Fic: Finding My Place (42/100, Lita, Randy, G)

Sep 15, 2010 16:54

Title: Finding My Place
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: I own not.
Rating: anywhere from G to R depending.
Pairings/Characters: Lita, Randy Orton
Spoilers: No.
Series Summary: Life was an attempt to find her place.
Prompt: 98 - Heartbroken ;; Full Table
Word Count: 236
Notes: Not related to anything else in this set.

Randy Orton was nothing more than a one-way ticket to a broken heart, or so the rumors went. Maybe he had his moments of saving grace and chivalry; for the most part however, he was nothing but bad news. Or, at least that's how the rumors went and how the stories were always told (with variations of course, depending on the person telling the story).. and that's how Randy's reputation was built.

But Lita didn't think much of rumors or gossip and she paid little mind to what was expected of someone or how they supposedly acted. In fact, she was the last person to really believe that kind of talk, preferring to find out first hand.

And so she did.

Started innocently enough with an occasional hello in the hallway, expanded on by longer conversations backstage or at the airport, and then deepened by sharing a rental car more often than not.

The redhead wasn't certain when the line was crossed, and she didn't know who made the fateful mistake first; but in the end, she supposed it really didn't matter.

The only rule of the game was to not fall; because if you fell, you were vulnerable and that would only lead to heartache and heartbreak.

And so she tried not to fall.

And so did he.

But only one of them succeeded in not falling, leaving the other to pick up the pieces.

character: randy orton, comm: litafics100, character: lita, type: 100 word prompt, finding my place

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