14th oath of the moment: Legion of One

Jun 23, 2011 20:56

11 PM, backdated to Wednesday night. Action 1, locked to 2237 Stevens Residents: [ Garviel awakens after a day of droning, and the awakening is not a gentle one. A yell of pain can be heard, and then silence, aside from his heavy steps as he descends the stairs of the home and swiftly armors himself in his Astartes plate without a word to anyone ( Read more... )

canon updated, heresy?, life after the orbital strike, grimdark, heresy!, the last wolf

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2 myblimpisbigger June 24 2011, 01:28:36 UTC
I worked rather hard fixing that armor for you, you know.

[And now you've gone and roughed it all up again. Good job, Garviel.]


myblimpisbigger June 26 2011, 04:59:23 UTC
[Are you serious?]

I could ask you the same question, Herr Loken. You struck the first blow, after all.

[Still, he doesn't draw his sword. Not unless Garviel does. Perhaps there's still a chance to have this conversation nonviolently; much as he's been spoiling for a fight, he'd much prefer friendly sparring over this.]


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 05:24:16 UTC
[Garviel's chest heaves, his armor's servomotors scream as though preparing for some titanic blow. And it never falls.]

I.... barely remember my face. It was only a few hours ago that I remembered I was Garviel Loken, and not Cerberus, the wolfhound at the gate of hell. I was neither alive nor dead, left behind!


myblimpisbigger June 26 2011, 06:02:26 UTC
[Klaus notices that hesitation plain as day. There is clearly more wrong with Garviel's mind than he originally supposed. Whatever happened while he was droned, it wasn't good.]

So you're attacking simply because you're confused and angry and I am the first person to cross your path tonight that gave you a reason.

Well. I will not back down. You challenged me and while I do not subscribe to your code of honor, that does not mean I do not have my own.


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 06:11:19 UTC
So be it!

[ Garviel rips the chainsword free, thumbs the activation rune, and lashes out with a blow intended to eviscerate Klaus. He's got time to draw his own sword and parry, but it's a close-run thing. The terror of a transhuman killing machine is considerable, for every physical variable from size to speed to strength is an order of magnitude beyond that of a human. Klaus is lucky he's skilled at fighting abominations.]


myblimpisbigger June 26 2011, 06:31:33 UTC
[Klaus is very lucky indeed. If he wasn't used to fighting abominations, and if he wasn't a construct, and if he hadn't trained with the best warrior in Skifander, and if his hand hadn't already been on the hilt of his sword, he'd be dead. As it is, he manages to parry the chainsword and avoid evisceration for the time being, striking in with a blow of his own, aiming for a perceived weak point. He still doesn't quite have a feel of Garviel's style of fighting but one thing is painfully clear: this is a man that aims to kill and must therefore be subdued swiftly.]


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 06:43:19 UTC
[Garviel sees the incoming thrust at the joint of his arm and shoulder, and is out of position to parry, so he sweeps out his left arm in a clearing block instead, the Skifander-forged blade biting deep into the ceramite as sparks flare from the stop. He doesn't riposte, instead barging forward with a shoulder smash intended to knock Klaus down and leave him at the Space Marine's doubtful mercy.]


myblimpisbigger June 26 2011, 07:05:15 UTC
[He won't go down that easily, Garviel. You can knock him back, and far, you can even force him to his knees, but you cannot knock him down, nor can you keep him on his knees for long.

Indeed, he's up in a matter of moments for another charge. How long has it been since Garviel has fought an enemy not a space marine and yet still possessed with a ridiculous amount of stamina and drive?]


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 07:11:46 UTC
[ Since Ciel, actually. He accepts the charge, and meets it with one of his own, looking to lock blades with Klaus and roaring a feral battle cry as he does so, wordless and monstrous from his too-deep chest and the the vocal augmitters. ]


myblimpisbigger June 26 2011, 07:24:18 UTC
[Unlike Garviel, Klaus is deathly silent, intent on the battle and breaking down Garviel's attacks into measurable patterns. Everything can be analyzed to his benefit, after all. It therefore isn't much of a surprise to him when Garviel charges forward and locks blades with him (that, of course, he could have anticipated without the help of his Spark -- Garviel is not one to hang back and let the battle come to him).

And now, it is down to a battle of strength. Either someone breaks their blade free and attempts an attack, or someone caves under the pressure, falls back, and loses. Either way, Klaus is fairly certain he won't be on the winning end, so he leaves the breaking free up to Garviel in favor of using the time they are at an impasse to work on a plan for possible survival. He can't kill Garviel, but there may be a way to stun him through the armor. If only he'd had more time to study the thing...]


lunawolves10th June 26 2011, 22:57:55 UTC
Traitor! Whoreson! Mendast! [ Garviel snarls, remembering a previous fight, disengaging for a moment to readdress before sweeping down an overhand strike, trying to smash Klaus' guard down with sheer brutal force. He does this not because of lack of skill or technique, but rather, because this is the most efficient method to break the deadlock.]


myblimpisbigger June 27 2011, 02:59:23 UTC
Really? Insults? Are we schoolchildren?

[A simple smashing blow is certainly not indicative of a lack of skill or technique so much as a growing impatience for a conclusion, something he fully understands. A quick, clean fight is always preferred.

He manages to block, the Skif-forged blade thankfully strong enough to stand against Garviel's chainsword, even if the force of the blow jars him more than he'd like to admit. Hopefully he'll be able to shake it off soon enough.]


lunawolves10th June 27 2011, 03:42:42 UTC
[Garviel smiles behind his helm at the parry, then reverses the churn of the chainsword, turning his own blade around in a circular motion designed to disarm Klaus, if possible.]


myblimpisbigger June 27 2011, 04:05:37 UTC
[Oh Gottverdammt.

The sword, predictably, goes flying, landing several dozen feet away with a dull metallic noise. Klaus doesn't bother looking to see where it lands; that would take his attention away from Garviel's sword, something that would be suicidal now that he's unarmed.]


lunawolves10th June 27 2011, 04:10:49 UTC
[ Garviel points the chainsword at Klaus' chest. ] Yield, Baron!


myblimpisbigger June 27 2011, 04:26:19 UTC
[Klaus looks down at the chainsword with an expression perhaps more impassive than one would expect in this sort of situation. Then he looks up at Garviel. Yield? Oh no. Klaus Wulfenbach does not yield.]

I wonder... is this strong enough to cut through your armor?

[Clearly there's only one way to find out. He grips the chainsword with both hands, ignoring the instant searing pain in order to slam it back towards Garviel's body with all his strength behind it. FOR SCIENCE!]


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