Almost done...
Title: Loving Days (Belong Together) (chapters 13 & 14 of 15) (chapters 11 &12
here) (chapters 9 & 10
here) (chapter 8
here) (chapter 7
here) (chapters 4-6
here) (chapters 1-3
Rating: NC-17 overall; see warnings; but PG for this part
Word Count: 3,891 for this part
Warnings: themes of previous (not in this installment; happened
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They'd never really had a first kiss, and it was about time! And Michael's basically doing everything he can to make James happy, not. As he should. He really has changed; he's proving that it's not just words. And he's probably not totally comfortable coming out to the reporters yet, but he's not even thinking about it--that's so much less important than being there for James that it doesn't even matter. :-)
Now the only thing that's missing is an amazing, slow and loving first time ...exactly, in fact! It starts like this ( ... )
Michael is really amazing once he realized his mistakes, and I guess everyone has already forgiven him, because he is really protective and doesn't force James to do anything he doesn't want (though I'm sure Michael hasn't forgiven himself...) I think since James attack his protective instincts are working on full power :D He'd do anything, when it's helpful for James. And first kisses are awesome for the boys! They deserved it! :)
Ohhh and I like the new snippet! :D It's cute how insecure Michael is and I can't wait for the whole part! :D
I think since James attack his protective instincts are working on full power :D He'd do anything, when it's helpful for James.
Yep. He's figured out that James IS the most important thing (person) in his life, and he's not going to let anything jeopardize that, not ever again. Even if that means being VERY hesitant about taking the relationship further, physically. Which is why James is the one to ask. That, and insecure and domestic Michael is adorable. :-)
It's good that he's taking things slow. It's better for their relationship because James can always ask for more when he's comfortable with it and Michael doesn't risk ruining their new relationship again! Everyone likes adorable insecure and domestic Michael! It's just too cute! :D
It's better for their relationship because James can always ask for more when he's comfortable with it and Michael doesn't risk ruining their new relationship again!
Yep! And James WILL ask. Because he's figured out that he shouldn't be shy about what he wants, when he wants things. Of course, he'll have to convince Michael. And they'll do some research about certain things and how they should go...
Research is good! They both need to know how it works to make it good for both of them! I'm sure Michael will still be nervous and overprotective but that will be just adorable and they love each other, so their first time has to be amazing! (and yes, I'm counting this as a first time, because the others don't really count!)
And now I'm off to bed, had a long, but nice day, and I'm slightly tipsy due to the wonderful amaretto.
I can't wait for this!
“Oh…thank you. James, I-you know I want you. I mean…no, I shouldn’t say that, should I? Because you do know how much I want you. Please don’t do this for me.”
James rolls his eyes. Takes a step closer, so they’re sharing each other’s space, now, breathing the same air, traces of heat and lemon dish soap and expectation. “I’m not doing it for you. Or, well, partly, I suppose. Because we both want to. I told you that I did, before, um, before everything. And that hasn’t gone away. And if it helps, I didn’t necessarily mean we had to do things tonight. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize!”
“James.”“S-all right, then, I won’t. And I won’t apologize for wanting you, either. Or…” He has to look away from those eyes, so painfully caught between worry and desire, for the next few words. Stares down at the ( ... )
And also James made cookies. And then sex happens.
You know, if this was the actual result of making cookies, I would make cookies more often... ;)
...I think we have pre-made chocolate-chip cookie dough in the refrigerator, in fact! Courtesy of my parents, who give us the most random things. But right now that means I can make cookies. Which is NOT a bad euphemism for anything else! :-p
Of course it's not! *g* (Although I think may now adopt it as my new favourite bad euphemism!)
And peanut-butter cookies have turned out to be the only way in which I will consume peanut-butter!
...and, I feel like many (not all) things become better in cookie form. Like, oh, oatmeal, perhaps!
And oatmeal and raisin cookies are yum! :)
...also, I'm totally writing porn (well--very tender first-time real sex) while keeping an eye on cookies in the oven. I feel as if this is a perfect afternoon.
Also also, I see that you have posted fic! I am now very torn. Finish this scene...which the boys'd probably appreciate...or read your fic...
And that does sound like a lovely afternoon! (Totally finish the porn - my fic will wait!)
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