So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you? CHAPTER TWENTY FOUR

Nov 05, 2010 20:35

Title: So Snyder? How do you get Reid to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide?
Author Lure247 (Laura)
Characters/Pairings: Luke / Reid
Rating: Chapters vary PG13 to NC17, will rate accordingly. This one PG13
Summary: Luke works for a gay and lesbian magazine, his next column assignment, "how do you get a guy to fall in love with you - a 10 day guide". He's not happy with this new assignment so now he needs to find a guy who is a dead cert, someone who won't commit, someone who definitely won't fall in love with him........

Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the characters; if I did then things would be different. This is loosely based on a film that I love; I'm not going to say the name in case I get sued :-)

 “Oh yeah, what exactly did you have in mind?” Luke asked, not able to move for Reid had now positioned himself directly in front of him, pinning Luke between Reid’s crotch and the door of the car.

“I think you know exactly what I had in mind Snyder.” Reid took his lips to the side of Luke’s neck and began to kiss there slowly.

“We’re in the middle of a field, someone might see.”

Reid snapped backwards immediately, taking an exaggerated look around at their surroundings “Who exactly? Oh! No hang on I think I see something in the distance….no…no my mistake, that’s a scarecrow….come on Luke, live dangerously.”

“Says he who didn’t want to get on my motorbike!”

“But I did though….anyway, I mean live dangerously doing thing’s that won’t kill you, you riding me in the back of my car is a pleasurable danger, not a deadly one.”

“What if we’re still…you know…at it when the recovery vehicle comes.”

“You said one or two hours, you may be able to last that long Luke, but I can’t, just looking at you alone makes me almost orgasm, the mere sight of you makes me want to do things to you...” Reid continued, placing his leg in between Luke’s legs that had been standing side by side, Reid prising them apart, making room for his leg to slot in nicely so that his knee could graze against Luke’s groin. “…that’ll make you not want to sit down for a week!”

Reid had never spoken to him like this before; he’d always spoken openly about sex with Luke but never this rough, with this amount of lust and want he gulped, loudly.

“Have you ever….you know on one of the nights we’ve not seen each other, have you, touched yourself and thought of me.” Luke tried to put the same amount of dirty undertone that Reid had when he’d spoke, but Reid was a lot better at this then he was, he felt a little embarrassed, but he could see that Reid was trying “hard” to set the mood, he felt that Reid was once again taking them into another fantasy and it felt right for him to go along with it.

Reid nodded, liking that Luke had understood where he’d been wanting to take this, the setting needed to be that of a rough wanting and need, when they were at Luke’s place they could be sensual, but not here, this wasn’t the right place and thinking about it Reid surprised himself at the fact that he had become so into role playing with Luke. It had never been his thing, he’d never thought that it would be his thing, but right now Luke wasn’t Luke, he wasn’t Luciano either, he was the hot car mechanic and he didn’t give a fuck what his name was and he hoped that his car would never get fixed.

“I know I don’t know you….but you’re kinda hot….car mechanic guy…”
“Lucas” Luke corrected Reid.
Reid smiled “Lucas…..but you definitely are the guy I imagine; when I’m alone in bed, when
I’m tracing my fingers down my body.” Reid took his hands to Luke’s shirt, unbuttoning it as he spoke and placing his fingers inside, “when I work my way down, it’s your lips I’m imagining against my skin Lucas.”

“But we’ve only just met” Luke breathed out, his head forwards looking at Reid, who was working his shirt like a pro, having it off his arms and on the car roof within seconds.

“I know, but it’s you” Reid protested, taking his hands to waistband of Luke’s jeans and undoing the button, taking the fly downwards “As I stroke myself, alone, needing and wanting someone” As he spoke he took Luke’s jeans down, past his knees, but then remembering that the ground was soaking it wasn’t such a good idea, he didn’t want Luke to have to put soaking wet clothes back on afterwards. He leant behind Luke, grabbing at the car door, opening it and bringing Luke forward so the door swung open, then with one hand to Luke’s chest he guided him backwards, pushing his head down when it reached the open door, helping him to get his arse onto the back seat. Luke instinctively lifting his legs into the air so that Reid could his shoes off then his jeans without getting them wet, which he did, with one quick motion, he had Luke’s trousers off and then placed them on top of the roof with Luke’s shirt.

He climbed in after Luke, leaning over him, admiring his pray, taking him by the lips, passionately, then roughly marking his way down Luke’s chest with his kisses. Biting at each nipple in turn as Luke moaned out in pleasure.

