Title: Luminous Beings Are We (three: scoundrel? I like that.) (chapter two
here) (chapter one
Word Count: 6,018
Rating: PG, probably, except Michael and James both use the f-word a few times when surprised.
Summary: Star Wars fusion, more or less, in which Jedi Knight Michael Fassbender gets a new apprentice with extremely distracting
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Comments 3
James is definitely not a passive sort of person. Sometimes in need of support, but more proactive than Michael--which is good for Michael, really, giving him a sense of purpose. And they certainly know each other more intimately than anyone else ever has, even without having the sex yet. :-)
Cat-people grooming James! James as an adopted kitten! Hahaha, that is too perfect!
Aww, Michael looking out for his apprentice and being proud when his enforced break does help James. Good master!
Love the descriptions of what it feels like to tap into the Force, and the way James has to find a different way to solve the puzzle ball. It's awesome that they'll have different strengths as Jedis. They'll be an awesome team, which I'm sure Patrick & Ian know...
“That’s…sort of unethical…please don’t be evil…I do trust them. So do you.”
Hahaha, Michael, if James wanted you to come to the dark side, you'd already be there. No cookies needed.
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