Time for the next of the McFassy Things With Buddy Holly Soundtracks! There's at least one, possibly two, more at the moment; but then again, this whole 'verse is made up of other people's prompts, so...there could be lots more, if you'd like!
Also, must give a mention to
oonaseckar's glorious
"Wedding Favours," which is brilliant McFassy-as-wedding-
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Comments 14
I am awesome because I have awesome friends who encourage me! *squishes*
I've totally done that, too. Mmm, warm dryer-fresh sheets. When we make the bed, though, Evil Demon Cat likes to "help", by diving in under them and giving us an extra layer of cat hair. :-)
Aww, you say such nice things. :D :D I like this one, I think, because it's them being a real couple--doing domestic things together, having small spats and disagreements, offering and accepting apologies, holding honest conversations. And it was a conversation that needed to be had, I think, to reassure them both--hinted at in the previous story, but Michael did need to know that James will say no when it matters, and James needed to know (to hear, really; he does know) that he can say no and Michael will still be there. But in this particular instance, of course, there's actually not a problem! Because they both enjoyed! :-)
When I make the bed, I usually end up blockading the bedroom (because I don't have a bedroom door) so Henry can't help, but the minute I'm done making the bed, he's on it and putting the blankets how he likes them.
As much as I enjoy the "getting together" stories, I really do love domestic type stories, too. Cooking, cleaning, housework, yard work, etc, things that they would end up doing within a relationship, especially when living together. And the little spats, disagreements, and conversations that need to be had or should be had. And it's wonderful when they do, especially once any possibly conflicts or issues are resolved and they can go back to adorable domesticity.
I love that this conversation took place over the bed that was in the process of being made/unmade and I love that they were talking about these things, about good bruises and being together and my goodness, you're awesome. That they clung to each other. That they were being real with each other, maybe more honest and more - raw, I guess. That they were really listening to each other. Perfect. I love this. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Ah, yes, the bed. Unsubtle metaphor is unsubtle. But they did need to have that discussion, in this 'verse, I think, especially after the previous story and the things that went unsaid. This time, they're really being honest, and listening to the other person's honesty too. (Not that they weren't before, but here they're actually giving voice to some of those continuing concerns, not just comforting with sex.) It's still a relationship in progress, but then, most relationships are, and they're doing pretty well. :-)
Thank YOU, for lovely prompt! <3
You know, most of the time I can completely get behind all of the kinks that go on in your stories (my buttons, you know them well), but for this one, I'm gonna have to take the opposite side of Michael. I like the marks and bruises - giving and receiving!
Obviously, I can see where he's coming from, protective caring man that he is, but I could totally see him going the other way with this as well.
Anyhow, lovely story, dear! :D
Part of Michael's problem is that he likes it too, and is kind of afraid of that fact! He's worried--somewhat legitimately, though as it turns out James is more mentally healthy about this than Michael thinks--that James won't speak up if things go too far, for all those reasons. And he's worried about James and the nightmares and their bed.
But now he's been reassured, and they're communicating properly, so they can get back to experimenting! With those aforementioned silk scarves. It's a very acceptable compromise. :-)
Thanks, love! Hope you're having fun over there! :D :D
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