So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide? CHAPTER EIGHT

Oct 10, 2010 10:28

Title: So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide? CHAPTER EIGHT
Author Lure247 (Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: Chapters vary PG13 to NC17, will rate accordingly. This one PG13
Summary: Luke works for a gay and lesbian magazine, his next column assignment, "how do you get a guy to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide". He's not happy with this new assignment so now he needs to find a guy who is a dead cert, someone who won't commit, someone who definitely won't fall in love with him........

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different. This is loosely based on a film that I love; I'm not going to say the name in case I get sued :-)

Reid had never really thought much of Oakdale, he thought it small, plain, boring, it was certainly nothing compared to the sights and sounds of Dallas, but somehow, seeing it from up high, with the sun just beginning to set, the street lights bursting into life, he decided it didn't look half as bad.

Reid had been introduced by Luke to everyone else on board, Martin was in charge of the column in Invent's sport publication IL'SPORTS, which covered all sports within the state of Illinois, there was also Dave, who had a section within the same magazine just solely for Ice Hockey and then there was Justin, an intern. The fact that there were five of them, plus two pilots in this small, well Reid thought it was small, helicopter was making him feel a little uneasy, if it hadn't been for Luke's constant pressure of his hand against the inside of his thigh he would have definitely had a panic attack.

Reid hated the fact that he was claustrophobic, not that it really effected his day as he would never put himself in a position where he would be in an enclosed space, but he hated it because it was a weakness, a defect, he didn't want people to see him as weak, of having any flaws. But Luke had witnessed it and it hadn't had the effect that Reid had thought it would have. Instead of being laughed at, being made fun of Luke had comforted him, calming him and Reid had liked it, he also loved the feeling that he had now, a tingling sensation running up and down his left leg, starting from the point where Luke's hand was rested, running right down to his toes, he loved it, hang on, he thought, I love it?

He moved his eyes from looking out of the window and instead looked down at Luke's hand, he watched the fingers slowly moving over his inner thigh, constantly moving and rubbing, but it wasn’t being done in a sexual way, Luke was doing it solely to keep Reid calm, he looked from Luke's hand to his face, noticing now that he'd been watching him.

"YOU OK?" Luke shouted



"HEY, I SAID IT'S FINE" Reid smiled at Luke, it was hard to sound sincere whilst shouting, so he instead looked back down at Luke's hand and then back up at Luke, making his smile even wider. Luke understood, Reid would be fine as long as he kept him calm, Luke wouldn't remove his hand for the entire journey.

The good thing about flying rather than driving is you got to see sights that you would never be able to by car, you could get to a destination as the crow flies, not having to stick to the restricted routes mapped out for you by the highways. They flew over lakes and reservoirs, national parks, there was so much for everyone to see to keep them occupied for the journey, not that anyone else needed to be occupied, they were all busy writing frantically on bits of paper. Reid took a glance at Martin's notepad, he was writing down questions; presumably questions he’d be putting to the players.

The two hours went quickly and before they knew it they were landing, there was a designated landing site just next to the stadium, everyone exited once landed, doing the same ducking of the head business they had done when they got on to the helicopter.

Reid had got the tickets as he’d kept them from when Luke had hidden them in the sandwiches he’d given him the day before, he showed them to the ticket attendant, the rest of the crew had press passes. Reid admired the fact that although Luke could have probably blagged him and Reid inside as part of the press team, he hadn’t, he’d legitimately purchased two tickets for the evening and Reid couldn’t help but find that very endearing.

As they walked through the crowds, making their way to the seats pre-determined on their tickets Reid bumped shoulders with someone walking towards them, Luke got the feeling that it had been on purpose by the stranger, he'd deliberately walked into Reid, the aisle was plenty big enough.

"Well, well" the stranger said "if it isn't Reid Oliver" he wasn't looking at Reid though, he was looking at Luke "You like them young these days I see."

"Guy, don’t embarrass yourself.........I thought you didn't work for the team anymore."

