Title: Finding My Place
Author: Kori/justagirl8225
Disclaimer: I own not.
Rating: anywhere from G to R depending.
Pairings/Characters: Lita & Eve in this part
Spoilers: No.
Series Summary: Life was an attempt to find her place.
Prompt: 46 - Snow globe;;
Full TableNotes: Follows
64. Set in my own timeline where the rosters are combined.
The next time that Lita gets a blank greeting card, it accompanies a small gift bag; the redhead unsure if the item is supposed to be for her or the diva whose locker is next to hers. Eve rolls her eyes at the suggestion, pointing out that Lita’s name is printed on the envelope and also on the tag that’s been attached to the gift bag.
“I don’t know why you seem so surprised.”
“Maybe because it’s kind of creepy?” Lita offered, the two women sitting on the bench, the gift bag between them. “I mean, some random guy just walked into our locker room, and for all we know, could be anyone from the street.”
Eve shook her head, “or it could be one of the guys on the roster.”
Lita snorted, “And that makes it any better? Give me a break, Eve.”
The Latina Diva picked up the gift bag, setting it on Lita’s lap, “that still doesn’t mean you shouldn’t open it.” Grinning she added, “Who knows? Maybe you’ll like the gift.”
The redhead eyed her younger friend suspiciously, “you know who sent it, don’t you?”
Eve simply shrugged, letting her friend think what she wanted. And although she was still apprehensive, Lita opened the envelope to find a card similar to the first one. Just like the first one, this card had no message or writing except for the printed message.
Reaching further into the bag, Lita removed a small cardboard box, taped simply on the top with scotch tape; the redhead sliding a finger along the side to open the box and reveal the snow globe inside. Taking the delicate object out, a tiny smile came to her face as she turned the item upside down and then right side up.
“It’s Mexico City,” Lita breathed out, still watching the fake snow and glitter, “I don’t really have a lot of snow globes but I guess I can keep this one.”
“And you should,” Eve advised, smirking a little when Lita arched an eyebrow. “Now aren’t you glad that you opened your gift?”
Lita half shrugged, “yes and no… yes because I have a new snow globe and no because now I want to know who sent it.” Hazel eyes narrowed slightly at her friend, “you’re going to tell me eventually, aren’t you?”
Eve shook her head, “nope, because that would totally ruin the surprise.”