EEEE! It's done!

Feb 01, 2012 11:43

Look what showed up in my inbox today! I'm so giddy seeing it! Instead of the faux leather she went with a nice suede and I totally think that is movie quality right there! She added the outside belt and undershirt for reference. Pretty epic! When I get them in the mail I'll maybe put them on for you
For reference, her Etsy is: Read more... )

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Comments 2

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luniara February 1 2012, 18:20:09 UTC
It's gonna cost 105 total after shipping.
I do not have a saber to go with it yet. I want to get one from since they have different color blades. It'll be $70 for that.

Also, not a stupid question. Silly goose.


flack_the_jack February 1 2012, 17:48:09 UTC
Now all you need is Sailor Moon's wand thingy and you can totally do a cross over light saber battle! WITH THE POWER OF LOVE I'LL STOP THE DARK SIDE!


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