The Perfect Husband

Jun 11, 2014 23:03

Title: The Perfect Husband
Author: lure007
Rating: PG
Summary: When Luke was a little boy, he made a wish meant to protect his heart.
Disclaimer: No one but Luke and Reid own each other.
A/N(1): Hi folks! Hope everyone is doing well. RL, with its many twists and turns, has been keeping me rather busy so I've been quieter than usual. LJ hasn't been particularly cooperative lately, either - what with the redesign, and all - and I have been encountering loads of problems with logging in, formatting and posting. Moving on to the fic, though...
A/N(2): This piece is inspired by a couple of scenes from the movie Practical Magic, but you need not be familiar with those or the film itself to follow the story. Thanks! Unbeta'd. Feedback and sandwiches are one and the same. :D


Sometime in the early 90s...

Little Luke Snyder watched as his mother left the bedroom, his gaze sad. He knew she’d been crying. He’d heard all the shouting. He’d seen his father storm off just minutes earlier. He understood that his parents needed to work some things out, and that he would be spending the next few days at the farm with Grandma Emma.

Luke sighed and shuffled over to his bedroom window. The night sky was beautifully clear, each star bathed in its own light and perfectly visible from Earth. With a searching gaze, he soon found the brightest one of them all.

Grandma Emma had once told him that when she was a little girl, she’d wished on a star for the perfect husband. She’d listed all the qualities she was looking for in her ideal mate. And years later, she’d met Grandpa Harvey, who turned out to be the man of her dreams and so much more.

So little Luke Snyder decided to wish for the perfect husband, too. Yes, husband. It didn't matter to him that boys were supposed to marry girls and that girls were supposed to marry boys. In fact, that was the point. Luke did not want to fall in love. He’d seen first-hand how silly grown-ups were to fall in love and give their hearts away.

Luke scrunched up his little face in concentration and began to speak. “His first name will be a last name, and his last name a first. His hair will change colour, just like Tempest’s coat does when the seasons change.” Tempest was Luke’s reddish brown pony. “He will have deep blue eyes, just like the ocean.”

Luke paused to take a breath.

“He will have a small gap between his front teeth, like I do now. His favourite shape will be that of a walnut.” Little Luke was rather partial to the funny-looking edible seed. Speaking of food- “And he will make the biggest, tastiest sandwiches ever.”

Here, the little boy paused again and looked around his bedroom for inspiration. He spotted a blue and yellow pamphlet atop a chest of drawers across the room which reminded him of a story he’d heard during Sunday Service two days prior. “He will make the blind see,” he added with quiet determination. “He will also know a lot about everything. And when I call him, he will come.”

Luke blew out a slow, deliberate breath, his big, round eyes fixed on the star high up above. “He will love only me,” he concluded with a whisper, a single tear running down the side of his cheek.

Little Luke Snyder didn’t really know if wishes came true. But he wished with all of his heart and soul all the same, to love this person and this person only. Because the ideal companion he’d dreamed up of couldn’t possibly exist.

And if he didn’t exist, then Luke Snyder would never have to experience a broken heart.

Fast-forward to early 2010...

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Years later, while tidying up the loft of their new home, Luke Snyder would come across the blue and yellow pamphlet again. He would remember the little blonde boy and the wish he made that one night many, many moons ago. He would relate this magical tale to his husband of four months through tears of gratitude and joy.

And afterwards, his perfect husband would lean in close and whisper affectionately in his ear, “I wished for you, too.”


rating: pg, !author|artist: lure007, fan fiction

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