Title: Complex
Author: Kori
Disclaimer: Not mine
Rating: PG-13 to start, might go up
Spoilers: None, 'tis A/U
Characters/Pairing: Lita, Velvet & Christy in this part
Prompt: #107 - Equal ;;
My TableSummary: Follows the post-college life of a group of friends over the course of a year in a Santa Monica apartment complex.
Notes: See previous parts, by checking
this tag for past notes.
The next morning, Amy, Christy and Jamie are awake first, the three heading down the street to grab coffee while they wait for signs of life from the guys. Or, at the very least, some sort of acknowledgement to the notes that they left… the group unsure if they’ll return to Santa Monica later in the morning or afternoon.
“I have just received a request for coffee and a cinnamon roll,” Amy said as she checked her phone.
“Same here,” Jamie held up her phone.
“And here,” Christy added, also holding up her phone.
Amy rolled her eyes, “I guess it’s the least I can do, and heaven forbid they should go hungry before breakfast.”
Jamie smirked, “too bad they didn’t specify how they want their coffee… I mean, it could be black, iced, with half and half…”
“Then I guess that’s their problem,” Christy quipped as she finished her coffee. “Maybe next time they’ll remember.”
“I wouldn’t count on it,” Amy stood first, removing a few bills for a tip. “Alex is lucky I’ve known him forever and remember this kind of shit.”
“Aw, well aren’t you two just acting like an old married couple.”
Amy didn’t bother to reply to the blonde’s remark, heading back inside the café to order a coffee to go with a cinnamon roll.
“Alex takes his coffee with equal?” Christy questioned as she stood behind her sister.
“Nope, but it’s one way he might remember to specify.”
Christy snickered, “that’s really cruel, Ames.”
“Did I mention that this is decaf?”
“Josh’s too,” Jamie held up the cardboard cup. “But I used splenda instead of equal.”
Christy shook her head, “I can’t believe you two would do this.”
Jamie snorted softly, “Please, Alex has had it coming to him for years now. All of those stolen sodas and ‘borrowed’ food.”
Amy arched an eyebrow, “then why Josh?”
“For dumping all of his stupid laundry on me.”
“Figures,” Amy said, waiting for Christy to finish ordering before they went back to the hotel.