Within the tight confinements of the back seat he managed, somehow, to get his own shirt off, sitting underneath Luke’s legs he struggled to get his jeans down over his arse, kicking off his shoes in haste, before his jeans met them in a crumpled heap on the floor. He leaned outwards, closing the door behind them.

“You’re mine now Lucas” Reid said, shooting a Luke at look, “What would you like me to do to you?” Reid manoeuvred himself from underneath Luke’s legs, crawling along inside the car, kneeling across Luke’s lap.

“I….I’d.” Luke began but couldn’t get the words out, he felt so dirty.

“You you’d what, tell me, we may never see each other again Lucas, this is your one chance, you’re ultimate dream, a hot guy all yours, asking you what you want him to do to you, so tell me!”

Luke smiled, Reid was really getting into this, but he was also smiling at the modesty of Reid calling himself a hot guy, which of course he was, but he loved it when Reid talked so highly of himself, it was one of the things he liked so much about Reid, his confidence, the fact that he didn’t care what anyone else thought, as long as he was happy, but now it seemed also that Reid also didn’t seem to care as long as Luke was happy.

“I’d like you to ride me” Luke said quickly, maybe Reid wouldn’t hear him if he said it and maybe, just maybe he’d take control of this, as Luke wasn’t sure that he was able to role play as well as Reid was.

“Sorry? I didn’t hear that, you’d like me to what?” Reid replied smiling, knowing full well what Luke had said, kissing Luke’s chest as he still knelt across his lap, Luke’s erection trying so desperately to escape from his boxers, the tip brushing against Reid’s stomach as he leant forward.

Luke took his hand to the back of Reid’s hair, grabbing it and pulling Reid’s head backwards “I said, I want you to ride me, I want to be inside of you, are you deaf?”

“Lucas, Lucas, Lucas, you only had to ask nicely….but all in good time” Reid replied, taking his kisses further down now, but he couldn’t go any further in this position, so he knelt off Luke, crouching down in the well between the back seat and front passenger seat, he put his hands into the waistband of Luke’s boxers and brought them down slowly, gliding them down over Luke’s arse, knees and off his feet.

“Well Lucas, very impressive..” Reid said eyeing Luke’s cock, pretending that it was the first time he’d encountered it, leaning his head over the tip and taking it into his mouth with one quick motion. Luke bit on his bottom lip, leaning his head backwards, which actually fitted perfectly against the headrest.

Reid licked away at the tip, occasionally glancing his eyes upwards at his fortunate companion, for he was very fortunate indeed to have the luscious Reid Oliver’s lips wrapped around his cock, his hand also gently stroking it’s length, slowly…at first, getting gradually quicker and quicker, Luke’s thighs moving in time with Reid’s movements, trying to get more of himself into Reid’s throat, not too much, he didn’t want to choke him and Luke’s cock could, so easily. Reid’s hands were at Luke’s thighs, holding him down, as he kept rising further and further off the seat, Reid was sure his head would soon be hitting the ceiling in the car.

“Lucas” Reid stated, removing his lips from Luke’s member for just a second “with the limited space we have in the car it would be handy if you could make your movements as little as possible, we don’t want to have to tie you down now do we.” Reid raised his eyebrow.

Luke leaned his head forward in shock, Reid not watching his reaction, he’d returned to the current mission in hand, sucking on Luke’s delicious delicacy. Luke wasn’t sure that Reid had been entirely joking in his last sentence; he could totally imagine that he was into bondage. “Would you do that Rei….I mean... guy I’ve never met before in my life...”

“I’m still me!” Reid interrupted, rolling his eyes before returning back to Luke’s cock.

“Oh! Would you do that Reid, tie me up I mean?”

Reid removed himself now from Luke, he’d noted the slight sound of intrigue in Luke’s voice, intrigue mixed with a faint dose of wanting…”Maybe we’ll save that for another encounter Lucas, for I’ve not got any rope with me right now. “

Reid took his hand to his own boxers, pulling them off, with difficulty as he was crouched into the smallest of positions, placing them with his other clothes, showing Luke just exactly what he’d done to him, showing him how excruciatingly hard he was. He reached down into the other well of the car, where his clothes were, grabbing out his wallet from his jeans pocket and releasing a condom from within.

Removing it from it’s packaging and then sliding it down over Luke’s cock, watching Luke as he did so. He took hold of Luke’s knees and brought him forward a little, so that he was nearer to the front passenger seat, it would give Reid something to hold onto, turning himself around and haunching himself onto his feet, but keeping himself low he was now facing the front of the car, his hands rested on the headrest of the seat in front, looking backwards at Luke, he placed his entrance to the tip of Luke’s cock, this was going to be painful at first, he spat on his fingers trying to get a little bit of lubrication, taking the spit to his hole. Luke did the same, conjoining his own spit with Reid’s, once his hand was removed Reid then slowly guided himself down, holding tightly onto the seat ahead of him, his back slightly hunched.

