Title: Life On Air
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG for this part
Spoilers: None, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Lita, Velvet Sky, Sabin & Shelley in this part
Song: #008 - Creep - TLC ;;
My TableSummary: When two independent radio stations merge, four lives clash and collide
Notes: Written for
lita_fics100 and using the 100 songfics table. All are in their mid 20s. Anything else and I shall let you know
Tags Chris watched as Jamie set up for their game, the blonde woman then grabbing a cue and the chalk.
“So, are we betting on this or what?”
“Sure,” Jamie replied as she finished setting up, “$5 per ball?”
Chris smirked, “someone seems pretty confident.”
Jamie tossed the chalk to him, “afraid that you’re going to lose?”
The blonde man scoffed, “oh please. I won’t lose to you.” A beat passed, “I hope you have the cash to pay when I win.”
She shrugged, “I’ll break.”
Chris stepped back, watching somewhat disinterestedly as Jamie lined up her first shot. And really he wasn’t watching the way that her jeans fit as she bent over slightly.
“If you’re going to stare at my ass, you could be a little more subtle about it.”
“Don’t flatter yourself.”
Jamie bit back a smirk, sinking the first shot easily and following quickly with another. “By the way, I don’t accept personal checks or credit cards, so I hope you have the cash ready.”
Chris waved the notion off, “so what? Two lucky shots, big deal, probably just beginners luck or something like that.”
Jamie laughed freely as she sat on the side of the pool table, setting up for a behind the back shot. Once the ball disappeared into the intended target, she arched an eyebrow at Chris. “Beginners luck, hmm?”
Not wanting to give her the satisfaction, Chris remained as calm as possible, ordering a beer while Jamie successfully sank the remaining shots. Next it was Chris’ turn, Jamie watching from nearby with mild interest.
Meanwhile, Alex and Amy observed from the bar, the redhead predicting that Jamie was going to win by a landslide. But, since neither of them were participating, Alex decided to find entertainment elsewhere.
“I bet that I can get at least five phone numbers before the night is over.”
“You go right ahead and do that.”
“I could probably hook you up too, ya know. I mean, I’m no judge of the dudes but there are some that are about half as good looking as me.”
“I don’t need or want your help.”
“What, are you into chicks?”
Amy snorted, finishing off her fourth shot of tequila. “Even if I was, I wouldn’t tell you.”
Alex mimicked her, the brunette then heading off for another part of the bar. No sooner had he left did another body occupy the recently deserted bar stool, the unknown male attempting to hit on Amy until she squeezed the wedge of lime from her Corona into his eye.
Once she had successfully deflected him, the redhead made her way over to the pool tables to watch the remainder of the ass kicking that Chris was currently receiving in the third game of pool with Jamie.