Title: Secret Admirer II
Challenges: Snape has a pet
snape100, Lupin has a secret admirer
lupin100Pairings: Lupin/Tonks (past), Lupin/Snape?
Rating: G
Teddy adored the puppy. Remus studied the spiky handwriting on the gift card as his son gamboled with their new pet, poured himself a cup of tea, and sat down to write.
Dear Severus:
Thank you so much for the crup. Teddy wants to name it "Spotty," for the spots on its nose. I tried to convince him that "Hermes" would be better, but you can imagine the reaction.
Please join us for tea next week so we can thank you in person.
"Secret admirer. He was just being kind," said Remus, and sent the owl winging off.