
Apr 19, 2014 22:52

...man, I sort of hope that Prowl gets possessed by the ghost of Scrapper via merge-memories stored in the Constructicons and Prowl has this long slow mental breakdown where he loses his identity.

fandom: idw

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Comments 18

dragoness_e April 20 2014, 03:45:52 UTC
Mind you, I'm several issues behind (only read as far as Dark Cybertron #10), but did anything particular bring this one? Is IDW Prowl still beating out even Starscream in the "#1 Jerk of Cybertron" contest?


lunatron April 20 2014, 19:11:43 UTC
Prowl will never not be a jerk. As far as I am concerned, he has accumulated more Jerk Events than he can ever atone for.

(Sort of like how, in Planescape: Torment, the Nameless did something so awful that he wanted immortality to have enough time to atone for it all... and then messed it up anyway.)

Starscream, by comparison, is sort of okay? And Starscream murdered his friend for power and then turned his heroic sacrifice into a massacre to ruin his memory. Which mostly just shows how terrible Prowl is and always will be.

What triggered this... ehn, I was just talking with a friend about the lack of consequences for actions, and I was trying to think of something grisly but plausible that could happen to Prowl.


dragoness_e April 20 2014, 19:16:44 UTC
Also, I've noticed I make allowances for Starscream because it's Starscream. We don't have high expectations for him--he's a notorious villain with chronic backstabbing disorder. Prowl, on the other hand, was supposed to be one of the good guys. I have way less tolerance for characters claiming to be good guys and then behaving badly than I do for designated villains behaving badly. I even feel encouraged by villains who don't behave as badly as expected and even show hints of being occasionally decent to someone.


lunatron April 20 2014, 19:31:52 UTC
I think everyone makes allowances for their favourite characters.

The question is whether you can realize that you are making allowances and what you do when someone points out evidence that conflicts with your overly rosy view. (I am thinking about someone whom you probably don't know, here.)

The Autobots in general are supposed to be good guys, but IDW G1 did a bad job of portraying that.

1) I think IDW coasts too much on nostalgia. It expects you to have seen the G1 cartoon or... something? And so it expects that you will have a preconceived notion of Autobots as good and Decepticons as bad ( ... )


earthscorch April 20 2014, 22:12:38 UTC
Hey, Prowl and Scrapper were two of my childhood Transformers! Weird personality combination, though!


lunatron April 21 2014, 02:46:06 UTC
Oh, in IDW, they killed off Scrapper, and now Prowl merges with the Constructicons.

(This makes me angry, but whatever.)


earthscorch April 22 2014, 02:02:39 UTC
Damn it! I'm no closer to being able to make Devestator than I was before!


earthscorch April 26 2014, 23:14:10 UTC
Related to your conversation with the other use there, Agents of SHIELD has a troubling amount of extremely abusive interrogation techniques too. It's disturbing to think that these people are being seen as heroic while doing these things. Are we sliding back into the Middle Ages?


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