Wow, Reid thought, he hadn’t ever had anyone this deep inside him before, their position was amazing, Luke was so far in he was sure that he might just burst out of his pelvis. “wough” Reid said out lout

“You OK” Luke asked.

“Mmmm” Reid replied, not yet having brought himself back up Luke’s length yet, just holding himself still, relaxing and allowing his body to welcome Luke, let his body except that this wasn’t a foreign body but infact something that his body was just going to have to get used to for he loved Luke being inside him and sooner or later his body would accept that it wasn’t foreign object but instead part of him, just a part that wasn’t always going to be there.

As he sat there, for just a few more seconds, his body did relax, it wasn’t voluntary reaction to tighten up around Luke, the body naturally defended itself, but Reid allowed his body to get used to Luke, he opened up a little, not too much, just enough that moving with Luke inside of him wasn’t painful.

Using all the muscles he had in his thighs he moved quickly, pulling at the seat in front of him, the headrest being moved backwards and forwards in Reid’s tight grasp, each time Reid landed back onto Luke’s thighs there was a slight sound, the sound increased in frequency as Reid moved quicker and quicker, banging down onto Luke harder and harder, Luke not containing his moans and groans, but that didn’t surprise Reid one bit now, he was used to Luke’s loud moans and he loved it, each and every single one of those noises that escaped from Luke’s mouth, each one different, each one a showing a different reaction to how pleasured Luke felt.

Luke moved his feet a little further forward, allowing them to fit underneath the seat in front, this was good, it gave him leverage, putting his feet to each edge of the seat rails underneath it, then placing his hands palm down it meant he was able to lift his bum off the seat with ease, which he did, Reid’s head hitting the ceiling of the car as he went a little too high.

“Sorry” Luke gasped out

“Don’t…..apologise…..just….keep going..” Reid muttered out

Luke did so, Reid stopped moving himself, he allowed Luke to take control, he only moved from a reaction to Luke’s own thrusts, his arse moving up and down, banging himself hard up into Reid, who was still hunched forward holding onto the seat in front, but his head now buried into the headrest. Luke peered his head round to the side to get a better look of Reid’s face, he was biting at the fabric his teeth tightly clenched into the foam, Luke was sure he was going to eat right through.

Something caught his eye, something in the distance, through the windscreen, a flashing orange beacon.

“Oh my god, shit” Luke blurted out

“What?” Reid released his teeth from the rest, then put them back again quickly, Luke was doing things to him he’d never even imagined possible, the feeling was absolutely amazing.

“Recovery…truck…..about 200 metres away.”

Reid peered his head over the top of the seat rest, fuck…..”Well hurry up then.”

“It’s….not been…..half an hour….let alone an hour.” Luke said as he quickened the pace ten fold.

“Just….concentrate…on the task in….hand….just…..a…little…FUCK!!” Reid shouted out, coming hot and wet into the fabric of the car seat in front, Luke a little behind yet needed some encouragement from Reid which he got “Come on….Lucas……come…..he’s getting nearer….almost stopping……driving onto the grass……” Reid talked out to Luke as he kept pushing himself up into him.

The orange flashing now filled their car, the van had stopped a few metres away but the man had not yet gotten out of the car.

“OH….MY…GOD!” Luke screamed out coming hard inside of Reid, who quickly pulled himself off Luke and with just as much difficulty as it had been getting them off put his boxers on, quickly grabbing his jeans, sitting in the seat next to Luke and putting them on frantically.

“That’ll have to do” Reid called out to no one in particular, making an attempt to open the door with just his jeans on. Luke wasn’t listening, he only had his boxers in the car, which he’d put on now, but the rest of his clothes were outside. There was a soft tap at the window on Reid’s side, he quickly shoved his feet into his shoes, with no socks and got out of the car, standing in front of a tall man in orange high visibility clothing, not saying a word Reid grabbed at Luke’s clothes and threw them into the back of the car at Luke, winking at him, Luke just returned a nervous smile, the mechanic looking at Luke who was naked for all but a pair of tiny briefs.

“You said an hour!” Reid stated to the guy, making no attempt to apologise, for it was he afterall who had spoilt their fun.

“If I had a dollar for everytime someone said that to me I’d be a millionaire” the guy responded, Reid returned a inquisitive glare “This isn’t the first time I’ve arrived...... too soon” .

luke/reid, lure_atwt, so snyder?

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