2015 LuRe Yule Challenge: A Christmas Proposal

Jan 02, 2016 11:57

Title: A Christmas Proposal
Author: Bkwermy323
Rating: G
Characters: Holden, Reid, Luke, and various other ATWT Characters
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Beta: Thanks to tldreamer for being my beta for this story! Thanks for organizing this awesome challenge as well!
Special Thanks to: satine_1984 for the gorgeous banner she created! LOVE IT!
Summary: Reid asks Holden a question

Reid parked his car and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants.  He didn’t know why he was so nervous; nothing ever made Reid nervous (well, unless you counted tight spaces).  Taking a deep breath, Reid pulled his key from the ignition and got out of his car.  Then he began making his way towards a beautiful farmhouse that looked like it belonged on the front of a Christmas card, what with the large wreath on the front door and the thick blanket of white snow covering the roof.  When Reid reached the house, he raised a shaky hand up to rap on the door.  (That was another thing that rarely happened to Reid Oliver: shaky hands).  He waited a moment before the door was opened wide by Luke’s grandmother Emma.  “Reid!” she said warmly.  “This is certainly a surprise! What can I do for you?”

“Hello Mrs. Snyder… er, I was looking for H-Holden actually,” Reid replied, his voice trembling a little.

“I see! Well, he’s in the barn, dear.  Why don’t you go on back? And how many times have I told you to call me Emma?  There’s no need to be so formal when you’re dating my grandson,” Emma teased.

Reid smiled nervously. “Of course, um… Emma. Th-thank you.”  Then he started towards the barn.

“Mr. Snyder?” he called through the entrance of the barns.

Holden popped out of a horse stall and smiled at Reid.  “Hello, Reid!  What brings you to this neck of the woods?” he said cheerfully.

“Um… I… I uh… wanted to-to talk to you about something.”

“Okay, sure! What’s up?”

“Um… well you see… uh… I d-don’t really know the protocol for… um… these kind of things,” Reid replied vaguely.

“What kind of things?” Holden smiled knowingly; he had a good idea of what Reid was trying to ask him.

“Um… well… shit... sorry… um... for, uh… for g-gay men… but… um…” Reid rambled.  Why was this so fucking difficult? “I love your son… very much… and uh, that’s not easy for me… love I mean and uh… we’ve been together for five years now and I know... um…”

“Reid, if you’re asking me if you can ask Luke to marry you, the answer is yes,” Holden interrupted.

“I really can’t imagine living my life witho- wait, what?”

“I said I give you my blessing to ask Luke to be your husband,” Holden chuckled.  “When are you thinking of popping the question?”

“Um… uh…” Reid stuttered in surprise. “I was… I was thinking on Christmas… you know… because it’s L-Luke’s favorite holiday?”

“I think he’d really like that.  Would you like me to tell Lily?” Holden asked.

Reid sighed in relief; he had planned on telling Lily himself, but that gave him even more anxiety than asking Holden.  “Um, yes… thank you,” he replied.  Holden nodded and stuck out his hand.

“Well, welcome to the family,” Holden said.  Reid took Holden’s hand and smiled.

“Thank you.”

********Everyone was gathered at the farm on Christmas morning, opening gifts.  Ethan had just received a new game for his Nintendo 3DS and was already trying to take the wrapping off the game so he could try it out.  Natalie was checking out her new cell phone, and Faith was curled up next to the fireplace reading a new book.  “Here’s one for Lily, from Reid!” Emma Snyder exclaimed.  She handed it to Lily, who began unwrapping the paper.  Meanwhile, Reid was sitting in an arm chair, trying to steady his breathing.  After the last present was opened, he intended to propose to Luke.  He was so busy trying to calm his nerves that he didn’t realize Lily had finished unwrapping the last gift, which was a silk scarf from Reid.  “Reid, this scarf is beautiful, thank you!” Lily said.

“Huh?” Reid asked.

“I said thank you for the scarf, Reid. I love it,” Lily repeated.

“Oh…um, yeah you’re welcome,” he stuttered. Lily smiled at him knowingly and patted him on the leg.

“Okay everyone, that’s the last one!” Emma said.  Now was Reid’s moment.  He stood up from the chair.

“Um… wait, I have one more… for Luke… I uh… I didn’t have time to wrap it though,” Reid said.  Luke’s face lit up when he heard Reid’s announcement.

“Well, what is it, baby?” he asked brightly.

“Um… close your eyes,” Reid replied.  Luke looked at Reid in confusion but closed his eyes as instructed.  Meanwhile, Lily was trying hard to keep in a squeal, and Holden was watching Reid with a huge grin on his face.  Reid walked over to Luke and pulled a ring box from his pocket.  Then he got down on one knee and flashed Katie a ‘shut up’ look when she let out a tiny shriek of surprise; she smiled at him apologetically.  Reid turned back to Luke and opened up the ring box.  “Okay Luke… um… you can open your eyes now.”

Luke opened his eyes and let out a gasp.  His hand immediately went to his chest.  “What…“ he said, gaping at his boyfriend.
“Luke, before I met you, I was this hard, unfeeling ass and all I really cared about was my work.  And when we first met, I admit that you got under my skin.  But I soon realized that it wasn’t because I disliked you or because I was angry that you’d blackmailed me into coming.  It was because I was extremely attracted to you.  I had never encountered someone who was so faithful and caring towards other people and I was drawn to that.  When you first told me you loved me, I thought, ‘How could this caring man love someone like me?’ It was the most amazing moment of my life.  You make me a better person and I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone else.  So Luke Snyder, will you marry me?”

Tears filled Luke’s eyes as he listened to Reid’s speech and a huge grin broke across his face when Reid popped the question.  “Y-yes, I will marry you,” Luke stuttered.  Everyone around them cheered, but Reid didn’t hear them.  All he could focus on was the way Luke was looking at him.  It filled him up with warmth and Reid returned the smile.  He removed the ring from the box, took Luke’s left hand, and slid the band on to Luke’s finger.  Luke grabbed Reid’s face and planted a huge kiss on Reid’s lips.  “I love it,” Luke murmured.

“Well, I think this calls for a celebration!” Emma Snyder said.

“I’ll get the champagne!” Lily cried.

“I’ll get the glasses!” Katie exclaimed.  As his mother and cousin were getting things ready, Luke pulled Reid down beside him and laid his head on Reid’s shoulder.

“I love you so much, Reid,” he whispered.

“I love you too, Luke.  Are you happy?”

Luke nodded.  “Best Christmas ever!”

Picture of the ring Reid presented Luke:

rating: g, yule 2015, !author|artist: bkwermy323

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