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Jul 05, 2007 10:45

Timeframe: Post G2
Characters: Needlenose, Sunbeam, OCs
Rating: G

28. Playing with Kids Needlenose )

character: needlenose, writing: fanfic, writing: 28s, fandom: transformers

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Comments 17

sapphirebreeze July 5 2007, 14:59:48 UTC
That is simultaneously adorable and chilling. Well done!


lunatron July 5 2007, 15:13:32 UTC
^_^ Thanks. I always find evil folks having kids to be an interesting storytelling proposition, and Nebulans having children is a lot more likely than most Transformers having children. It's easy exploration space.


beckyh2112 July 6 2007, 03:23:43 UTC
Oh, you rock.

Poor Sunbeam. This is one of the side-effects of reproduction and bonding yourself to immortals when you yourself are not. *hugs him gently* I really like it that he is attached to his daughters rather than ignoring them. He's a decent man.

Last three paragraphs were beautifully nasty and chilling.


lunatron July 6 2007, 22:53:03 UTC
Thank you. ^_^

Few people seem to consider the implications of guns who die after a hundred-odd years, at the longest. I tend to see Sunbeam as someone who isn't actively evil. He's just criminally laid-back and a bit thoughtless when it comes to results of his actions.

(Very nice icon, by the way.)


charles_rb October 6 2007, 00:41:54 UTC
I start off reading thinking "well, it's alright, but a bit twee and sappy, isn't it"? And then BAM - everything turns nasty without warning and the whole 'Master concept takes a disturbing new twist. (Children being born into 'Con servitude as guns? Creepy) Nice one!


lunatron October 21 2007, 14:13:27 UTC
Oh hey, I missed this comment! Lemme guess, Becca pointed you at it?


Thank you!

The Nebulans are going to get old and die someday. As I see it, there are three options: 1) let them die, don't replace them, 2) keep them alive with cyborg parts until they aren't organic at all but little machines instead, or 3) replace them with new Nebulans/other aliens. This is obviously playing around with the third idea.

In fact, let the idea stretch far enough into the future, and one could get a whole Nebulan subculture where siblings fight over who gets the honour of taking up Daddy's (or Mommy's) role and armour, where biological engineering starts to alter them from birth, such that they all develop the needed reinforced joints, where they start to become something quite unrecognisable and frankly a little scary to main-planet Nebulans!


koilungfish February 18 2008, 22:48:30 UTC
This is definitely very cool. Good look at what might happen to the binary-bonded mob in the future, since I think a lot of people just vaguely assume the binary suits will keep the Nebulans going forever. The idea of legacy suits, whole family lines providing partners for Decepticons over generations, is rather chilling and very interesting, certainly something worth exploring.

I also note that Sega has very, ah, non-stereotypical dolls :) Is that a Nebulan thing or more to do with the Decepticons?

If you do go through with getting an account, I'd suggest putting this up. It's a good solid ficbit, enough to stand on its own if you know the background. Sunbeam's description of Needlenose is convincing, and you write him well - it would be so easy to write the surfer slang badly or just overdo it. Good last line too.


lunatron February 20 2008, 00:50:47 UTC
Thank you! :)

It's not a Nebulan thing. Look at Llyra and Kari. It's definitely a Decepticon thing.

I'm getting a account. It's still validating.


koilungfish February 20 2008, 15:53:04 UTC
I'd definitely think about seeing if this could be expanded a bit, although it's good as it is. The idea in it could certainly support more exploration.

Fair enough, and not really surprising. I doubt the 'cons would approve of ornamental role-models, especially not for their future weapons.


lunatron February 20 2008, 19:48:15 UTC
I would like to mess around with the idea some more, yes.

Ornamental but deadly, possibly. Femme Fatale Llyra? ;)


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