I am pro Becky. Becky has been helpful because she knows everything about everything. I want to write Becky redemption fic because she's my people. They turned her into one of those people that throw themselves at J&J at cons, but she's really not. rawr
also (since I didn't watch) did they have any "Sam tied to bed" connected to "hell Sam" or was that a wasted opportunity?
yeah, no. they didn't have any of that hell Sam stuff. mostly they had an annoyingly simple episode that was cheerfully upbeat about how they mangled Becky into being a skeevy creeper who apparently couldn't tell right from wrong and Sam was all comically annoyed about being handcuffed to the bed. (ok, there was some real annoyance in there. but mostly it was exasperation.)
the only decent part of the episode was Crowley at the end.
I hate how Becky got so screwed over. WHY BB WHY. I mean, the writers are good at character assassination. If you don't have the pleasure of actually dying, they'll just destroy your character instead. BUT WHY BECKY. SHE WAS MY SPIRIT ANIMAL. UGH. I'm pretending that it wasn't even Becky, it was some kind of evil twin named superfan99.
But really, fandom is for FANS. Of course I love to joke about tying down one of the brothers, or that I occasionaly look up slash, but the best part about that is that it stays online.
And yet, Spn writers want to drag our world, our treasure trove of spn love, onto the show. and they do it in ways to demean us and make us look crazy.
The entire episode pissed me off. I want them to stop wasting time with becky/spn is a book series/fandom arches. Focous on the real plotline!!! God, I was so excited for this season after the first episode because it looked like spn would be scary again.
After last episode, I am just angry and offended. I feel like the writers enjoy messing with us. I really no longer care about supernatural. I will look up the episodes and half heartedly follow, but only because I need to know how the story ends. >_>
I hate that Show is making people want to leave, especially because it can be SO MUCH BETTER
This is why I stay in my happy corner of fandom most of the time. Because I don't care how much wank there is or crap on the tv- I love these characters and will continue to love them after the show has stomped on them
Comments 15
also (since I didn't watch) did they have any "Sam tied to bed" connected to "hell Sam" or was that a wasted opportunity?
the only decent part of the episode was Crowley at the end.
uch, the only consolation is with the Chuck=Kripke metaphor, there's also the Becky=Sera one. but still. hate the Becky hate
Crowley with a beard, oh yes. I saw the stills. ♥
I'm pretending that it wasn't even Becky, it was some kind of evil twin named superfan99.
DENIAL! that's a very good plan. i approve and will do so as well. it was a leviathan! it's the only reasonable explanation
Only good parts in the episode:
+ Dean in a sweater vest (lol)
+ Sam tied to a bed
+ Crowley
can someone just reedit those parts of the episode so I can watch it? because otherwise, ugh
But really, fandom is for FANS. Of course I love to joke about tying down one of the brothers, or that I occasionaly look up slash, but the best part about that is that it stays online.
And yet, Spn writers want to drag our world, our treasure trove of spn love, onto the show. and they do it in ways to demean us and make us look crazy.
The entire episode pissed me off. I want them to stop wasting time with becky/spn is a book series/fandom arches. Focous on the real plotline!!! God, I was so excited for this season after the first episode because it looked like spn would be scary again.
After last episode, I am just angry and offended. I feel like the writers enjoy messing with us. I really no longer care about supernatural. I will look up the episodes and half heartedly follow, but only because I need to know how the story ends. >_>
sorry. :'(
I hate that Show is making people want to leave, especially because it can be SO MUCH BETTER
This is why I stay in my happy corner of fandom most of the time. Because I don't care how much wank there is or crap on the tv- I love these characters and will continue to love them after the show has stomped on them
:( I want this season to go back to horror!
They've had some really good set ups so far! I need more acohol! Moar Lucy <3 Sam! Waking up in a hospital where you know monsters are? YES.
Fandom I love. Show I distrust. All of Fandom is my happy corner.
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