I was pointed at your web site by a good friend of mine, Perlandria, who recommended not only your art but your approach to life. After looking at your Etsy site I can completely understand why she did so, and why she spoke so highly of you as a guide, shaman, and friend.
It really hit me when I read through the description, requirements, and background of your "make a headdress from a hide" listing. It's full of factual information, links, clear descriptions, and data about what goes into creating one. What fascinated me, though, was the subtext: though there is only a little specific mention of shamanism and cleansing, the entire thing, facts and all, has so much veneration, respect, and care built into it that I had a positive emotional reaction
( ... )
hey there, good to meet you :) Feel free to drop me an email at whishthound (at) gmail.com for talking points and pics of the cougar. I don't always respond to email immediately, but I try to do so within a few days.
Comments 2
I was pointed at your web site by a good friend of mine, Perlandria, who recommended not only your art but your approach to life. After looking at your Etsy site I can completely understand why she did so, and why she spoke so highly of you as a guide, shaman, and friend.
It really hit me when I read through the description, requirements, and background of your "make a headdress from a hide" listing. It's full of factual information, links, clear descriptions, and data about what goes into creating one. What fascinated me, though, was the subtext: though there is only a little specific mention of shamanism and cleansing, the entire thing, facts and all, has so much veneration, respect, and care built into it that I had a positive emotional reaction ( ... )
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