"They asked me back, seeing as there was nothing in Dallas to keep me......occupied any more, I said yes" Guy replied, Luke was staring at him, he was average looking, dark hair, bright green eyes, shorter than Reid, he had a badge round his neck stating that he was associated with the Texas Stars.

Luke began to feel uncomfortable as he watched Reid and this Guy looking at each other, he felt like he was intruding "I'll...err....leave you two to talk shall I? I'll meet you at the seats?"

"Sure" Reid responded "I won't be long." he returned his gaze to Guy

"So, is that why you moved to Oakdale, because I'd gotten too old for you?"

"Stop being so childish, you didn't want to move, I did, I thought you'd be over that by now?"

"You're not an easy guy to get over Reid, least outside of the bedroom" he looked up at Reid with eyes full of lust "but I see you didn't have any problems getting over me" he shot a look behind Reid at Luke walking up the stairs in the stadium, making his way to his seat.

"Jealousy doesn't suit you Guy" he held out his hand to him, looking down at it and then back up at Guy "shake it, the past is past, be a big man here" Reid put his hand down to the side once he knew Guy wasn't going to take it.

"No, I remember the places where that hand has been" he smirked, Reid could do fantastic things with his hands, and he wasn't just implying in an operating room. "You better get back to your boyfriend.”

"Grow up" Reid shouted back at him "For gods sake, just grow up, you're pathetic. I'm prepared to make this civil..."

"I'm not though Reid, I can't. You know what….. Screw you." Guy uttered that one last remark as he walked off, re-entering into the flowing crowd

"I believe you already have" Reid shouted out after him, turning on his heels to follow after Luke, once he'd taken his seat next to him he coughed nervously before saying "Sorry about that, I would have introduced you but I think it's best I didn't"

"That's the guy you were talking about earlier? Who gave you the shirt?"

"Yeah" Reid responded "Guy, he's a physiotherapist, he visits hospitals in the surrounding area of Dallas, which was how we met, he came to see one of my patients, he also worked for the stars then, but just before I moved he quit, I had no idea he'd started working for them again."

"Was it serious?"

"All you need to know Luke is that I don't have feelings for him, not any more, I'd have liked it if we could have remained friends, but" Reid shrugged his shoulders "it doesn't look like he wants that."

Luke saw Guy standing in the team pit; he seemed to be scowling at him

"If looks could kill" Luke said

"Hmmm?" Reid replied and Luke nodded in Guy's direction

"He clearly doesn't like me!" Luke stated

"He's just jealous, don't take it personally." Reid replied, placing his hand on Luke’s thigh and squeezing it slightly.

"Would you like to make him more jealous?" Luke replied, turning his head from looking at Guy in the pit to looking Reid directly in his sparkling blue eyes, eyes which Luke got lost in every time he looked into them.

"What did you have in mind?" Reid couldn’t help but raise a smirky smile.

“Well” Luke replied, he heard a whistle blow, the game had started, but neither man turned to look, if you’d have taken a snap shot of the crowd within which they were seated, there would have been 98 pair of eyes facing forward, 2 pairs of eyes not looking out but looking at each other. Luke trailed his hand up the inside of Reid’s inner thigh, “maybe I could do this” Luke said softly, too softly, Reid had to strain to hear him over the noise coming from inside the stadium. Luke leaned slightly out of his seat, kissing Reid on his left cheek, “then maybe I could” he said leaning back, looking into those eyes once more before going to Reid’s other side and kissing him on his right cheek. When he pulled back this time he shot a quick look over to where Guy had been, he was still there, still watching, “then I thought maybe you might like it if I…” Luke took his hand to the right side of Reid’s face stroking the skin there softly, he didn’t want to cover his left as that was where Guy was standing, moving into Reid slowly he gently kissed his lips, Luke loved that taste, Reid had a manly taste, nothing like Luke had ever tasted before and a taste that he never wanted to stop.

“Excuse me!” a lady from behind them called out to them, Luke turned round to look at her, she had a young boy sitting next to her, “there are children here you know.”

Luke apologised but Reid told him he shouldn’t have, he turned round himself

“You bring your child to an ice hockey game; ice hockey being one of the most violent games in sports history and you’re complaining about a bit of soft petting action, or is it because we’re two guys?”

