, seeing this conversation turning into all that lovey-dovey, touch-feely crap, and if there's one thing Reid Oliver didn't feel like doing tonight was talking about feelings. He'd had a long day in the OR and all he wanted was to fuck Luke senseless in that big bed a mere ten feet away in his room.

"What on earth are you babbling about?" Reid asked in a bored tone, hoping to deter Luke from where he was going with this. Unfortunately, Luke was just about as stubborn as he was and wasn't about to let up. He finally looked up, locking his gaze on him, and when he spoke, his words came out a bit louder.

"What do I mean to you? Am I your boyfriend, the guy you date sometimes and sleep with? Friends with benefits...What are we doing exactly?"

Reid rolled his eyes. "Do we really need to talk about this right now? We've done just fine the last five months without this conversation."

"Yeah, that's because for the last five months I've been calling you my boyfriend." Reid felt his eyes widen as Luke continued. "Yeah, that's right. When I've talked about you, I've called you my boyfriend. I've thought of this as a relationship. I know you hate that word and you're about ready to break out in hives, but it's the truth. Now I want to know what you think we are. What do you consider us?"

"This is ridiculous. What's with this sudden need to definte what's going on here? We have a good time. We like each other. We have great sex. What else is there to talk about?"

Luke mouth gaped open for about ten seconds, comically wide and appalled, making him almost look as a blow-up doll before promptly snapping his mouth shut and shaking his head furiously. "I don't believe this," he mutterend under his breath angrily, grabbing his coat off the chair nearby.

Reid rolled his eyes. "Of course, run away, again. It'd be too real and too adult to actually stand here and have this out,"

Luke zipped up his jacket, huffing with resentment. "Oh yeah, you're so much more mature. I ask you what are relationship really is and you blow me off, narrowing it down to us pretty much being fuck buddies. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I was stupid enough to actually believe..." He trailed off, like he seemed to so much when he was around Reid. Luke had told him when he was with Noah, Noah was always the one having trouble saying what he felt or meant and always envied Luke's way with words. Reid wondered what happened or why when he was with Reid, he didn't seem to ever have the right words on the first try.

"Believe what?" he asked, hoping his voice came out a tiny bit more understanding.

Luke looked like he wanted to keep going, to tell the truth, but Reid saw the shudders close down behind his eyes; a little of the light going out of them. "Forget it." He turned towards the door, hand on the doorknob when Reid called out.

"Why is this so important to you?" Reid's voice cracked a little, but Luke didn't seem to notice. Reid walked a little closer, standing right behind Luke. "Does it really make a different if he act like high school kids agreeing to go steady? Is this the part where you pass me a note with the "Do you like me? Check yes or no" written on it? Do you want us to make it official on Facebook? We're together. Why isn't that enough for you?"

Reid could here Luke's large intake and exhale of breath. He turned around, seemingly steadying his emotions, his mouth a thin line but eyes so big and pleading, Reid just wanted to take him in his arms and kiss him until all thoughts of relationship statuses flew out of his pretty blonde head. "Because I love you, you big jerk." His voice held no anger. Affection, care, and a little surrender. Before Reid could even grasp what was said, Luke was out the door.


Luke loves me. Luke Snyder loves me. That spoiled brat with the big heart painfully apparent on his sleeve and thousand-watt smile and funny wit. God, I'm screwed.

Reid had finally simply thrown the sandwhich away after the first couple of bites. Now he sat with his phone in his hands, willing it to wing, or willing himself to make the call. Either one would be great if he could just press the damn button. What am I even going to say? I can't say it back...Can I?

This is why Reid didn't do relationships. They got messed up with feelings and useless junk like that. In all honeslty, besides his very first b oyfriend Ryan back in college and assorted family members, he never told anyone he loved them. It wasn't apart of his vocabulary. What would happen if he didn't say it back? Would that be it? If he didn't confess his undying love and slip in the word "boyfriend" in random conversations, was that it? Were they done? The thought bought a sinking feeling into his stomach. No. I have to fix this. He doesn't get to just walk away from this...whatever this is. He quickly grabbed his coat, going for the front door and almost literally ran into Luke's fist raised in knocking position.

"Hi," he said, attempting a normal tone but failling. I can read you too well.

"Get your ass in here Snyder," he said in a playful tone, hoping to ease some of the tension. Luke let out a surpised chuckle, shaking his head slightly as he made his way in. He didn't sit down though. They stood there, opposite sides of the living room, looking almost ready for battle.

"I wanted to apologize," Luke said. He looked a bit sheepish and Reid had to make sure he was hearing this right.

"Wait a minute. You're apologizing to me?" he asked, voice a little incredulous. What the hell?

"Yeah," Luke replied earnestly. "I shouldn't of dumped all that on you. I mean, I've never really mentioned us having to figure out exactly what we are before. Then, I srping it on you and except you to catch up if five seconds and when you don't, I get mad. It wasn't cool."

"That's...okay," he said slowly, voice a little cautious. Is he sorry for telling me he loves me too?

