The Luke & Reid December Drabble-a-thon!

Dec 02, 2012 01:36


List of fills in the order they were posted:

  1. flowersforchuck wrote The Heart and the Head for lucsmum's prompt "After 3 yrs together, the boys decide to get hitched and give Jacob the role of ringbearer. But oh, oh! What has he done with the rings?"
  2. fremi08 wrote Untitled Fill for moerlin's prompt "Girl POV (classmate or somebody else who might've had a crush on him in high school) of Luke's coming out and possibly running into him later on once he's with Reid."
  3. kccalgal wrote Reid and Holden for smoothlikebutta's prompt ""Please call me Holden. Mr. Snyder is my son." Reid and Holden have a heart-to-heart talk."
  4. flowersforchuck wrote He’d Like That with a Side of Crow for msluredin's prompt "What could have happened if their dinner date hadn't been interrupted by Chris and news of Noah's impending departure."
  5. eric_idle_rules wrote Untitled Fill for moerlin's prompt "Girl POV (classmate or somebody else who might've had a crush on him in high school) of Luke's coming out and possibly running into him later on once he's with Reid."
  6. flowersforchuck wrote It's a Stagnant Life for moerlin's prompt "Reid's Christmas... of 2009."
  7. lurelei wrote Untitled Fill for kccalgal's prompt "Playing an instrument"
  8. kccalgal wrote 2nd Term for casaluna85's prompt "Luke is a loner and a nerd who just started college. He only cares about his books, writing and getting good grades. He knows he is gay but he has never done anything about it and didn't really care, until he meets Reid."
  9. scotianova wrote The Silver Spoon (A Christmas Tribute) for us all!
  10. flowersforchuck wrote Shot Through the Heart, and You’re To Blame for smoothlikebutta's prompt "Reid has to take the baby to get vaccinated."
  11. flowersforchuck wrote An Odd Little Inkling for moerlin's prompt "the moment Katie figured out Reid has a thing for Luke"
  12. flowersforchuck wrote When You're Not Near for kccalgal's prompt "Insomnia"
  13. kccalgal wrote In Case of Emergency, it's Henry for lucsmum's prompt "WTF? Reid is Henry's In Case of Emergency contact."


This was so much fun last year, and we're right in the middle of the season of giving again. So why not try new things or give old ones a new spin and give the world some more LuRe goodies at the same time? We welcome you to the...

*also: fic(let)-a-thon, all word counts welcome!

What is it?
Much like Fun Fic Friday, this is a friendly challenge and we're hoping it will produce even more amazing drabbles, ficlets, fics, videos, icons and the like. There's enough LuRe love to go around for everyone. :)

How is it different from Fun Fic Friday?
Everyone gets to leave their own prompts, no matter how vague or specific. It will also be open all month long, so there's no pressure to get writing right this second.

How does it work?
1. You post your prompt in the comments.
2. Someone responds to that prompt with a drabble or story or graphic.
3. We all get to enjoy it! ♥

To leave prompts:
1. Leave your prompt in a comment below. Please use a separate comment for each prompt.
2. Prompts can include anything from a scene you'd like to see, to lyrics, to a random word you'd like included. The possibilities are endless!
Some examples could be:
- Reid’s ode to Luke’s always slightly chapped bottom lip (and the things it does to him when Luke bites it)
- How Reid told Katie that he’s gay
- stethoscope
- "I knew I loved you before I met you"
3. Don't be sad if your prompts don't get picked. There's usually more prompts than fills in these kinds of things, but sometimes the writers in this fandom can be bribed enabled with enough TLC. ;) Comments on the finished product are highly encouraged as well!

For the writers/artists/vidders:
1. Reply to the prompt you'd like to fill with your story/art. You can either post your fills directly in the comments or use your regular posting method (most likely your journal and/or the comm), just please make sure in the latter case to comment here too to notify the promptee that there's a fill.
2. Multiple fills for the same prompt are allowed.
3. Filling multiple prompts (i.e. writing more than one ficlet) is also not only allowed, but encouraged.
4. Optional: Please put a fic title in the subject line, or if you can't think of one, just put "fill". This will make finding the content much easier. To do so, please click here - it'll give you your own layout and that should come with the option to use subject lines.
5. You're welcome to write fic of any length you'd like. If it fits within LJ's comment limits, please post it directly in response to the prompt you're taking. If it's longer, multiple comments are fine, or post to the community or your journal and then reply to prompt with your fic link.
6. Graphics/videos/fanmixes of any kind are also more than welcome! Please post them or a link to them as a reply to the prompt as well.

Other helpful things:
This challenge will be going on for at least the whole month, so there will be no rush to fill prompts. We hope you stop by regularly to look at new prompts and fics. :) We will be posting little reminders in Fun Fic Friday posts and such, but the easiest way to keep track of this entry is to
a) bookmark the page (press CTRL + D) and check back regularly
b) track this topic or just the prompts you love via LJ. To do this, click on this icon () at the top of the post or next to the prompt you'd like to be updated about and LJ will send you emails when there is a response. If you're tracking the whole topic, it might be a lot of emails!

The guys say thank you for participating! :)

PSA: If you'd like to view this page in your own journal style with comment subject lines (and the ability to put them in your new comments) and other helpful things like that, click here. (Will only work if you have custom comment pages enabled.)

ficlet-a-thon, drabble prompt meme, fan fiction

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