“Erm….no…it’s got nothing to do…..” she began,

Luke, who hadn’t turned back round from when he apologised said “It’s fine, ignore him, we’ll keep it under control, won’t we?”

Reid rolled his eyes “I’m not sure that’s a promise I can keep Luke, you’re just to irresistible” he’d said this just to piss the woman off, but it had made quite an impact on Luke also, who, after returning to his seat started biting his lip and playing with his fingers nervously. Reid glared at the women one last time before turning himself back round also.

“Have I said something wrong?” Reid asked, Luke still shifting uncomfortably.

“No, No” Luke replied quickly “God no, you say all the right things” that’s the problem, Luke said in his head.

They behaved themselves for the rest of the match, although there was plenty of hands touching in places, feet rubbing up legs, hands in inner thighs, they simply couldn’t stop touching each other, but seeing as all the touching was out of sight they figured they couldn’t get into trouble.

The game had about 20 minutes left before Reid’s thirst got the better of him.

“You fancy a drink?” he asked Luke.

“Yeah, thanks, just a soda please” Luke responded

Reid stood up, but then bent his head down, taking Luke completely by surprise, planting a quick kiss to his lips, standing up again and glaring at the woman behind them, who was pretending that she was completely focussed on watching the game.

The wolves were losing, badly and now they just seemed to be hacking at the puck in any attempt to get it into the net. Luke had been shouting for most the game, which had shocked Reid, he didn’t see Luke as a fan who shouted at the players, but he’d really been giving it to them.

“They’re walking all over you” Luke shouted as one of the players took a swing at the puck which shot straight over the top of the goal, Luke watched it as it carried on, seemingly getting higher and higher as it travelled, it was going out of play, out into the small line of crowds at the end, standing watching, but no it travelled even further than that, Luke held his breath, he saw Reid walking back with two drinks, one in either hand, Reid noticed the commotion in front of him, but before he had time to re-act it was too late.

<> the puck hit him on the forehead, his arms raised into the air, the drinks went with him, for some reason he didn’t think to let go of them, he held onto them tightly as if they were more important than his own well-being, so without the use of his hands, he landed onto the floor with a thud, as if a carpet had been taken from underneath him.

Luke was already up, he’d gotten up as soon as he’d seen the puck travelling out of play, as soon as he’d seen Reid in it’s path. He was running as fast as his legs would allow, trying to reach him. Crowds of people were surrounding Reid already, Luke barging his way through them….

“Let me through, hey…..I’m his boyfriend…let me through”

The crowd made a small path for Luke to get through and has he reached Reid and saw that his eyes were open he let out a relaxed sigh.

“Thank god, I thought you’d have concussion” Luke knelt down onto the floor with Reid, resting his head into his lap he stroked at the area where the puck had hit him.

“As nice as that is, what you are doing there Luke, I have to tell you as a doctor it has absolutely no effect on my injury, what I need is a cold, very cold compress and a couple of aspirin, my head is banging, for some reason it feels like I’ve been hit in the head with a hockey puck.”

Luke shouted out to the crowd “Can someone please get a cold compress and some pain killers.”

Someone from the crowd replied “We should get a doctors opinion before giving any medication or treatment.”

“He is a doctor” Luke shouted back “Why is everyone just standing there, please; get a cold compress and some pain…”

The crowd parted once again and a person from medical laid a box of goodies down in front of Reid, he opened up a packet of bandages which had a cold solution soaked into the fabric, he got Luke to place that on the bump on Reid’s forehead, he then opened up a bottle of water and gave Reid a couple of painkillers, something a little stronger than your average aspirin. Luke was still stroking Reid’s head, he hadn’t stopped since he’d reached him, Reid laughed a little.

“What’s funny?” Luke asked

“You, I saw you running over here, heard you “he’s my boyfriend, he’s my boyfriend” Reid tried to sound like Luke as he spoke “you then started shouting at everyone, you’re just…… so …..adorable.” Reid said, clearly he’d been hit harder than he thought, he didn’t use words like adorable.

