Title: Lucky You Saved Me
Author: Me
Summary: Remus and Sirius have a discussion about faith during their First Year and connect over 'secrets' not yet revealed.
Rating: Umm...ReadTheGodDamnThing
Warnings: GOD! the wizard?, Eleven-year-old boys holding hands
Author's Note: I always said I would make a fic about Sirius's introduction to the muggle
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Comments 16
I also love both boys' personalities in this one. rissaby said all those wonderful things about Sirius so I'll focus on my adored Remus. I like the bits of family history you give such as his dad buying his first wand and telling him how to deal with bullies. Their conversation and actions also show in so many ways how their relationship will be: Remus saying Sirius will set the Bible on fire with any attempt at a spell, panicking over Sirius' mention of werewolves and then being cheered out of his fear by Sirius' giving him a nickname and making that funny comment about vomiting. And then there's the very first time their hands touch. (Not unusual for 11 year old boys, at least back then, with a new friend they've taken to right away.)
Thanks for a wonderful first-year story!
Remus's father is my favorite character that you don't see in this fic. He has a very clear voice and distinct personality in my head, so I thought it was fun to write him. It's cool that you saw the shadows of Remus and Sirius's future relationship, too. And the hand grabbing bit was natural, I agree, for I see Sirius as a touchy feely kind of kid (at least in this fic).
Thank you for a great review!
And Sirius being touchy-feely fits perfectly--he's enthusiastic, impulsive and self-confident. (and probably giving his friends the affection he's surely not getting at home...)
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