Ghost Reid

Mar 28, 2012 10:05

I'm not sure if anything similar has been written but I'd really like to read a Reid-as-ghost fic. I know, I know, it's not for everyone but this doesn't have to be sad. I'm thinking of a fic where Reid comes back as a ghost and spends time with Luke, helping him, guiding him and snarking with him, of course. Luke would see him, and after the initial shock, he'd accept Reid back into his life even if Reid isn't the same as before (you know, undead). In the end, this could be what they both need to move on after the tragedy: Luke slowly letting go of Reid with Reid leaving for good after seeing/knowing that Luke will be okay without him--preferably no Luke/OC as it's still too soon.

The fic could be angsty, sad (but not too sad), funny, silly (kind of like when Ghost!Brad appeared to Henry), and everything or anything in between. If there is something like this out there already, please let me know.


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