"And about that other thing I said," Luke mumbled, cheeks staining a gorgeous shade of pink and red, "I shouldn't have...At least, not at that moment. We were fighting and it just came out all wrong and I'm really sorry I just sprung that on you." He talked so quickly and was moving back and forth from one foot to the other, seemingly wired. Reid wondered if he'd had some liquid courage before coming back there.

"Have you been drinking?" His voice wasn't accusing, but it wasn't approving either, given Luke's medical history and everything Luke had told him about his past problems with alcohol.

Luke glared a bit before answering. "No," he stated firmly. Reid studied him for a moment before noddding his head. He knew Luke wouldn't lie to him about this. He trusted him.

"So...are you saying you're sorry for telling me you love me or sorry for the timing and way you said it? The second one would make more sense considering you confessed your feelings while calling me a big jerk." There was a ghost of a smile of Reid's lips, his tone sarcastic.

"I meant what I said," Luke said confidently. "You are a jerk." They both chuckled at that before Luke's eyes softened. "I meant the other part too. I just...well if you haven't noticed, I"m kind of a romantic sap." Reid snorted. That was an understatement. Luke cried during Titanic and still believed his parents were meant to be together after the 100th affair. "So, when i thought about when I'd tell you that I love you, I pictured it a lot differently than that. I imagined a nice dinner just the two of us, maybe going out to the pond afterwards. I figured you'd give me grief, but hopefully we'd still have a good time and that I'd tell you how happy I am we're together and that you didn't give up on me...I just....You mean a lot more to me than just the guy I date and have sex with. So, when I asked you what we're doing and you pretty much said hanging out with a little fucking thrown in the mix, it hurt. I mean, if that's all this is for you, I'm glad I know now but I can't be with you, continue to fall for you when you may never see us as more than a fling."

There were very few people that could leave Reid speechless. There were very few people that could get in under the radar and get close, cut his biting wit down to a minimum. There were very few people he actually wanted to spend all his time with and wanted to protect from everything horrible in the world. If Reid hadn't been sure before, he was sure now, Luke was one of those few people. And Reid knew exactly what they were and how he felt...he just wished he didn't have to proclaim it like some male lead in this romantic tragedy...or comedy, depending on how you looked at it. They were quite a pair. Reid made his way across the room, pulling Luke firmly into his arms. Luke didn't push him away which Reid took as a good sign. He held back just as tight and he could feel him bury his face in his shoulder. Reid tried not to smile at that, he really did.

"When you walked out of here earlier and I realized that we could be over or that you may not come back..."

Reid hated opening himself up like this. But on the other hand, he did love a challenge and no one challenged him the way Luke did.

"The thought broke my heart."

Luke pulled back to look at him and Reid hoped his face looked as sincere as he felt. Luke touched his cheek lighly and Reid leaned into the  touch. Reid put on a small teasing smile.

"Don't think just because we're boyfriend now means we're on our way to matching tuxes and a walk down the aisle." Luke's eyes widened a bit, before he burst out into a huge smile. "But if putting a name to this means that much to you, then boyfriends it is."

Luke kissed him soundly on the lips, and Reid just knew he'd made the righ decision. They kissed passionately for a few more minutes, but when Luke went to unbutton his shirt but Reid stopped him. Luke stepped back a bit, a confused expression, but Reid put his hands on his hips to stop him.

"On more thing," Reid began. Luke looked at him expectantly, eyebrows raised. "It's never been just a fling for me. I may be new to this whole...relationship thing...this love thing.." At that, Luke's mouth dropped open a bit, a surprised grin forming on his face, and he bit his lip, waiting for Reid to continue. Reid shook his head, trying to sort out his thoughts and stop the urge to get back to making out with the gorgeous man in front of him.. "It's never been fucking for me. It's always meant so much more."

Luke rested his forehead against Reid's and they were breathing in the same air. The smell of Luke's shampoo overwhelmed his senses and he felt a sense of calm and warmth overtake him. "So, you're in love with me huh?" Luke asked with an adoring grin on his face.

Reid chuckled a bit at that. "Don't let it go to your head, but yes.' He grabbed Luke's face inbetween his hands, intent on leaving no doubt in Luke's mind. "I love you Luke." The words felt foreign on his tongue, but it actually felt good to say what he was sure his brain and heart were trying to tell him for months. Of course, Reid was too stubborn to actually listen until now.

Lukre gave him a genuine smile before it slowly melting into a mischevious one, a glint in his eye. 'Oh Dr." he said in an overly dramatic, flamboyant voice. "Thank you for giving me your heart. Now, I must swoon.' He held up his hand comically across his forehead, acting as if he was about to faint.

Reid burst out laughing, grabbing his sides in an attempt to calm himself. "You brat. I think those old movies of Mr. Mayer's are finally wearing off on you."

Luke laughed along with Reid, coming over to stroke his hands up and down his arms. "A jerk and a brat, huh? What a couple we are." His voice was teasting, but Reid knew he liked the way that sounded as much as Luke did. Couple.

Reid leaned over, kissing Luke on the cheek, watching that wonderful blush come up again. He loved how much of an affect he had on his...boyfriend. Reid smiled at that. "Yeah, we are."


feedback is much appreciated! thanks!

!author|artist: englishfanatic, rating: pg-13, fan fiction

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