Fic: Rumors (2/?)

Aug 09, 2011 17:00

Title: Rumors
Author: slayerkitty
Genre: Romance, Angst, AU
Warnings: Noah/Ameera pairing
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Nope.
Characters: Luke/Reid, Noah/Ameera, Casey/?, Katie, Henry, Past Luke/Noah, Other Misc Characters
Disclaimer: As the World Turns and it's characters are not mine, no matter how much I enjoy playing with them. :)
Summary: Don't believe everything you hear...

Previous Chapters: P/ 1

Author's Note: This fic is dedicated to a alissablue and lemondrop34 who helped me fine tune the plot on this thing. Thanks also to my lovely wife, stl29tide for reading it and telling me it was good. :D You ladies are awesome. This fic is the product of a bizarre turn of events which led to me getting my tooth removed by, and I'm not kidding, a dentist named Dr. Bang. It is not related to any of my other fics. This one stands alone. Oh, and before anyone asks - Chris Hughes does not exist in this fic. Any Hughes mentions will most likely be Bob or Casey. :D

The nurses always had one of three reactions when Reid asked them to do something. The first one was to roll their eyes or give some expression of dislike and defiance. The second one was to blush or giggle and then scurry off to hopefully do the things he’d requested in a correct manner the first time. The third was for them to burst into tears.

It went without saying that he preferred the first, didn’t understand the second (after all, he was gay - why would women be blushing or giggling at anything he did?), and the third he loathed - which meant, of course, it was the reaction he got the most.

It wasn’t his fault if Bob Hughes had hired incompetent staff. It wasn’t like Oakdale was a shining beacon for the upstanding in the medical profession. He wouldn’t even be here if not for the new Neurology wing. He’d been given carte blanche by Bob (and others funding the project) to equip and staff it as he saw fit.

Unfortunately, these nurses were the best he was going to get.

He dropped off Noah Mayer’s chart at the station, instructing the nurse to put page him the minute his patient’s test results came back.

Reid’s mind was still wrapped around his encounter with Noah’s…what was Mr. Snyder to Noah anyway? He recalled from Noah’s chart that he was married, so definitely not his partner.

Speaking of Mr. Snyder…

He and Noah were headed in Reid’s direction.

“Dr. Oliver?” Noah said.

“Can I help you with something, Noah?” Reid asked. Mr. Snyder was glaring at him. Reid ignored him.

“I just wanted to say thanks,” Noah told him.

“Don’t thank me yet,” Reid cautioned. “You can thank me once you can see again.” Noah laughed.

“Will do, Doc,” He turned to Luke. “I’m going to make sure that the nurse has Ameera’s cell number in my chart, okay? I’ll be right back.”

Reid observed Luke watching Noah with hawk eyes, the blond breathing out a sigh when Noah reached the nurse’s station with out incident.

“He’s a grown man, Mr. Snyder,” Reid couldn’t resist commenting. “I’m sure he can walk three feet without a babysitter.”

“He’s blind.”

“I hadn’t noticed,” Reid said in mock surprise. “He doesn’t need you coddling him.”

“I am not -“

“You are,” Reid insisted. “I’ve seen you two together for roughly fifteen minutes -“

“And whose fault is that?” Luke snapped

“And even I can see it.” Reid continued as if Luke hadn’t interrupted. “This treatment plan and surgery aren’t going to be easy. I need him to fight for it, not be babied.”

“His wife and I are all he’s got, Dr. Oliver,” Luke said. “I’m not going to force him to endure this alone.”

“I never said you had to,” Reid replied. “But you don’t need do everything for him either.” With that, Reid turned and walked away.


“Bob, can I talk to you for a minute?” Luke poked his head into Bob’s office after knocking lightly. He’d taken Noah home, and then come back, Reid Oliver and his attitude weighing heavily on Luke’s mind.

“Sure, Luke,” Bob gestured for him to have a seat in the chair in of his desk. Luke observed the Bob’s gray hair, and tired eyes. It was no secret the hospital was unofficially look for replacement for Bob - he was getting older, and planning to retire once the new wing was off the ground. “How was Noah’s appointment with Dr. Oliver today?”

“That’s actually what I wanted to talk you about,” Luke said. “I’m concerned about Dr. Oliver.”

“What about him?”

“His beside manner is atrocious,” Luke began. “He barely spent any time with Noah before shoving him off on a tech for tests, and didn’t even come back to see him before we left.”

“I showed you his file, Luke, when I hired him.” Bob stared at him, the epitome of calm, and Luke started to feel like he was over-reacting. “He’s a great doctor.”

“But what use is a great doctor if he’s horrible to his patients?”

“I’ve seen him in action, Luke, and maybe it ain’t all pretty, but he’s a damn good doctor and he does what it takes to save lives.” Bob replied. “Beside manner can be taught. The kind of skill and drive that Dr. Oliver has can’t be learned.” Bob smiled a little. “Memorial is lucky to have him.”

“I know I haven’t been as hands on with the Nuero wing due to my other foundation commitments, but I’m concerned about the image he presents to the hospital board and the town.”

“Why don’t we give it a little more time?” Bob suggested. “If you’re still unsatisfied in a few months, we’ll revisit the idea of finding someone new.”

“You really think he can change?”

“It’s been known to happen.” Bob smiled again.

“I guess we’ll try it your way,” Luke agreed. “Thanks Bob.”

“Don’t hesitate to come to me if you have more concerns.” Bob told him. Luke nodded and left his office.

luke/reid, !author|artist: slayerkitty, atwt, rating: nc-17, fan fiction

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