“OK” Luke said “We need to get you to a hospital immediately, you’re clearly delusional.”

“No….I want to stay here” Reid’s head was still in Luke’s lap, he started moving it a little, his nose gently rubbing over Luke’s groin, slightly grazing over the bulge that it felt underneath, Luke laughed, holding Reid’s head still as he stood to his feet and holding out his hand for Reid to use to stand.

“You’re fine! I thought you were badly injured, but you’re absolutely fine” Luke was laughing “Come on, the games finished, let’s grab some take out, head back to the chopper and wait for the other guys.” As Reid stood, Luke leant forward a little into him, kissing him on his bruise softly.

As they walked off Reid asked

“Does it look bad, might I still have a future career as a male model?” Reid removed his hand which was holding the cold compress, he knew it was bad because it was constantly throbbing, he moved his other hand up to the bruise to feel it, but he didn’t need to as they walked out of the stadium he looked into the glass window, looking at his reflection. “Jesus” Reid shouted out, it looked like a comedy cartoon bruise, at the moment it was a dark red colour, but by morning Reid knew it would be a horrible dark purple.

“Reid” Luke looked at Reid from behind him, looking at their reflections in the window, hugging him from behind, his arms holding round him tightly “bruise or no bruise, you still look gorgeous to me!”

Reid swivelled round quickly, “Luke…I” he was thinking about what Katie had said, to tell Luke about the bet now, give him a chance to get over it, he’d forgive him, Katie was right it was better for him to know now from him then find out later by someone else, but Luke wasn’t going to find out though, why spoil what was happening between them by bringing it up. “Come on” he put his arm over Luke’s shoulder “I’m starving”

They headed off to the McDonald’s which was next to the stadium, Reid sarcastically asked Luke if he wanted a happy meal, but in the end he settled for getting Luke and quarter pounder with cheese meal. Reid on the other hand almost bought them out completely, getting a Big Mac meal, quarter pounder on it’s own, 12 piece nuggets, cheeseburger on it’s own, and just as the clerk was totalling up Reid chipped in

“Oh! And a McChicken sandwich”

They left, Luke with his normal size take-out bag, Reid with a bag almost as big as a luggage trolley, Luke staring in awe at him

“What” Reid spat out as bits of Big Mac leaped from his mouth which was crammed with food.

“Where do you put all that, seriously, if you eat all that I’ll………”

“You’ll what?” Reid replied they’d now reached the helicopter; they’d climbed inside and were now waiting for the rest of the crew to return.

Luke thought about if for a moment “If you eat all of that and I mean everything, I’ll…………come back to yours after….once we land.”

Reid smiled up at Luke “I get the feeling that you already know that I’ll win, you can then use this little bet as an excuse for sleeping with me on a second date?”

Luke laughed back at him “Are you turning me down then, you don’t accept the challenge?”

“NO” Reid almost shouted out and then more softly he said “No, I just want you to understand that I will eat all of this food and” Reid leaned forward towards Luke, taking his mouth to his ear he whispered “I just hope you’re ready for it!”

Luke gulped, he felt his groin throb from within his tight jeans, he looked up at Reid “Ready for what?” Luke replied, also as a whisper.

“For what I’m going to do to you” Reid smirked and then sat back into his seat, shovelling fries into his mouth.

The doors to the helicopter opened, the rest of the crew climbed on board, there were small mutterings to Reid asking if he was OK, who said he was fine, giving Luke a knowing look.

It took just over an hour, slow small mouthfuls towards the end, but he held up the last chicken nugget as though it was a trophy, then waved it under Luke’s nose, tilting his head backwards he put it in his mouth, it took seven or eight slow, steady chews before he finally swallowed. Even for him this amount of food had been tough, if Luke hadn’t bet with him he’d of given up after the McChicken sandwich, but he had persevered, more to prove a point then to win the bet, the bet was just the cherry on the top of a massive big cream cake.

“So Snyder?” Reid shouted over to Luke, who looked surprisingly pleased with himself for having just lost a bet “Back to my place then!”

luke/reid, lure_atwt, so snyder?

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